2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2025 2024

Peds Newborn Medicine - MSH Schedule, 8/1 to 8/31, 2024   (as of 9:25am Dec 21)

28 July29 Mo30 Tu31 We1 August2 Fr3 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM JulianoJulianoJulianoJulianoJuliano 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Silverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, R 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM DragoDragoDragoDragoDrago 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Laserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, C 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team St. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John SuttonSt. John Sutton 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Lewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsMohan, P     Willard, C
NICU Fellow On Call WeeknightsMohan, PJeong, HLewis, CCarney, MMohan, PSilverman, R 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightRatnerMeskhatiBernardJ. LinRatnerJulianoWeintraub
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Ratner     Weintraub
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallWeintraub     Green
Day APP1    Bolz, JGuinta, M 
Day APP2    Maccariello, GEccleston, SBoyd, N
Day APP3    Hanna, R  
Night APP1    Austin, KMaccariello, GMaccariello, G
Night APP2    Domingo, MBolz, JBolz, J
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW       
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW BernardBernardBernardBernard  
East Faculty On call at MSW     Bernard 
WBN Day APP    Griffin, TGriffin, T 
4 August5 Mo6 Tu7 We8 Th9 Fr10 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM MeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhati 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM GuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmann 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Laserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, C 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team GreenGreenGreenGreenGreen 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Lewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsMohan, P     Lewis, C
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Dalldorf, KWillard, CMohan, PCarney, MLaserna, C 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightJulianoSt. John SuttonJ. LinMennellaJulianoMennellaGuttmann
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Juliano     Guttmann
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Mennella
Day APP1 Austin, K1Goldberg, SMaccariello, GSandt, HSandt, HDelorenzo, E
Day APP2Boyd, NEccleston, S2Bolz, JGoldberg, SGoldberg, SMaccariello, GMaccariello, G
Day APP3 Moonlighter3 Bolz, JAustin, KMoonlighter4 
Night APP1Bolz, JBoyd, NJason, MJason, MGuinta, MJason, MJason, M
Night APP2Guinta, MGuinta, MBoyd, NGuinta, MMorr, EAustin, KAustin, K
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW       
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW RatnerRatnerRatnerRatnerRatner 
East Faculty On call at MSW   Bernard Tiozzo 
WBN Day APPBegun, EBegun, ELanausse, JBegun, EGriffin, TLanausse, JLanausse, J
11 Su12 Mo13 Tu14 We15 Th16 Fr17 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM MeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhati 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Dalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, K 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM GuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmann 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Mohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, P 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team J. LinJ. LinJ. LinJ. LinJ. Lin 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Silverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, R 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsCarney, M     Dalldorf, K
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Jeong, HKim, SLaserna, CJeong, HMohan, P 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightTiozzoRatnerJulianoWeintraubRatnerGuttmannDrago
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Tiozzo     Drago
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Guttmann
Day APP1Maccariello, GGoldberg, SGuinta, MGuinta, MEccleston, SJason, M 
Day APP2Sandt, HSandt, HBoyd, NJason, MGoldberg, SMaccariello, GKim, C
Day APP3  Sandt, HAustin, K   
Night APP1Guinta, MAustin, KMaccariello, GSandt, HAustin, KEccleston, SGoldberg, S
Night APP2Jason, M Kim, CKim, CBoyd, NBoyd, NEccleston, S
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW       
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW     Bernard 
East Faculty On call at MSWBernard      
WBN Day APPJagmohan, RLanausse, JLanausse, JGriffin, TBegun, EGriffin, TGriffin, T
18 Su19 Mo20 Tu21 We22 Th23 Fr24 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM WeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraub 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Dalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, K 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM BernardBernardBernardBernardBernard 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Mohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, P 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team GreenGreenGreenGreenGreen 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Silverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, R 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsKim, S     Laserna, C
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Laserna, CCarney, MLewis, CDalldorf, KCarney, M 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightJ. LinMeskhatiDragoTiozzoGuttmannRatnerMennella
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call J. Lin     Mennella
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallTiozzo     Green
Day APP1 Jason, MAustin, KGuinta, MEccleston, SAustin, KDelorenzo, E
Day APP2Kim, CAustin, KJason, MJason, MKim, CEccleston, SGuinta, M
Day APP3  Kim, C Finnerty, PMMoonlighter5 
Night APP1Goldberg, SEccleston, SMaccariello, GFrancois, MGuinta, MGoldberg, SEccleston, S
Night APP2Sandt, HMaccariello, GSandt, HDomingo, MSandt, H Goldberg, S
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW MennellaMennellaMennellaMennellaMennella 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW  MassarelliMassarelliMassarelli  
East Faculty On call at MSW      Massarelli
WBN Day APPGriffin, TJagmohan, RGriffin, TJagmohan, RGriffin, TJagmohan, R
Morr, E
25 Su26 Mo27 Tu28 We29 Th30 Fr31 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM WeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraub 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Dalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, KDalldorf, K 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM BernardBernardBernardBernardBernard 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Mohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, PMohan, P 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team GreenTiozzoTiozzoTiozzoTiozzo 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Silverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, RSilverman, R 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsJeong, H     Silverman, R
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Lewis, CKim, SMohan, PWillard, CDalldorf, K 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightTiozzoSt. John SuttonMassarelliSt. John SuttonDragoTiozzoRatner
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Tiozzo     Ratner
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Massarelli
Day APP1Guinta, MBoyd, NGuinta, MBolz, JGuinta, MGuinta, M 
Day APP2Kim, CBolz, JBoyd, NGoldberg, SGoldberg, SAustin, KSandt, H
Day APP3  Goldberg, S Bolz, J  
Night APP1Maccariello, GAustin, KEccleston, SEccleston, SDomingo, MMaccariello, GMaccariello, G
Night APP2Austin, KEccleston, SSandt, HSandt, HBoyd, NKim, CKim, C
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW MennellaMennellaMennellaMennellaMennella 
East Faculty L&D Attending at MSW  MassarelliMassarelli   
East Faculty On call at MSW       
WBN Day APPGriffin, TGriffin, TLanausse, JGriffin, TLanausse, JJagmohan, RJagmohan, R

Contact andrea.weintraub@mssm.edu if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Nov 26 9:55 2024.   2024 (23-25) weinta01  Jun 4 23
1 Sick
2 canceled OT, Rachel Silverstein covering
3 David Koehler
4 Gabby Ahle
5 Cindy Jiang