2019 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2021 2020

Gastroenterology - MSSLW Schedule, 6/1 to 6/30, 2020   (as of 2:11am Dec 28)

31 May1 June2 Tu3 We4 Th5 Fr6 Sa
MSW Daytime GI Fellow Adeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, Oluwasayo 
MSM Daytime GI Fellow Field, JustinField, JustinField, JustinField, JustinField, Justin 
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call)Adeyamo, Oluwasayo Liu, YinghengField, JustinAdeyamo, Oluwasayo  
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)  ------  
MSW Daytime GI Attending--Saleh, JeanSaleh, JeanSaleh, JeanSaleh, JeanSaleh, Jean--
MSM Daytime GI Attending--Daniel, SamuelDaniel, SamuelDaniel, SamuelDaniel, SamuelDaniel, Samuel--
MSM-W Weekend GI AttendingNelson, Frank ------  
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending Daniel, SamuelLung, EdwardSaleh, JeanSimoes, Priya  
ERCP GI AttendingPark, Tina    Lung, Edward
Lung, Edward
7 June8 Mo9 Tu10 We11 Th12 Fr13 Sa
MSW Daytime GI Fellow       
MSM Daytime GI Fellow Field, JustinField, JustinField, JustinField, JustinField, Justin 
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call) Field, JustinRastogi, Neelesh    
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)  ------Field, Justin
Field, Justin
MSW Daytime GI Attending--     --
MSM Daytime GI Attending--Nelson, FrankNelson, FrankNelson, FrankNelson, FrankNelson, Frank--
MSM-W Weekend GI Attending  ------Park, Tina
Park, Tina
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending Nelson, FrankSmith, MichaelSimoes, PriyaDaniel, Samuel  
ERCP GI AttendingLung, Edward    Park, Tina
Park, Tina
14 Su15 Mo16 Tu17 We18 Th19 Fr20 Sa
MSW Daytime GI Fellow Verheyen, ElijahVerheyen, ElijahVerheyen, ElijahVerheyen, ElijahVerheyen, Elijah 
MSM Daytime GI Fellow Adeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, Oluwasayo 
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call) Verheyen, Elijah  Liu, Yingheng  
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)Field, Justin ------Verheyen, Elijah
Verheyen, Elijah
MSW Daytime GI Attending--Smith, MichaelSmith, MichaelSmith, MichaelSmith, MichaelSmith, Michael--
MSM Daytime GI Attending--Park, TinaPark, TinaPark, TinaPark, TinaPark, Tina--
MSM-W Weekend GI AttendingPark, Tina ------Daniel, Samuel
Daniel, Samuel
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending Simoes, PriyaPark, TinaNelson, Frank   
ERCP GI AttendingPark, Tina    Lung, Edward
Lung, Edward
21 Su22 Mo23 Tu24 We25 Th26 Fr27 Sa
MSW Daytime GI Fellow Verheyen, ElijahVerheyen, ElijahVerheyen, ElijahVerheyen, ElijahVerheyen, Elijah 
MSM Daytime GI Fellow Adeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, Oluwasayo 
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call) Adeyamo, Oluwasayo Verheyen, ElijahLiu, Yingheng  
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)Verheyen, Elijah ------Rastogi, Neelesh
Rastogi, Neelesh
MSW Daytime GI Attending--Lung, EdwardLung, EdwardLung, EdwardLung, EdwardLung, Edward--
MSM Daytime GI Attending--Daniel, SamuelDaniel, SamuelDaniel, SamuelDaniel, SamuelDaniel, Samuel--
MSM-W Weekend GI AttendingDaniel, Samuel ------Nelson, Frank
Nelson, Frank
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending Saleh, JeanLung, EdwardSmith, MichaelPark, Tina  
ERCP GI AttendingLung, Edward    Park, Tina
Park, Tina
28 Su29 Mo30 Tu    
MSW Daytime GI Fellow Luther, SanjanaLuther, Sanjana    
MSM Daytime GI Fellow Adeyamo, OluwasayoAdeyamo, Oluwasayo 7a - 1p
Verheyen, Elijah 1p - 5p
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call) Adeyamo, Oluwasayo     
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)Rastogi, Neelesh --    
MSW Daytime GI Attending--Saleh, JeanSaleh, Jean    
MSM Daytime GI Attending--Nelson, FrankNelson, Frank    
MSM-W Weekend GI AttendingNelson, Frank --    
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending  Lung, Edward    
ERCP GI AttendingPark, Tina      

Contact valerie.gray@mountsinai.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Jun 28 16:42 2022.   2021 (20-22) jsoga  Apr 13 22  

Lung, Edward38950
Daniel, Samuel917-837-1267
Smith, Michael215-749-2419
Park, Tina30150
Nelson, Frank347-545-0635
Saleh, Jean37343
Liu, Yingheng13183
Rastogi, Neelesh13185
Simoes, Priya33297    917-601-3183
Field, Justin10086
Verheyen, Elijah10095
Luther, Sanjana10093
Adeyamo, Oluwasayo10085

Escalation Pathway for MSBI Gastroenterology:

1 - MSBI Attending on call schedule

2 - Brett Bernstein, MD, Division Chief: (917) 647-6090

3 - MSBI Hospital Director of Nursing: (212) 420-3910

4 - MSBI Hospital Administrator on Duty: (212) 420-3900

Escalation Pathway for MSBI Critical Labs:

1 - MiSecure Message to the on-call provider

2 - If no response in 15 minutes, please call the on-call attending.

3 - If no response in 15 minutes, please call the ordering physician.

4 - If no response in 15 minutes, please call Dr. Brett Bernstein (917) 647-6090