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Gastroenterology – MSBI – MSM – MSW Schedule, 1/1 to 1/31, 2025   (as of 1:20pm Dec 19)

29 December30 Mo31 Tu1 New year2 Th3 Fr4 Sa
MSW Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin  Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin  
MSM Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence  Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence  
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call)5p-7a Brand, David Yang, Kevin  Uberoi, Angad  
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)7a-7aLeibowitz, Randy  --Yang, Kevin --Yang, Kevin
Yang, Kevin
MSW Daytime GI Attending7a-5p--Gelman, BruceGelman, Bruce--Gelman, BruceGelman, Bruce--
MSM Daytime GI Attending7a-5p--Luo, YuyingLuo, Yuying--Luo, YuyingLuo, Yuying--
MSM-W Weekend GI Attending7a-7aNovak, Joshua --Lawrence, Zoe--Cavaliere, Kimberly
Cavaliere, Kimberly
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending5p-7a Nelson, FrankLawrence, Zoe Jodorkovsky, Daniela  
ERCP GI Attending7a-7aLung, Edward Lung, EdwardLung, Edward   
MSBI GI Attending7a-5pCohen, IanCohen, IanMizrahi, JosephMizrahi, Joseph   
MSBI GI Overnight Attending5p-7aCohen, IanCohen, IanMizrahi, JosephMizrahi, Joseph   
MSBI GI Attending Backup [emergency inpatient procedure coverage only)7a-7aPark, Sarah HPark, Sarah HPark, Sarah HPark, Sarah H   
5 January6 Mo7 Tu8 We9 Th10 Fr11 Sa
MSW Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin  
MSM Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p Brand, David Brand, David Brand, David Brand, David Brand, David  
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call)5p-7a Hartz, KaylaRodriguez, StevenWang, AllisonNeelam. Anudeep  
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)7a-7aYang, Kevin  ------Paasewe, Arence
Paasewe, Arence
MSW Daytime GI Attending7a-5p--Lung, EdwardLung, EdwardLung, EdwardLung, EdwardLung, Edward--
MSM Daytime GI Attending7a-5p--Gelman, BruceGelman, BruceGelman, BruceGelman, BruceGelman, Bruce--
MSM-W Weekend GI Attending7a-7aCavaliere, Kimberly ------Lewis, Ayanna
Lewis, Ayanna
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending5p-7a Lucas, AimeeNovak, JoshuaSingh, PriyankaSmith, Michael  
ERCP GI Attending7a-7a       
MSBI GI Attending7a-5p       
MSBI GI Overnight Attending5p-7a       
MSBI GI Attending Backup [emergency inpatient procedure coverage only)7a-7a       
12 Su13 Mo14 Tu15 We16 Th17 Fr18 Sa
MSW Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence  
MSM Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p Brand, David Brand, David Brand, David Brand, David Brand, David  
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call)5p-7a Sehmbhi, MantejBrand, David Leibowitz, Randy Tillowitz, Adam  
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)7a-7aPaasewe, Arence  ------Hartz, Kayla
Hartz, Kayla
MSW Daytime GI Attending7a-5p--Lewis, AyannaLewis, AyannaLewis, AyannaLewis, AyannaLewis, Ayanna--
MSM Daytime GI Attending7a-5p--Nelson, FrankNelson, FrankNelson, FrankNelson, FrankNelson, Frank--
MSM-W Weekend GI Attending7a-7aLewis, Ayanna ------Luo, Yuying
Luo, Yuying
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending5p-7a Cavaliere, KimberlyLung, EdwardLawrence, ZoePark, Tina  
ERCP GI Attending7a-7a       
MSBI GI Attending7a-5p       
MSBI GI Overnight Attending5p-7a       
MSBI GI Attending Backup [emergency inpatient procedure coverage only)7a-7a       
19 Su20 MLK day21 Tu22 We23 Th24 Fr25 Sa
MSW Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p  Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence  
MSM Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p  Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin Yang, Kevin  
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call)5p-7a  Yang, Kevin Uberoi, AngadNeelam. Anudeep  
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)7a-7aHartz, KaylaHartz, Kayla------Sehmbhi, Mantej
Sehmbhi, Mantej
MSW Daytime GI Attending7a-5p----Lawrence, ZoeLawrence, ZoeLawrence, ZoeLawrence, Zoe--
MSM Daytime GI Attending7a-5p----Gelman, BruceGelman, BruceGelman, BruceGelman, Bruce--
MSM-W Weekend GI Attending7a-7aLuo, YuyingLuo, Yuying------Lucas, Aimee
Lucas, Aimee
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending5p-7a  Lewis, AyannaJodorkovsky, DanielaNelson, Frank  
ERCP GI Attending7a-7a       
MSBI GI Attending7a-5p       
MSBI GI Overnight Attending5p-7a       
MSBI GI Attending Backup [emergency inpatient procedure coverage only)7a-7a       
26 Su27 Mo28 Tu29 We30 Th31 Fr1 February
MSW Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence Paasewe, Arence  
MSM Daytime GI Fellow7a-5p Leibowitz, Randy Leibowitz, Randy Leibowitz, Randy Leibowitz, Randy Leibowitz, Randy  
MSM-W Overnight GI Fellow (Home Call)5p-7a Rodriguez, StevenPaasewe, Arence Wang, AllisonBrand, David   
MSM-W Weekend GI Fellow (Home Call)7a-7aSehmbhi, Mantej ------Leibowitz, Randy
Leibowitz, Randy
MSW Daytime GI Attending7a-5p--Cavaliere, KimberlyCavaliere, KimberlyCavaliere, KimberlyCavaliere, KimberlyCavaliere, Kimberly--
MSM Daytime GI Attending7a-5p--Gelman, BruceGelman, BruceGelman, BruceGelman, BruceGelman, Bruce--
MSM-W Weekend GI Attending7a-7aLucas, Aimee ------Novak, Joshua
Novak, Joshua
MSM-W Overnight GI Attending5p-7a Luo, YuyingSingh, PriyankaCavaliere, KimberlyLawrence, Zoe  
ERCP GI Attending7a-7a       
MSBI GI Attending7a-5p       
MSBI GI Overnight Attending5p-7a       
MSBI GI Attending Backup [emergency inpatient procedure coverage only)7a-7a       

Contact valerie.gray@mountsinai.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Dec 9 12:30 2024.   2024 (23-25) jsoga  Jun 17 22

Lung, Edward38950    
Smith, Michael215-749-2419    
Park, Tina929-729-1740    
Nelson, Frank347-545-0635    
Gelman, Bruce    
Cavaliere, Kimberly860-839-1453    
Novak, Joshua216-536-4781    
Singh, Priyanka313-600-1395    
Neelam. Anudeep30354    
Uberoi, Angad32672    
Wang, Allison34372    
Rodriguez, Steven34373    
Cohen, Ian248-763-3322    
Jodorkovsky, Daniela    
Lewis, Ayanna305-303-4050    
Mizrahi, Joseph    
Luo, Yuying617-412-5634    
Lawrence, Zoe917-209-3629    
Park, Sarah H    
Tillowitz, Adam34405    
Sehmbhi, Mantej34407    
Hartz, Kayla34404    
Lucas, Aimee    
Yang, Kevin 30168    
Leibowitz, Randy 33620    
Brand, David 30170    
Paasewe, Arence 30169    

Escalation Pathway for MSBI Gastroenterology:

1 - MSBI Attending on call schedule

2 - Brett Bernstein, MD, Division Chief: (917) 647-6090

3 - MSBI Hospital Director of Nursing: (212) 420-3910

4 - MSBI Hospital Administrator on Duty: (212) 420-3900

Escalation Pathway for MSBI Critical Labs:

1 - MiSecure Message to the on-call provider

2 - If no response in 15 minutes, please call the on-call attending.

3 - If no response in 15 minutes, please call the ordering physician.

4 - If no response in 15 minutes, please call Dr. Brett Bernstein (917) 647-6090