Who's on    Mon, Mar 17, 2025       (as of 4:00pm )        

Service    Name Training  Contact Tel 
MSM CPEP Short Call pager 304685p-8p  Isabella Chirico PGY2 39037   
MSW CPEP Short Call pager 364175p-8p  Michael MazzeoPGY1 30272   
MSM Resident Weekend-Holiday pager 304688a-8p  --    
MSW Resident Weekend-Holiday pager 364178a-8p  --    
MSM Resident Night Float pager 304688p-8a  Penelope FarrisPGY2 39030   
MSW Resident Night Float pager 364178p-8a  Darby Herkert PGY2 39038   
SICK COVERAGE Resident MSM-W8a-8a  Melissa Ariel PruskyPGY3 34342 
MSM CPEP Backup2p-5p  --    
MSW CPEP Backup2p-5p  Diane RheePGY4 33924 
MSSLW CPEP Attending
MSM Day CPEP Attending  8a-2p  Steven Carbonaro
Attending 212-523-3347   
MSM Day CPEP Attending  2p-8p  Melvinray Gilbert
Attending 917.921.0865 
MSM Night CPEP Attending8p-8a  Melvinray GilbertAttending 917.921.0865 
MSW Day CPEP Attending8a-8p  Rachael HeydenAttending 212.523.6775 
MSW Night CPEP Attending8p-8a  Martyna DevriesAttending 808-600-4850   
MSSLW Adult Consult Psychiatry
MSM-W Adult Consult Psychiatry 8:30a-4:30p  --    
MSSLW Weekend Inpatient Attendng
MSM Weekend Inpatient Attending8a-4p  --    
MSW Weekend Inpatient Attending8a-4p  --    
MSSLW Psychiatry Inpatient Unit Chief
MSM 5W Attending8a-5p  --    
MSM CL8 Attending8a-5p  Gandhi VallarapuAttending   
MSW 7G Attending 8a-5p  Matthew MajeskeAttending 917-710-3198 
MSSLW Administrator OnCall
MSSLW Administrator On Call12a-12a  Paul RosenfieldAttending 917-533-3423212-636-1430
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
MSH Child Fellow weekDAY (4p-10p)4p-10p  Schmidt, NicholasChild Fellows 7175990238 
MSM Child Fellow weekDAY (4p-9p)4p-9p  Rivera, Alexa Child Fellows 4073427859 
Child Attending Backup weekDAY (4p-9a)4p-9a  Kolevzon, AlexAttending 347-752-7324347-752-7324
MSMW Child Attending weekDAY (9am-4pm)9a-4p  Everest, EricaAttending 646-820-0601   
MSMW Child Fellow weekDAY (9am-4pm)9a-4p  --    
MSH Child Fellow weekEND (9a-10p)9a-10p  --    
MSM Child Fellow weekDay (9a-4p)8a-6p  Rivera, Alexa Child Fellows 4073427859 
MSM Child Fellow weekEND (9a-5p)9a-5p  --    
Child Attending Backup weekEND (9a-9a)9a-9a  --    
Central Psych Telemed Consults8a-8p  --    
Incoming from External Facility, MSHS Inpatient Floor, MSQ or MSB Med ED
Central Psych Attending Day 1st Call9a-5p  --    
Central Psych Attending Day 2nd Call   9a-5p  --    
Incoming from an Internal MSHS CPEP or Psych ED (excluding Intrasite movement)
Central Psych Attending Day 1st Call9a-5p  --    
Central Psych Attending Day 2nd Call   9a-5p  --    
Central Psych Telemed Consults
Central Psych Telemed Consults MSB & MSQ Only 8a-6p  --    
Central Psych Telemed Consults - TRANSFERS ONLY8a-6p  --    
MSBI: CPEP8a-6p  --    
MSBI: CPEP8p-8a  --    
MSBHC: 3R 1St Call8a-6p  --    
MSBHC: 3R 2nd Call8a-6p  --    
MSBHC: 4R 1st Call8a-6p  --    
MSBHC: 4R 2nd Call8a-6p  --    
MSBHC: 4R 3rd Call8a-6p  --    
MSBHC 5R8a-6p  --    
MSBHC 5R8a-6p  --    
MSM: CPEP8a-6p  --    
MSM: CPEP8a-6p  --    
MSW CPEP8a-6p  --    
MSW CPEP8a-6p  --    
MSM: CLARK 88a-6p  --    
MSM 5W8a-6p  --    
MSW: 7G8a-6p  --    
MSW Main 9C8a-6p  --    
MSH Madison 5 - 1st call8a-6p  --    
MSH Madison 5 - 3rd call8a-6p  --    
MSH Madison 5 - 2nd call8a-6p  --    
MSH KCC 7 South - 1st call8a-6p  --    
MSH KCC 7 South - 2nd call8a-6p  --    
BHC: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights5p-8p  Kleiman-Weiner, RoseAttendings 310-804-8562 
BHC: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights .8p-8a  Mosharraf, NafizAttendings 13430917-673-2282
MSH: Psych Screening & Transfers Evenings & Nights5p-8:30p  Tomasi, SimonePsych ER Attending 212.241.5637Pager 2455
MSH: Psych Screening & Transfers Evenings & Nights8:30p-8:30a  Soleimani, LailiPsych ER Attending 212.241.5637 
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights . 5p-2p  Steven Carbonaro
Attending 212-523-3347   
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights . 2p-8p  Melvinray Gilbert
Attending 917.921.0865 
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights8p-8a  Melvinray GilbertAttending 917.921.0865 
MSW: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights .5p-8p  Rachael HeydenAttending 212.523.6775 
MSW: Psych Screening & Transfers  Evenings & Nights8p-8a  Martyna DevriesAttending 808-600-4850   
MSSN: Psych Screening & Transfers Evening & Nights4p-8a  ITPITP-Telepsych Command Center 646-605-5902  
BHC: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day8a-6p  --    
BHC: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Night.7p-7a  --    
MSH: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day8a-6p  --    
MSH: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Night8a-6p  --    
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day8a-6p  --    
MSM: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Nights 8a-6p  --    
MSW: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend &  Holiday Day8a-6p  --    
MSW: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Nights 8a-6p  --    
MSSN: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day 8a-6p  --    
MSSN: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Day .8a-6p  --    
MSSN: Psych Screening & Transfers Weekend & Holiday Night4p-8a  ITPITP-Telepsych Command Center 646-605-5902  

MSM & MSW Psychiatry Consults Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Call CL Line 212-523-6717 (same number for both sites)

MSM Consult Service Contacts Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Dr. Nick Kopple-Perry (212-523-3763) Dr. Aileen Park (212-523-3763)

Addiction Consultation MS West 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday: Contact MSW Addiction Consultation and Evaluation Service in EpicChat

Addiction Consultation MS West all other hours: Contact CL Psychiatry

Addiction Consultation MS Morningside 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday: Contact MSM Addiction Consultation and Evaluation Service in EpicChat

Addiction Consultation MS Morningside all other hours: Contact CL Psychiatry

MSM & MSW Psychiatry Consults After Hours (Monday - Friday before 8:30 AM, After 4:30 PM, Weekends, and Holidays) Call MSM Psych Emergency Room (CPEP): 23-3347 Call MSW Psych Emergency Room (CPEP): 23-6775

Escalation Protocol (MSW 9C Addiction Medicine): M-F 9-5

1. Page/call the resident who is responsible for that patient's care directly

2. Call the attending office line. A-Team, Dr. Lehman: 23-6481

3. Call the attending cell phone. A-Team, Dr. Lehman: 917-312-9918

4. Call the unit and inquire into ordering provider/team whereabouts

5. Call the unit chief (Dr. Lehman)

6. Call the service chief Dr. Brennan (cell 202-486-7024)

Escalation Protocol (MSW 9C Addiction Medicine): After-Hours

1. Page ROC or call Psych ED (MSW 23-6775, MSM 23-3347)

2. Call CPEP attending (MSW 23-6775, MSM 23-3347)

3. Call Psych Administrator on Call

Escalation Protocol (MSW 7G/MSM CL8): M-F 8-5

1. Page/call the resident who is responsible for that patient's care directly. MSM Resident Room 23-2199; MSW Resident room 23-8794

2. Page the senior resident

3. Page/Call the attending for the case

4. Page/Call the unit chief (listed above)

5. Email/Call Dr. Maureen Martino (917-957-7489)

Escalation Protocol (MSW 7G/MSM CL8): After Hours

1. Page ROC or call Psych ED (MSW 23-6775, MSM 23-3347)

2. Call CPEP attending (MSW 23-6775, MSM 23-3347)

3. Call Psych Administrator on Call

ICARE HOTLINE: MSH: 212-241-8989, MSM: 212-523-7825, MSW: 212-523-2158, NYEE: 212-979-4357, MSBI: 212-420-4343, MSQ: 718-808-7779, MSB: 718-951-9427

Contact laura.delance@mountsinai.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Mar 10 19:35 2025.   2025 (23-25) delanl01  Aug 30 23
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