Who's on    Sun, Mar 16, 2025       (as of 7:09pm )        

Service    Name Training  Contact Tel Notes
Central Intensivist - CI
Central Intensivist Day 7a-7p  Sharma, AniketMD 909-967-4872  
Central Intensivist Night 7p-7a  Philpotts, Yoland MD 917-412-2022  
ICU - Tele-Intensivist
MSBI ICU Tele-Intensivist 1st Call7p-7a  S. WenigAtten 516-307-6288  
MSBI ICU Tele-Intensivist Back Up Attending7p-7a  Jayakumar, AnandMD (518)-496-6383  
MSQ ICU Tele-Intensivist 1st Call7p-7a  REZA SAMADMD 315-525-6223  
MSQ ICU Tele-Intensivist Back Up Attending 2nd Call7p-7a  Jayakumar, AnandMD (518)-496-6383  
MSB Tele-Intensivist 1st Call7p-7a  Kathleen LegerMD Pager # 50085  
MSB ICU Tele-Intensivist Back Up Attending 2nd CalL7p-7a  Jayakumar, AnandMD (518)-496-6383  
MSW Tele-Intensivist 1st Call7p-7a  --     
MSW Tele-Intensivist Back Up Attending 2nd Call7p-7a  Jayakumar, AnandMD (518)-496-6383  
MSM ICU Tele-Intensivist 1st Call7p-7a  Alexander DavidovichAtten (732) 236-3767  
MSM Tele-Intensivist Back Up Attending 2nd Call7p-7a  Jayakumar, AnandMD (518)-496-6383  
Central Hospitalist
Central Hospitalist8a-2p  Chernyavsky, SvetlanaAttending 9177760280  10232  *Moonlighting
Central Hospitalist2p-8p  Chernyavsky, SvetlanaAttending 9177760280  10232  *Moonlighting
Central Hospitalist8p-8a  Goldberg, JessicaAttending 10136    
MSBI  Allergy Attending Day 8a-6p  Ma, SonghuiMD 201-355-6232  
MSBI  Allergy Attending Night6p-8a  Ma, SonghuiMD 201-355-6232  
MSH, MSW, MSM, MSQ, MSB  Allergy Attending  Day7a-7p  Choo, EugeneMD    
MSH, MSW, MSM, MSQ, MSB  Allergy Fellow Off Hours 1st Call 6p-8a  Shah, SohiniPGY 4 917 708 1196  (Fellow's On Call Cell)  
MSH, MSW, MSM, MSQ, MSB  Allergy Attending Off Hours 2nd Call  7p-7a  Choo, EugeneMD    
Cardiology: MSB STEMI Fax: tbhcstemi@tbh.org
MSB to Brooklyn Hospital Center (STEMI)8a-8a  Tsai, KevinMD (714) 803-4303  
MSBI & MSB TeleDerm Day Resident8a-5p  Kevin Paul 1st callMSM/W/BI Main Resident 616-446-0399    
 MSBI & MSB TeleDerm Night Resident5p-8a  Kevin Paul 1st callMSM/W/BI Main Resident 616-446-0399    
MSH & MSQ ED TeleDerm Day Attending8a-5p  Celina Dubin 2nd callBackup Resident 310-873-7937    
MSBI & MSB TeleDerm Back Up Resident5p-8a  Celina Dubin 2nd callBackup Resident 310-873-7937    
MSH & MSQ ED TeleDerm Day Resident 1st Call8a-5p  Ross O'Hagan 1st callMSH Main Resident 146-209-9442     
MSH & MSQ ED TeleDerm Day Attending8a-5p  Celina Dubin 2nd callBackup Resident 310-873-7937    
MSH & MSQ ED TeleDerm Night Resident 1st  Call5p-8a  Ross O'Hagan 1st callMSH Main Resident 9442     
 MSH & MSQ ED TeleDerm Night Back up Resident 2nd Call5p-8a  Celina Dubin 2nd callBackup Resident 310-873-7937    
MSH & MSQ ED TeleDerm Night Attending5p-8a  Helen HeAttending 347-684-2292    
MSW & MSM ED TeleDerm Night Resident 1st Call5p-8a  Kevin Paul 1st callMSM/W/BI Main Resident 616-446-0399    
 MSW & MSM ED TeleDerm Night Back Up Resident 2nd Call5p-8a  Celina Dubin 2nd callBackup Resident 310-873-7937    
MSW & MSM ED TeleDerm Night Attending5p-8a  Celina Dubin 2nd callBackup Resident 310-873-7937    
Endocrinology MSQ Consults Daytime: Approval Needed Prior to Contacting Consultant. Attending to Attending Conversations ONLY
MSQ Endocrinology Approval Day 8a-6p  --     
Endocrinology MSQ Consults Off Hours/Nights: ICU Approval Needed Prior to Contacting On-call Endocrinologist. Attending to Attending Conversations Only
MSQ Endocrinology Approval Night 5p-8a  --     
MSBI & MSQ Endocrinology Night Transfer Evaluations Post ICU Approval 5p-8a  Reshmitha FallurinAttending 678-654-1382    
MSHI & MSQ Endocrinology Night Transfer Evaluations Post ICU Approval 5p-8a  --     
MSSN GI Consult Day8a-5p  --     
MSSN GI Consult Night5p-8a  --     
MSSN Gastroenterology 2nd Call,  1st Call Fellow8a-8a  Kasim KazbayMD  GI Service 516-632-4966 8a-5pOffice 516-992-5626 & After 5pm, Cell (646) 745-4150 
GI Tele-Consult8a-8a  ANDREW QUINNMD 917-579-7924  
GYN Teleconsults (MSBI)
MSM & MSBI GYN Teleconsult Day 1st Call7a-7p  Chibber, Shani
Fellow 224-848-2799    
MSW & MSBI GYN Teleconsult Day 2nd Call 7a-7p  Ayoub, Albert
Attending Physician 917-549-9841    
MSM & MSBI GYN Teleconsult NIght 1st Call7p-7a  Chibber, Shani
Fellow 224-848-2799    
MSM & MSBI GYN Teleconsult NIght 2nd Call 7p-7a  Ayoub, Albert
Attending Physician 917-549-9841    
GYN Oncology- MSM 1st Call  6:30a-6:30a  Pg: 05-33463GYN Consults MSW Service pg: 05-31884     
GYN Oncology- MSM 2nd Call Nght 7a-5p  --     
GYN Oncology- MSM 2nd Call7p-7a  Ayoub, Albert
Attending Physician 917-549-9841    
Tele Hepatology
MSW Tele Hepatology9a-9a  Daniela GuisadoAttending 146-209-8418     
Hem-Onc Tele-Consult
MSH Hem-Onc Tele-Consult 1st call8a-5p  --     
MSH Hem-Onc Tele-Consult 2nd call8a-5p  --     
MSH Hem -Onc Tele Consult Overnight5p-8a  --     
MSH Hem -Onc Tele Consult Weekend 1st Call8a-8a  Mascarenhas, John
Attending 347-714-1695       
MSH Hem -Onc Tele Consult Weekend 2nd call8a-8a  Mascarenhas, John
Attending 347-714-1695       
MSW Hem-Onc Inpt Benign Tele-Consult (M-F 8-5): 1st Call8a-5p  --     
MSW Heme-Onc Tele-Consult (5p-8a M-F & 5p Fri 8a Mon) 1st Call  5p-8a  --     
MSW Inpt Heme consults only: Benign Heme - Inpatient Attending Tele Consult  2nd Call 8a-5p  --     
MSW Oncology Tele consults only: Inpatient Oncology Teaching 2nd Call 8a-6p  --     
MSW Oncology consults only: Oncology Non-Teaching 3rd Call 8a-5p  --     
MSQ Hem-Onc Tele-Consult6a-6a  ANUM AAMIR
MD 646-330-2016  
MSHS Hospital at Home Infectious Disease Consult
MSHS ID Attending Consults 8a-8p  --     
Liver Disease
MSW & MSM Liver Disease Teleconsults9a-4p  Meena Bansal MD  516-650-5160  
Tele Neurology
MSQ General Neurology Attending Consult (7a-7p)7a-7p  --     
MSQ General Neuro Overnight Attending, Urgent Issues7p-7a  Katherine LeaverMD 801-891-7487    
MSBI General (Non-Stroke) Tele-Neurology WEEKEND Attending (7a-7p)7a-7p  --     
MSBI General Neuro Overnight Attending, Urgent Issues7p-7a  Nikolaos PapamitsakisNeurology MD 201-723-5001  
MSM MSW Tele-Ophthalmology Day-Requires Epic Tele Consult Order (IP consult to telemed)8a-5p  Wilkins, CarlMD Cell#: 850-225-0549  
MSM MSW Tele-Ophthalmology Night- Requires Epic Telle Consult Order (IP Consult to Teleme5p-8a  Wilkins, CarlMD Cell#: 850-225-0549  
Central Psych
Central Psych Day 8a-8p  Jing, GenevieveMD  646-605-5902    
Central Psych Night8p-4a  Smith, Richard PatrickMD  646-605-5902  
Tele Psych - MSH ED Contact # 212-241-5637, Pager 2455
MSQ ED Day8a-8p  Jing, GenevieveMD  646-605-5902    
 MSQ ED TelePsych Night (Consult & Transfers)8p-4a  Smith, Richard PatrickMD  646-605-5902  
 MSQ ED Night 4a-8a  Majeske, MatthewInpatient ML Attending 212-241-5637Pager 2455 
MSQ TelePsych Night 4a-8a  --     
MSQ Tele Psych (INPT) WeekDay 8a-6p  --     
 MSQ Inpt Tele-Psych Night (Urgent Coverage ONLY)8:30p-8:30a  Majeske, MatthewInpatient ML Attending 212-241-5637Pager 2455 
MSQ Inpt Tele-Psych Weekends & Holidays DAY (Urgent Coverage Only)  8:30a-2:30p  Maloutas, Eleni
Psych ER Attending 212-241-5637Pager 2455 
 2:30p-8:30p  Soleimani, Laili
Psych ER Attending 212.241.5637  
MSB ED TelePsych Day8a-8p  Jing, GenevieveMD  646-605-5902    
MSB ED  TelePsych Night8p-4a  Smith, Richard PatrickMD  646-605-5902  
MSB ED TelePsych Night4a-8a  Appel, JacobAttendings 1st call 212.420.2137; 2nd  Call 212.420.4614     
MSSN Tele-Psych Weeknight 8p-10p (MSM) Starting March 1st8p-10p  --     
Central Psych Transfers  8a-6p  --     
MSSN Tele-Psych Weeknight (DO NOT CONTACT FELLOW OR RESIDENT) 8a-6p  --     
 MSSN Tele-Psych Coverage Weekend, Holiday5p-10p  --     
MSSN ED & TelePsychiatry Sunday10a-10p  --     
MSSN Tele-Psych Emergencies Only (10pm-8am)10p-8a  --     
Tele-Ophthalmology- "For MSW and MSM ED only. (Others use site ophthalmology on call schedule)" For ED Consult requests, please place an Epic order for a tele-consult (IP Consult to Telemed - Ophthalmology)
MSM MSW Tele-Ophthalmology Day-Requires Epic Tele Consult Order 8a-5p  Wilkins, CarlMD Cell#: 850-225-0549  
MSM MSW Tele-Ophthalmology Night- Requires Epic Tele Consult Order  5p-8a  Wilkins, CarlMD Cell#: 850-225-0549  
MSBI Tele-Rheumatology
MSBI Tele-Rheumatology8a-8a  Disla, EddysMD 917-721-6188  917-721-6188 
MSM TeleStroke- Weekday9a-5p  --     
MSM & MSW TeleStroke- Weeknight5p-9a  --     
MSM & MSW TeleStroke-  Weekend9a-9a  --     
MSB Telestroke8a-6p  --     
MSBI -TeleStroke 1st Call9:30a-5:30p  --     
MSBI TeleStroke- Day Attending7a-7p  Joshua LovingerNeurology MD 917-640-4190  
MSBI TeleStroke- Night7p-7a  Nikolaos PapamitsakisNeurology MD 201-723-5001  
Peds 8a-6p  --     
Cardiology- Peds
MSM Peds Cardiology 1st Cal8a-5p  Geiger,MiwaAttending 1718  
MSM Peds Cardiology 2nd Call5p-8a  Geiger,MiwaAttending 1718  
Endocrinology MSW/MSM - Peds
MSW & MSM NICU Endo 1st Call    8a-6p  --     
MSW & MSM NICU Endo 2nd Call8a-8a  Sruti PatelFellow 146-209-2375     
MSW & MSM Endo NICU 3rd Call 8a-8a  Robert RapaportAttending 646-584-2664    
Hem Onc- NICU
MSH & MSW NICU Hem Onc 1st Call7a-7a  Pamela MerolaAttending 917-763-4263    
MSH MSW Hepatology NICU9a-9a  Daniela GuisadoAttending 146-209-8418     
ID- Ped
MSBI Peds Infection Disease Fellow 1st call8a-8a  Priya Mallikarjuna Fellow 9619    
MSBI Peds Infection Disease 2nd Call8a-8a  Michael TosiAttending 146-209-4172     
MSH & MSW NICU ID 1st Call8a-8a  Priya Mallikarjuna Fellow 9619    
MSH & MSW NICU ID 2nd Call8a-8a  Michael TosiAttending 146-209-4172     
MSH MSW NICU Tele- GI Night 1st Call5p-9a  LIVER-GI FELLOW OVERNIGHT & WEEKENDOTHER 917-634-7047    
 MSH MSW NICU Tele- GI 2nd Call Attending9a-9a  Nancy PittmanAttending 917-582-2472    
Neonatology- MSSN
MSSN NICU Tele Consult Evening5p-8a  Christina D'Agrosa MD  Cell Phone: 917-903-7862  
Pediatric Neuro Tele Consult Attending (MSH MSW NICU)9a-5p  --     
 Pediatric Neuro Off Hours Attending (MSH MSW NICU)5p-9a  --     
Pediatric Neuro Weekend Attending  (MSH MSW NICU)9a-9a  Isaac Marin-ValenciaAttending 214-629-3776    
MSSN Pediatric Neurology 1st Call9a-7p  --     
MSBI Peds Neuro9a-9a  Isaac Marin-ValenciaAttending 214-629-3776    
Neurosurgery- Ped
MSW Peds Neurosurgery 1st Call7a-7a  8B PA FLOOR TEAMPA 34026  
MSW Peds Neurosurgery 2nd  Call7a-7a  Peter MorgensternMD 914-391-7149  
MSM Peds Neurosurgery 1st Call 7a-7a  PA-RESIDENT COVERAGEPA/Resident 35588  
Nephrology - NICU
 MSH MSW NICU Tele- Nephrology 1st Call8a-8a  Tslil SchenklerFellow 146-209-0706     
MSH MSW NICU Tele- Nephrology 2nd Cal8a-8a  Hilary HotchkissAttending 146-209-0797     
Pediatric Environmental Medicine
 Pediatric Environmental Medicine8a-6p  --     
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Tele-Consults
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Tele-Consults (All Sites All Hours)1st Call  8a-8a  MSH Pediatric EDMD 212-241-7151  
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Tele-Consults 2nd Call8a-8a  Check QGenda for covering MSH Peds ED AttendingMD    
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Tele-Consults 3rd Call8a-8a  MSH ED Director on CallMD 929-658-9025  
 Pediatric Emergency Medicine Tele-Consults 4th Call 8a-8a  ED Director OnCall Test     
Pediatrics Hospital Medicine Transfer
Pediatrics Hospital Medicine Transfer 1st Call8a-8a  MSH Hospital Medicine Transfer AttendingMD 646-599-5776  
Pediatrics Hospital Medicine Transfer 2nd Call8a-8a  KRAVIS ADMINISTRATOR ON CALL- PRIMARYMD PRIMARY  
Pediatrics Hospital Medicine Transfer 3rd Cal8a-6p  Joel FormanMD 917-499-3726  
Pediatric Observation Transfers
1st Call Pediatric Observation Transfers WeekDAY 8a-8a  MSH Hospital Medicine Transfer AttendingMD 646-599-5776  
1st Call Pediatric Observation Transfers WeekNights8a-8a  MSH Peds Senior Admitting Resident MD 646-220-9939  
1st Call Weekend Pediatric Observation Transfers8a-8a  MSH Peds Senior Admitting Resident MD 646-220-9939  
2nd Call Pediatric Observation Transfers8a-8a  MSH Hospital Medicine Transfer AttendingMD 646-599-5776  
3rd Call Pediatric Observation Transfers8a-8a  KRAVIS ADMINISTRATOR ON CALL- PRIMARYMD PRIMARY  
4th Call Pediatric Observation Transfers8a-8a  Joel FormanMD 917-499-3726  
Once deemed appropriate for observation:
Deemed appropriate for observation8a-6p  Add MSBI Peds Obs to callMD 212-420-2860  
Escalation for Peds Obs8a-6p  Nicholas GavinMD 732-887-9603  
PICU TeleConsult
PICU Teleconuslt Fellow (first call)4p-7a  --     
PICU Teleconsult Attending4p-8a  --     
Pulmonary- Peds
MSBI Peds Pulmonary 1st Call Day8a-5p  Nikka BulangFellow 146-209-0855     
MSBI Peds Pulmonary 2nd Call Day8a-5p  Megan JanuskaAttending 146-209-0644     
MSBI Peds Pulmonary 1st Call Night5p-8a  Nikka BulangFellow 146-209-0855     
MSBI Peds Pulmonary 2nd Call Night5p-8a  Megan JanuskaAttending 146-209-0644     
Pulmonary- NICU
 Peds Pulmonary Telehealth Consult (MSW NICU)8a-6p  --     
Pediatric Surgery
MSH Peds Surgery Attending Teleconsult Day7a-5p  Shlasko, EdwardPediatric Attending     
MSH Peds Surgery Attending TeleConsult Night5p-7a  Shlasko, EdwardPeds Attdg    
Urology- Peds
 MSW Peds Attending Urology 1st Cal8a-6p  --     
MSW Peds Attending Urology 2nd Call8a-6p  --     
BI Transfer - All medical consults and specialty consults requires placing a Telemed Order and Consult in EPIC
Allergy Consult8a-6p  Ma, SonghuiMD 201-355-6232  
Endocrine Consult8a-6p  Reshmitha FallurinAttending 678-654-1382    
Endocrinology Consult Fellow8a-6p  Andrea Delgado Nieves1st Year Fellow 11111   
BI Transfers Out
BI Gastroenterology6a-6p  --     
Gastroenterology Consult5p-7a  --     
Gastroenterology Consult7a-12p  --     
Infectious Disease Consult Attending8a-5p  --     
 Ophthalmology Consult (Nights) 8a-6p  --     
Ophthalmology Consult (Friday Daytime)8a-6p  --     
Ophthalmology Consult (Weekend) 7a-7a  Varun PawarAttending Cell:  419-543-0114  
Neurology Day7a-7p  --     
Neurology Night7p-7a  Nikolaos PapamitsakisNeurology MD 201-723-5001  
Neurology WeekEND Night7p-7a  Nikolaos PapamitsakisNeurology MD 201-723-5001  
Pulmonary Consult5p-8a  --     
Renal Consult7a-5p  Gruber, StevenMD 917-912-5380    
Surgery7a-7a  Scott BelsleyGeneral / Bariatric Surg Attending 917-673-3993  
Vascular12a-12a  Michael DudkiewiczVascular Attending 305-710-6983  
GYN 7a-7p  Chibber, Shani
Fellow 224-848-2799    
GYN  Night 7p-7a  Chibber, Shani
Fellow 224-848-2799    
General Surgery7a-7a  Scott BelsleyGeneral / Bariatric Surg Attending 917-673-3993  

Central Hospitalist Escalation Protocol:

MSHS Hospital Transfer Central Hospitalist Escalation Protocol:

1. Identify on-call Hospital Medicine Attending (Hospitalist)

2. Contact covering hospital medicine attending via Epic chat (MSSN uses a pager system not Epic chat)

3. If no response within 20 min x 2 attempts, contact Hospitalist via cell phone

4. If no response within 20 min, escalate to either a designated second attending via Epic chat (or pager at MSSN) and start the process again

Central Intensivist (CI)Escalation Protocol:


1. Call on-Call CI via Cell phone listed in AMION

2. If CI unreachable on step 1

2.1. Page RRT (1778) to provide transfer sites/request information to RRT NP to be relayed to CI attending.

2.2. Wait 10 minutes for callback from CI attending after conversation with RRT NP

3. If CI unreachable after step 2-

3.1. Call Dr. Gupta

3.2. Call Dr. Suleiman

3.3. Call Dr. Milekic

3.4. Call Dr. Roopa Kohli-Seth


1. Call on-Call CI via Cell phone listed in AMION

2. If CI unreachable on step 1

2.1. Page RRT (1778) to provide transfer sites/request information to RRT NP to be relayed to CI attending.

2.2. Wait 10 minutes for callback from CI attending after conversation with RRT NP.

3. If CI unreachable after step 2-

3.1. Call NICS attending via Cell phone listed in AMION

3.2. Call Dr. Gupta 607-379-9478

3.3. Call Dr. Suleiman 304-237-8461

3.4. Call Dr. Milekic 434-249-9150

3.5. Call Dr. Gupta

3.6. Call Dr. Roopa Kohli-Seth 917-400-7197

MSQ Endocrine Consult

M-F 8A-5P Contact Dr Navid for endo tele-consults

Urgent After hours: Escalate to MSQ ICU. The ICU will contact command center (CC) if needed.

CC will facilitate Endo system support on AMION for md-to-md call

MSH Neurosurgery Consult line for Transfers

1. Please contact for MSH Neurosurgery transfer consults 347- 931-0387l

1. Call on-call CI via Cell phone listed in AMION

2. Call Dr. Rohit Gupta at 607-379-9478

3. Call Dr. Roopa Kohli-Seth

From 7p-7a

1. Call on-call CI via Cell phone listed in AMION

2. Call NICS attending via Cell phone listed in AMION.

3. Call Dr. Evan Leibner at (516-317-5728)

4. Call Dr. Roopa Kohli-Seth

MSM GYN Tele-consult Coverage of MSBI Escalation Pathway

1. Contact the on-call MSW ED GYN on-call attending.

2. If no response within 20 mins x 2 attempt escalate to Dr. Zoe Rodriguez at 917-679-2327 then to Dr. Ascher-Walsh at 917-880-6591 if no response.

MSBHC (Rivington) Teleconsult Coverage Escalation Pathway

Ophthalmology Consult Backup # 1 Coverage Dr. Tsai at 203-606-5945

Ophthalmology Consult Backup # 2 Coverage Dr. Pasquale at 617-851-4121

Tele-Psych Escalation Pathway

Central Psych (CP) Escalation Protocol:

1. Contact Dr. Jan Schuetz-Muller Associate Professor of Psychiatry at 914-309-9624

Contact Efstathia Tsangalidis Psychiatry Senior Director of Psychiatry Administration at 646-357-6847

Psych Contacts for Escalation

MSH Psych ED attending listed as covering: Contact Dr. Maloutas at 917-364-0160 then Dr. Prameet Singh at 917-892-9340

MSM CPEP attending listed as covering: Contact Dr. Carbonaro at 914-768-3381 then Dr. Prameet Singh at 917-892-9340

MSSN psych attending listed as covering: Contact Dr. Stanley Reddy at 516-510-3504 then Dr. Alan Wong 516-359-1685

MSSN tele-psych off hours:

1.If you are you are unable to reach MSSN ITP psych please contact the ITP crisis coordinators at (844) 487-4524 or via email at CrisisCoordinators@integratedtelehealth.com

2. If you the issue has not been resolved or is in need of additional escalation, contact Madyun Manager of Crisis Services (641)757-1918:

3. If there's no response or additional escalation is needed, please contact Becky Shelton, Director of Hospital Services 641-203-3831.

Urology Transfers

MSH Urology Inpt Transfers(7a-7p)

Adult contact on-call Adult Urology Attending

- Pediatrics contact Peds Urology Attending

Breast Surgery

Contact 212-241-3300 opt#1

Pediatric Emergency Medicine

1st Call: Tele-PEM (All sites/All hours) 646-861-4498

2nd Call: MSBI Pediatric ED 212-420-2860

3rd Call: C. Anthoney Lim 646-271-9577

Pediatric Surgery Consults

For Pediatric Surgery Consults contact 212-241-1608

MSM/MSW Ophthalmology Escalation Pathway:

1. 1st escalation step: Trisha Mor MD (MSM Medical director) 217-390-1433

2. 2nd escalation step: James Tsai MD (Ophthalmology chairman) 203-606-5943

Derm Tele-Consults:

Contact the Dermatology Resident for Tele-derm consults

MSH/MSW Peds Hem Onc:

1st Call: Hem-Onc Attending

2nd Call: Answering Service 212-241-7022

MSB Cardiology (STEMI) to The Brooklyn Hospital Center Escalation:

The Brooklyn Hospital Emergency Department Contacts:

1. Main ED Phone – 718-250-8075

2. Backup (Charge Nurse) – 718-250-8000 (press 1 after prompt) ext. 2430

3. Nurse Managers:

Days: Rob Davis - 347-563-4002

Evenings: Graham MacDonald – 929-675-0927


MSH: 212-241-8989

MSM: 212-523-7825

MSW: 212-523-2158

NYEE: 212-979-4357

MSBI: 212-420-4343

MSQ: 718-808-7779

MSB: 718-951-9427

Contact faith.mena@mountsinai.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Mar 10 7:10 2025.   2025 (23-25) OnCloud  Feb 27 25  
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