Nuclear Medicine - MSH Schedule, 12/1 to 12/31, 2022 (as of 3:00pm Dec 21)
| 28 November | 29 Tu | 30 We | 1 December | 2 Fr | 3 Sa | 4 Su |
Resident On Call | Trak,Joseph | Trak,Joseph | Trak,Joseph | Trak,Joseph |   |   |   |
Attending MD (only if no answer otherwise) | Rosen,R | Heiba,S | Heiba,S | Heiba,S | Heiba,S | Heiba,S | Heiba,S |
Tech. on call | Fisher, B | Colon, D | Colon, D | Fisher, B | Quispe, M | Colon, D | Colon, D |
Technologist Supervisor | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V |
| 5 December | 6 Tu | 7 We | 8 Th | 9 Fr | 10 Sa | 11 Su |
Resident On Call | Abdelrahman,Ahmed | Abdelrahman,Ahmed | Abdelrahman,Ahmed | Abdelrahman,Ahmed | Abdelrahman,Ahmed | Abdelrahman,Ahmed | Abdelrahman,Ahmed |
Attending MD (only if no answer otherwise) | Goldfarb,R | Goldfarb,R | Goldfarb,R | Ongseng,F | Ongseng,F | Ongseng,F | Goldfarb,R |
Tech. on call | Fisher, B | Colon, D | Colon, D | Quispe, M | Fisher, B | Mihalia, A | Mihalia, A |
Technologist Supervisor | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M |
| 12 Mo | 13 Tu | 14 We | 15 Th | 16 Fr | 17 Sa | 18 Su |
Resident On Call | Abdelrahman,Ahmed |   |   |   |   |   |   |
Attending MD (only if no answer otherwise) | Hafez,A | Hafez,A | Hafez,A | Hafez,A | Hafez,A | Gavane,S | Gavane,S |
Tech. on call | Fisher, B | Colon, D | Colon, D | Colon, D | Mayott,E | Quispe, M | Quispe, M |
Technologist Supervisor | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V |
| 19 Mo | 20 Tu | 21 We | 22 Th | 23 Fr | 24 Sa | 25 Su |
Attending MD (only if no answer otherwise) | GOEL,R | GOEL,R | GOEL,R | Goldfarb,R | Goldfarb,R | Goldfarb,R | Goldfarb,R |
Tech. on call | Fisher, B | Quispe, M | Sata,S | Fisher, B | Fisher, B | Sata,S | Sata,S |
Technologist Supervisor | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M | DaCosta, M |
| 26 Christmas | 27 Tu | 28 We | 29 Th | 30 Fr | 31 Sa | 1 January |
Resident On Call | Bora Cengiz, T | Bora Cengiz, T | Bora Cengiz, T | Bora Cengiz, T | Bora Cengiz, T | Bora Cengiz, T | KULKARNI, RAKSHA |
Attending MD (only if no answer otherwise) | Ghesani,N | Ghesani,N | Ghesani,N | Ghesani,N | Ghesani,N | Ghesani,N | Ghesani,N |
Tech. on call | Sata,S | Quispe, M | Quispe, M | Quispe, M | Fisher, B | Mayott,E | Mayott,E |
Technologist Supervisor | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V | Zaretsky, V |
Contact if you have questions.
Schedule last updated Dec 20 17:00 2024.
2024 (22-24) pierrm19 Apr 29 21