Who's on    Tue, Mar 18, 2025       (as of 10:00am )        

Service    Name Training  Contact Tel 
BHC AOD5p-8a  --    
Behavioral Health Center (BHC)
3R 1st Call8a-5p  Srivastava, AnshumanAttendings 908-240-9384 
3R 2nd Call8a-5p  Majmundar, KhushbuAttendings 215-704-3521   
4R 1st Call8a-5p  --    
4R 2nd Call8a-5p  Bloomgarden, KaraAttendings 203-927-9111   
4R 3rd Call8a-5p  Hina, MehwishAttendings 201-452-2297   
MSBI: CPEP8p-8a  Appel, JacobAttendings 1st call 212.420.2137; 2nd  Call 212.420.4614    
BHC On-Call Attending WeekDay Evening5p-8p  Lynch, SeanPGY-4 24-25   
BHC On-Call BHC Attending WeekDay Night8p-8a  McGovern, DanielAttendings 201-693-3832   
BHC  On-Call BHC Attending weekEND Day8a-8p  --    
BHC On-Call BHC Attending weekEND Night8p-8a  --    
BHC Central Hospialist 8:30a-10p  --    
BHC Central Hospitalist Nocturnist10p-8a  --    
BHC  Central Hospitalist WeekEND8a-8p  --    
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC  Pulmonary Consult5p-8a  --    
BHC Hospitalist
Behavioral Health Center Hospitalist8a-8p  --    
Behavioral Health Center Hospitalist8a-8p  --    
Hospitalist Nocturnist8p-8a  Yu, IanAttending 8456410768   
Hospitalist Nocturnist8p-8a  --    
Hospitalist Nocturnist8p-8a  --    
BHC Nursing Supervisor Day 7a-7p  --    
BHC Nursing Supervisor Night7p-7a  Gonzalez, CamilleNursing Supervisor 646-823-7069 
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC Cardiology 8a-6p  --    
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC Allergy Consult8a-6p  Ma, SonghuiMD 201-355-6232 
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC Endocrine Consult8a-6p  Reshmitha FallurinAttending 678-654-1382   
BHC Endocrinology Consult Fellow 8a-6p  Nicholas Musacchio1st Year Fellow 11111  
BHC Gastroenterology Consult12p-5p  --    
BHC Gastroenterology Consult5p-7a  --    
BHC Gastroenterology Consult7a-12p  --    
nfectious Disease
BHC Infectious Disease Consult8a-6p  --    
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC Infectious Disease Consult Attending8a-5p  Salomon NadimAttending 914-672-0851 
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC Neurology Day7a-7p  Irene BonieceNeurology MD 917-549-9688   
BHC Neurology Night7p-7a  James Jake YoungNeurology MD 917-544-1828 
BHC Neurology WeekEND Day 7a-7p  --    
BHC Neurology WeekEND Night7p-7a  James Jake YoungNeurology MD 917-544-1828 
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC Onsite Hospitalist  RIVMF8a-8p  --    
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC Ophthalmology Consult5p-8a  Varun PawarAttending Cell:  419-543-0114 
BHC Ophthalmology Consult (Friday Daytime)8a-5p  --    
BHC Ophthalmology Consult (Nights)5p-8a  Varun PawarAttending Cell:  419-543-0114 
BHC Ophthalmology Consult (Weekend)7a-7a  --    
All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
BHC Renal Consult7a-5p  MSBI NEPHROLOGY CONSULTMD Contact via EPIC CHAT   
BHC: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights 5p-8p  Lynch, SeanPGY-4 24-25   
BHC: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights .8p-8a  McGovern, DanielAttendings 201-693-3832   
BHC: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day 8a-6p  --    
BHC: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Night.8a-6p  --    
Central Psych Telemed Consults - TRANSFERS ONLY8p-8a  --    
Central Psych Telemed Consults MSB & MSQ Only8a-6p  --    
Inpt Transfers for Psych Screening & Approval Evening WeekDay5p-8p  Lynch, SeanPGY-4 24-25   
Inpt Transfers for Psych Screening & Approval Night8p-8a  McGovern, DanielAttendings 201-693-3832   
MSBHC 5R7a-3p  --    
MSBHC 5R7a-3p  --    
MSBHC: 3R 1St Call8a-5p  --    
MSBHC: 3R 2nd Call8a-5p  --    
MSBHC: 4R 1st Call8a-5p  --    
MSBHC: 4R 2nd Call8a-5p  --    
MSBHC: 4R 3rd Call8a-5p  --    
MSBI 5B PA7a-5p  Edwards, GLennisPAs 12969 
MSBI 5B PA7a-5p  Elhariry, AlaaPAs   
MSBI A Resident Night Float Weekday10p-8a  Wang, CarolinePGY-1 24-25   
MSBI A Resident Night Float Weekend or Holidays8p-8a  --    
Psychiatry A Resident On Call
MSBI A Resident Weekday5p-10p  McManus, KellyPGY-1 24-25   
MSBI A Resident Weekend or Holidays8a-8p  --    
Addiction Medicine PAs
MSBI Admitting 1 PA7a-5p  Simmons, KeelaPAs   
MSBI Admitting 2 PA7a-5p  --    
Psychiatry B Resident On Call
MSBI B Resident Weekdays5p-10p  --    
C Resident On Call
MSBI C Resident9a-5p  --    
MSBI CPEP Attending
MSBI CPEP Attending DAY8a-8p  Stark, RichardAttendings 1st call 212.420.2137; 2nd  Call 212.420.4614    
MSBI CPEP Attending8p-8a  Appel, JacobAttendings 1st call 212.420.2137; 2nd  Call 212.420.4614    
MSBI Night PA7:30p-7:30a  Masry, SalwaPAs 10138 
Psychiatry Consult Services to ED and Med-Surg
MSBI Psychiatry Consults Weekdays 9a-5p  --    
MSBI: CPEP8p-8a  Appel, JacobAttendings 1st call 212.420.2137; 2nd  Call 212.420.4614    
MSH KCC 7South 1st Call8a-6p  --    
MSH KCC 7South 2nd Call8a-6p  --    
MSH Madison 5 - 1st call8a-6p  --    
MSH Madison 5 - 2nd call8a-6p  --    
MSH Madison 5 - 3rd call8a-6p  --    
MSH: Psych Screening & Transfers Evenings & Nights5p-8:30p  Vaynerchuk, LawrencePsych ER Attending 212-241-5637Pager 2455
MSH: Psych Screening & Transfers Evenings & Nights 8:30p-8:30a  Tomasi, SimonePsych ER Attending 212.241.5637Pager 2455
MSH: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day8a-6p  --    
MSH: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Night 8a-6p  --    
MSM 5W 8a-6p  --    
MSM: CLARK 88a-5p  --    
MSM: CPEP8a-8p  Katharine KrushelAttending 212-523-3347 
MSM: CPEP8p-8a  Takashi MatsukiAttending 212-523-3347   
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights 8p-8a  Takashi MatsukiAttending 212-523-3347   
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights .5p-8p  Katharine KrushelAttending 212-523-3347 
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day8a-6p  --    
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Nights 8a-6p  --    
MSSN: Psych Screening & Transfers Evening & Nights   4p-8a  ITPITP-Telepsych Command Center 646-605-5902  
MSSN: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day 8a-6p  --    
MSSN: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day .8a-6p  --    
MSSN: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Night8a-6p  --    
MSW CPEP8a-8p  Patrick Haenlein Attending 212-523-6775 
MSW CPEP8p-8a  Rachael HeydenAttending 212.523.6775 
MSW Main 9C8a-6p  --    
MSW: 7G8a-5p  --    
MSW: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights 8p-8a  Rachael HeydenAttending 212.523.6775 
MSW: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights .5p-8p  Patrick Haenlein Attending 212-523-6775 
MSW: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend &  Holiday Day8a-6p  --    
MSW: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Nights 8a-6p  --    
Incoming from External Facility, MSHS Inpatient Floor, MSQ or MSB Med ED
Central Psych Attending Day 1st Call9a-5p  --    
Central Psych Attending Day 2nd Call9a-5p  --    
Incoming from an Internal MSHS CPEP or Psych ED (excluding Intrasite movement)
Central Psych Attending Day 1st Call9a-5p  --    
Central Psych Attending Day 2nd Call9a-5p  --    

Escalation Pathway:
1 - CPEP Attending: (212) 420-2137
2 - Vice Chair Carissa Kymissis, MD: (332) 373-9409
3 - Chairman Grant Mitchell, MD: (914) 815-1702
4 - MSBI Hospital Director of Nursing: (212) 420-3910
5 - MSBI Hospital Administrator on Duty: (212) 420-3900

CHILD & ADOLESCENT CONSULT ATTENDINGS on evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays, please log into another AMION account: www.amion.com password: mspsych

Rivington/BHC Escalation Protocol:

Rivington/BHC INPT Oncall Providers:

Allergy Consults:

Central Hospitalist:



Infectious Disease:



1. Consult Backup # 1 Coverage Dr. Tsai at 203-606-5945

2. Consult Backup # 2 Coverage Dr. Pasquale at 617-851-4121



Contact daniel.safin@mountsinai.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Mar 17 13:50 2025.   2025 (23-25) OnCloud  Feb 27 25
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