2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2025 2024

Peds Newborn Medicine - MSH Schedule, 12/1 to 12/31, 2024   (as of 11:33pm Dec 26)

1 December2 Mo3 Tu4 We5 Th6 Fr7 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM ReinhartReinhartReinhartReinhartReinhart 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Carney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, M 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM JulianoJulianoJulianoJulianoJuliano 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team MeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhati 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Silverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, R 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsDalldorf, K     Jeong, H
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Mohan, PDalldorf, KKim, SSilverman, RLaserna, C 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightMeskhatiGuttmannHolmesPicozzi-AkkeTiozzoWeintraubJuliano
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Meskhati     Juliano
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallDrago     Green
Day APP1Eccleston, SCohen-Verga, RFrancois, MGuinta, MJason, MCohen-Verga, RFinnerty, PM
Day APP2Tapia, VMaccariello, GKim, CAustin, KBolz, JJason, MTapia, V
Day APP3 Boyd, N Kim, CMaccariello, GBoyd, N 
Night APP1Guinta, MGuinta, MEccleston, SGoldberg, SAustin, KEccleston, SMaccariello, G
Night APP2Bolz, JBolz, JGoldberg, SDomingo, MKim, CSandt, HBoyd, N
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW       
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW       
East Faculty On call at MSW BernardTiozzo  Holmes 
WBN Day APPJagmohan, RBegun, EGriffin, TLanausse, J 1Lanausse, JGriffin, T
8 Su9 Mo10 Tu11 We12 Th13 Fr14 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM MeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhati 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Carney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, M 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM WeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraub 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team Picozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-Akke 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Silverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, R 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsMohan, P     Carney, M
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Lewis, CLaserna, CKim, SJeong, HWillard, C 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightGuttmannDragoSt. John SuttonPicozzi-AkkeJulianoReinhartTiozzo
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Guttmann     Tiozzo
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Green
Day APP1Goldberg, SGuinta, MMaccariello, GGuinta, MGuinta, MAustin, KTapia, V
Day APP2Tapia, VKim, CBolz, JKim, CKim, CMaccariello, GMoonlighter2
Day APP3  Boyd, NMaccariello, G Boyd, N 
Night APP1Cohen-Verga, RAustin, KCohen-Verga, REccleston, SEccleston, SGuinta, MJason, M
Night APP2Austin, KJason, MJason, MDomingo, MDomingo, MBolz, JBolz, J
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW MassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelli 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW       
East Faculty On call at MSW  Reinhart    
WBN Day APPGriffin, TLanausse, JLanausse, JBegun, EJagmohan, RGriffin, T 1
15 Su16 Mo17 Tu18 We19 Th20 Fr21 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM MeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhati 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Kim, SKim, SKim, SKim, SKim, S 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM WeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraub 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Mohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, P 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team DragoDragoDragoDragoDrago 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Lewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsDalldorf, K     Lewis, C
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Silverman, RJeong, HCarney, MWillard, CSilverman, R 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightSt. John SuttonRatnerTiozzoJulianoBernardMeskhatiJ. Lin
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call St. John Sutton     J. Lin
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Reinhart
Day APP1Guinta, MEccleston, SCohen-Verga, RAustin, KBolz, JBolz, JDelorenzo, E
Day APP2Tapia, VAustin, KEccleston, SBolz, JBoyd, NHanna, RTapia, V
Day APP3  Boyd, NBoyd, NFrancois, M  
Night APP1Jason, MGuinta, MKim, CGoldberg, SCohen-Verga, RAustin, KJason, M
Night APP2Bolz, JJason, MDomingo, MKim, CEccleston, SSandt, HGoldberg, S
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW ReinhartReinhartReinhartReinhartReinhart 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW       
East Faculty On call at MSW  Picozzi-Akke   Holmes
WBN Day APPBegun, EBegun, EJagmohan, R 3Griffin, TGriffin, TGriffin, T
22 Su23 Mo24 Tu25 We26 Th 27 Fr28 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM HolmesHolmes HolmesHolmes 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Kim, SKim, S Kim, SWillard, C 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM J. LinJ. Lin J. LinJ. Lin 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Mohan, PMohan, P Jeong, HMohan, P 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team GreenGreen GreenGreen 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Lewis, CLewis, C Lewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsJeong, H  Mohan, P  Laserna, C
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Laserna, CCarney, M Kim, SLewis, C 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightPicozzi-AkkeSt. John SuttonGuttmannWeintraubReinhartMennellaDrago
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Picozzi-Akke  Weintraub  Drago
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallWeintraub  Guttmann  Ratner
Day APP1Cohen-Verga, RGuinta, MGuinta, MGoldberg, SCohen-Verga, REccleston, SMaccariello, G
Day APP2Bolz, JEccleston, SEccleston, SBoyd, N Maccariello, GKim, C
Day APP3Tapia, VBolz, J   Moonlighter4 
Night APP1Tapia, VKim, CGuinta, MBoyd, NJason, MCohen-Verga, RBolz, J
Night APP2Goldberg, SDomingo, MJason, MGoldberg, SSandt, HJason, MBoyd, N
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW BernardBernard BernardBernard 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW  Bernard Massarelli  
East Faculty On call at MSW  Bernard  Bernard 
WBN Day APP Begun, EBegun, ELanausse, J 3 3Jagmohan, R
29 Su30 Mo31 Tu1 New year2 Th3 Fr4 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM HolmesHolmes HolmesHolmes 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Kim, SKim, S Kim, SKim, S 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM J. LinJ. Lin J. LinJ. Lin 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Mohan, PMohan, P Mohan, PMohan, P 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team ReinhartGreen ReinhartReinhart 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Lewis, CLewis, C Lewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsJeong, H  Carney, M  Carney, M
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Carney, MKim, S Lewis, CSilverman, R 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightRatnerMennellaJ. LinJulianoSt. John SuttonWeintraubJ. Lin
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Ratner  Juliano  J. Lin
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallJ. Lin  Green  Green
Day APP1Maccariello, GCohen-Verga, RJason, MCohen-Verga, RJason, MFinnerty, PMFinnerty, PM
Day APP2Kim, CJason, MEccleston, STapia, VGoldberg, SEccleston, STapia, V
Day APP3 Bolz, J   Goldberg, S 
Night APP1Austin, KAustin, KSandt, HBolz, JMaccariello, GBolz, JEccleston, S
Night APP2Boyd, NDomingo, MKim, CSandt, HKim, CMaccariello, GBoyd, N
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW       
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW    Bernard  
East Faculty On call at MSWMassarelliReinhart    Bernard
WBN Day APPJagmohan, R 3Begun, EBegun, EGriffin, TGriffin, T 3

Contact andrea.weintraub@mssm.edu if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Nov 26 9:55 2024.   2024 (23-25) weinta01  Jun 4 23
1 Gabby V
2 Mia Bates
3 Gabby
4 Cindy Jiang