Who's on    Fri, Dec 20, 2024       (as of 6:48am )        

Service    Name Training  Contact Tel 
MSSN NICU Consult Evening5p-8a  Christina D'Agrosa MD  Cell Phone: 917-903-7862 
Cardiology Day Inhouse APP Consults8a-6p  Ashley MancillaNP MBH 516-632-3277 x225424516-632-3670
Cardiology Day Inhouse Cath Lab APP7a-8p  Chasidy VitaleNP MBH 516-632-3277 x224951516-632-3670
Cardiology Overnight Inhouse APP 1st Call7p-7a  Sergina JeanNP MBH 516-632-3277 x226009516-632-3670
Cardiology Noninvasive Attending Overnight (Emergency  Only)5p-7a  Athanasios SmyrlisMD  Mobile Heartbeat267-595-9835
Gastroenterology Consult Fellow Day8a-5p  Haidar KhanFellow Mobile Heart Beat 516-632-3277 ext 224116516-632-3277 8 am - 5pm
Gastroenterology Oncall Fellow5p-8a  Sharon SlomovichFellow Mobile Heart Beat 516-632-3277 ext 224116516-632-4966 8a-5p, Urgent 516-992-5626 5p-8am
Gastroenterology Attending Oncall8a-8a  Kasim KazbayMD  GI Service 516-632-4966 8a-5pOffice 516-992-5626 & After 5pm, Cell (646) 745-4150
Critical Care
Critical Care Medical Intensivist  (MICU) Day7a-7p  Aliza KhanamMD  347-791-6625 
Critical Care Surgical Intensivist (SICU) Day7a-7p  Frank ColettaMD  Critical Care Attending 516-632-4825 (516)524-9229 Cell
Critical Care MICU & SICU Night7p-7a  Louis SaffranMD  Critical Care Attending -  516-632-4825Cell (516)457-0985
MSSN Neurology Consults
Neurology General 516-632-12569a-5p  Jin ZhouMD  Gen 516-632-1256 Stroke 516-632-4905  Cell 347-476-4024
Neurology Stroke 516-632-49059a-5p  Mehrdad EmamiMD  516-632-1256 General 516-632-4905 Stroke   Cell 310-925-3227
Epileptology Day9a-5p  David AharonoffMD  Cell 917-929-0210   
Neurology Evening General & Stroke5p-9a  Jin ZhouMD  Gen 516-632-1256 Stroke 516-632-4905  Cell 347-476-4024
Hospitalists Department
Hospitalist Day Admitter7a-7p  Oo, Nay Lin Hospitalist  See Mobile HeartbeatCell: 646.474.5628
Hospitalist Day Rounders7a-7p  Anderson, LachonneHospitalist  Mobile Heartbeat     Cell: 516.581.6958            
Hospitalist Day Rounders7a-7p  Brennan, KeithHospitalist  Mobile HeartbeatCell: 631.804.7304
Hospitalist Day Rounders7a-7p  Wong, GaryHospitalist  See Mobile Heartbeatoffice 516-632-3666
Hospitalist Day Rounders7a-5p  Konsky, DmitryHospitalist  Mobile Heartbeat 
Hospitalist Day Rounders7a-7p  Ellahi, MohammadHospitalist  Mobile HeartbeatCell: 203.300.0507
Hospitalist Day Rounders7a-7p  Gazi, FarahHospitalist  Mobile HeartbeatCell: 203.819.3455
Hospitalist Day Rounders7a-7p  Rehman, Naeem Hospitalist  See Mobile HeartbeatCell: 646.591.1517
Hospitalist Evening7p-7a  Paul, Jessy Hospitalist  See Mobile HeartbeatCell: 646.318.1760
Hospitalist On call7a-8:30a  Ariste, Clotaire Hospitalist  Mobile HeartbeatCell: 347.834.5730
Psychiatry Inpt Consults Day8a-4p  Nnamdi OdiahMD  516-305-3319 Cell516-763-7111
Psychiatry Inpt Consults Night4p-8a  Nnamdi OdiahMD  516-305-3319 Cell516-763-7111
ED Psychiatry NP Day6a-2p  Viji MeledathNP 516-763-7111 
Psychiatry ED Day11a-4p  Chitra Shenoy
MD  516-763-7111 
ITP Tele-Psych ED Overnight Coverage4p-8a  ITPITP-Telepsych Command Center 646-605-5902  
Bariatrics9a-9a  Amber ChiMD  516-632-3350 Office 312-342-3450 Cell
General Surgery7a-7a  Amber ChiMD  516-632-3350 Office 312-342-3450 Cell
Trauma Day7a-5p  James MaurerMD  516-632-3260 Pager #143  General Surgery 516-632-3350 Office
Trauma Night5p-7a  Alain DerzieMD  516-632-3260 Pager #143  Trauma 1st, 516-632-3260/ #143  (Pager)
ENT7a-7a  Roger Horioglu MD  516-678-0303 
Facial Trauma7a-7a  Jason Clain MD  Office: (516) 742-3404Cell:  (203) 249-0131
Neurosurgery7a-7a  Artem VaynmanMD  516-255-9031 
Neurosurgery Trauma7a-5p  Ramin RakMD  516-255-9031 
MSSN Neurosurgery PA Overnight7p-7a  MSSN Neurosurgery PAPA 516-989-3923 Cell516-632-3277 MHB ext 225150
Ophthalmology Evening5p-7a  James Chelnis MD  424-243-5647Office 212-484-9707
Orthopedics 1st Call ,Consult7a-7a  Orthopedic PAMD  Beeper 516-251-0861 
Orthopedics Attending 2nd Call7a-7a  Shazan HushmendyMD  Office 516-681-8822 
Orthopedics Back UP7a-7a  Scott BarbashMD  Office 516-681-8822 
Plastic Surgery7a-7a  Micheline GoulartMD  (C) 864-423-8853(O)516279-2616
Oral Surgery7a-7a  LICOMSMD  516-333-5900 
Podiatry Resident7a-7a  Podiatry Resident MD  516-632-3277 MHB ext 224059In House Beeper 516-632-3260 # 584
Podiatry Attending 2nd Call7a-7a  Juan Goez DPM (516) 343-2008 Cell(516) 804-2291 Office
Spine7a-7a  Artem VaynmanMD  516-255-9031 
Urology Day7a-5p  Ryan Chuang MD  Office: 516 390-2850  Cell (858) 925-9704
Urology Evening5p-7a  Gary LefkowitzMD  516-766-2929 
Vascular7a-7a  Charles Sticco MD  (516) 374-8682  
Surgery Resident OnCall Team A (SurgOnc, Bariatrics, Colorectal )5a-5a  Surg Resident Team AResident  516-632-3260, Pager # 200 
Surgery Resident OnCall Team B (General Surgery)5a-5a  Surg Resident Team BResident  516-632-3260, Pager # 600 
Surgery Resident OnCall Team Trauma 5a-5a  Surg Resident TraumaResident  516-632-3260, Pager #800 
Surgery Resident OnCall Team Vascular Thoracic 5a-5a  Surg Resident Vascular ThoracicResident  516-632-3260, Pager # 700 
Surgical Oncology7a-7p  Hideo TakahashiMD  See Mobile HeartbeatOffice 516-632-3350
Thoracic Surgery8a-8a  Thoracic Surgery MD  516-255-5010 (Dr. Melamed, Dr. Andaz) 

Mount Sinai South Nassau

-MSSN Psych

1.If you are you are unable to reach MSSN ITP psych please contact the ITP crisis coordinators at (844) 487-4524 or via email at CrisisCoordinators@integratedtelehealth.com

2. If you the issue has not been resolved or is in need of additional escalation, contact Madyun Manager of Crisis Services (641)757-1918:

3. If there's no response or additional escalation is needed, please contact Becky Shelton, Director of Hospital Services 641-203-3831.

Contact anupa.agardeo@snch.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Dec 18 13:02 2024.   2024 (23-25) OnCloud  Dec 15 24