Anesthesiology - MSBI Schedule, 1/1 to 1/31, 2024 (as of 1:04pm Dec 27)
| 31 December | 1 New year | 2 Tu | 3 We | 4 Th | 5 Fr | 6 Sa |
Anesthesia airway pager (13623)1 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 |
#1 (On Call) | Mathews | Meadows | Obilisundar | Sharma | Meadows | Lall | Leggat |
#2 (late 1) | Patel | Pandya | Tyson | Lall | Denawa | Sharma | Lall |
MSDUS PACU | Brady | Brady | Jahng | Leggat | Kinsella | Seaman | Patel |
#4 (late 3) |   |   | Kinsella | Belotserkovskiy | Jahng | Leggat |   |
MSDUS late |   |   | Patel | Mathews | Pandya | Belotserkovskiy |   |
| 7 January | 8 Mo | 9 Tu | 10 We | 11 Th | 12 Fr | 13 Sa |
Anesthesia airway pager (13623)1 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 |
#1 (On Call) | Lall | Jahng | Ram alagesan | Nemesdy | Canter | Patel | Lall |
#2 (late 1) | Sharma | Kinsella | Rita alagesan | Kinsella | Jahng | Ram alagesan | Mathews |
MSDUS PACU | Obilisundar | Sidrak | Canter | Belotserkovskiy | Meadows | Mathews | Pandya |
#4 (late 3) |   | Patel | Sharma | Pandya | Pandya | Sidrak |   |
MSDUS late |   | Belotserkovskiy | Meadows | Leggat | Sharma | Nemesdy |   |
| 14 Su | 15 MLK day | 16 Tu | 17 We | 18 Th | 19 Fr | 20 Sa |
Anesthesia airway pager (13623)1 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 |
#1 (On Call) | Patel | Lall | Brady | Pandya | Sidrak | Meadows | Obilisundar |
#2 (late 1) | Ram alagesan | Mathews | Seaman | Patel | Obilisundar | Denawa | Cobblah |
MSDUS PACU | Mathews | Pandya | Tyson | Obilisundar | Ram alagesan | Brady | Seaman |
#4 (late 3) |   | Yang | Cobblah | Mathews | Rita alagesan | Patel |   |
MSDUS late |   |   | Belotserkovskiy | Yang | Belotserkovskiy | Seaman |   |
| 21 Su | 22 Mo | 23 Tu | 24 We | 25 Th | 26 Fr | 27 Sa |
Anesthesia airway pager (13623)1 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 |
#1 (On Call) | Meadows | Sidrak | Meadows | Belotserkovskiy | Brady | Pandya | Sharma |
#2 (late 1) | Denawa | Seaman | Denawa | Sidrak | Canter | Lall | Brady |
MSDUS PACU | Tyson | Patel | Pandya | Sharma | Seaman | Leggat | Ram alagesan |
#4 (late 3) |   | Sharma | Yang | Kinsella | Meadows | Belotserkovskiy |   |
MSDUS late |   | Leggat | Leggat | Patel | Obilisundar | Meadows |   |
| 28 Su | 29 Mo | 30 Tu | 31 We | 1 February | 2 Fr | 3 Sa |
Anesthesia airway pager (13623)1 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 | 13623 |
#1 (On Call) | Pandya | Patel | Nemesdy | Denawa | Meadows | Mathews | Sidrak |
#2 (late 1) | Lall | Canter | Tyson | Cobblah | Sidrak | Sharma | Tyson |
MSDUS PACU | Nemesdy | Jahng | Lall | Tyson | Mathews | Lall |   |
#4 (late 3) |   | Leggat | Cobblah | Leggat | Lall | Cobblah |   |
MSDUS late |   | Mathews | Seaman | Patel | Tyson | Patel |   |
Contact if you have questions.
Schedule last updated Dec 2 11:40 2024.
2024 (23-25) OnCloud Nov 11 24
MSBI Anesthesiology Escalation Pathway:
1 - Airway / Code Beeper (1-3623)
2 - On Call OR Attending
3 - OR Control Room: (212)420-2970
4 - Late 1 (Backup Attending)
5 - Pediatric Call Attending
6 - Late 2 (Backup Attending)
7 - Pain Attending
8 - Administration / Chairman Dr. Oh: (646)574-1911, (917)575-8293, Pager 13047,
9 - MSBI Hospital Director of Nursing: 212-420-3910
10 - MSBI Hospital Administrator on Duty: 212-420-3900
1 13623 |