2024 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2026 2025

Peds Newborn Medicine - MSH Schedule, 3/1 to 3/31, 2025   (as of 9:30am Dec 22)

23 February24 Mo25 Tu26 We27 Th28 Fr1 March
NICU Attending PINK TEAM WeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraub 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Laserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, C 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM Picozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-Akke 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Silverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, R 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team GuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmann 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Jeong, HJeong, HJeong, HJeong, HJeong, H 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsCarney, M     Jeong, H
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Jeong, HLewis, CCarney, MMohan, PSilverman, R 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightTiozzoJ. LinSt. John SuttonJulianoSt. John SuttonRatnerBernard
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Tiozzo     Bernard
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Green
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW MassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelli 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW HolmesHolmesHolmesHolmesHolmes 
East Faculty On call at MSW      Reinhart
2 March3 Mo4 Tu5 We6 Th7 Fr8 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM JulianoJulianoJulianoJulianoJuliano 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Laserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, C 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM St. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John Sutton 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Silverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, R 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team J. LinJ. LinJ. LinJ. LinJ. Lin 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Jeong, HJeong, HJeong, HJeong, HJeong, H 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsMohan, P     Silverman, R
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Lewis, CLaserna, CCarney, MMohan, PLewis, C 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightPicozzi-AkkeWeintraubRatnerMennellaSt. John SuttonReinhartGuttmann
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Picozzi-Akke     Guttmann
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Massarelli
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW DragoDragoDragoDragoDrago 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW       
East Faculty On call at MSW    Picozzi-Akke  
9 Su10 Mo11 Tu12 We13 Th14 Fr15 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM JulianoJulianoJulianoJulianoJuliano 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Mohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, P 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM St. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John Sutton 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Carney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, M 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team RatnerRatnerRatnerRatnerRatner 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsJeong, H     Dalldorf, K
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Willard, CDalldorf, KMohan, PSilverman, RWillard, C 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightJ. LinBernardJulianoJ. LinMennellaGuttmannWeintraub
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call J. Lin     Weintraub
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallHolmes     Picozzi-Akke
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW DragoDragoDragoDragoDrago 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW       
East Faculty On call at MSW    TiozzoBernard 
16 Su17 Mo18 Tu19 We20 Th21 Fr22 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM MennellaMennellaMennellaMennellaMennella 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Mohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, P 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM ReinhartReinhartReinhartReinhartReinhart 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Carney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, M 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team Picozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-Akke 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsLewis, C     Laserna, C
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Laserna, CCarney, MDalldorf, KLewis, CCarney, M 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightPicozzi-AkkeGuttmannJ. LinTiozzoHolmesDragoJuliano
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Picozzi-Akke     Juliano
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     St. John Sutton
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW MassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelli 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW       
East Faculty On call at MSW      Massarelli
23 Su24 Mo25 Tu26 We27 Th28 Fr29 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM MennellaMennellaMennellaMennellaMennella 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Mohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, P 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM ReinhartReinhartReinhartReinhartReinhart 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Carney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, M 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team GreenSt. John SuttonSt. John SuttonGreenGreen 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsDalldorf, K     Carney, M
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Willard, CSilverman, RJeong, HWillard, CMohan, P 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightSt. John SuttonPicozzi-AkkeMassarelliDragoGuttmannWeintraubRatner
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call St. John Sutton     Ratner
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallWeintraub     Tiozzo
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW       
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW       
East Faculty On call at MSW   BernardMassarelli  
30 Su31 Mo1 April2 We3 Th4 Fr5 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM BernardBernardBernardBernardBernard 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Laserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, C 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM GuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmann 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Lewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team DragoDragoDragoDragoDrago 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Dalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, K 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsSilverman, R      
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Jeong, H     
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightTiozzoSt. John Sutton     
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Tiozzo      
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen      
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW       
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW MassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelli 
East Faculty On call at MSWHolmesReinhart     

Contact andrea.weintraub@mssm.edu if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Nov 26 9:55 2024.   2024 (23-25) weinta01  Jun 4 23