2023 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2025 2024

Peds Newborn Medicine - MSH Schedule, 9/1 to 9/30, 2024   (as of 4:23pm Dec 18)

1 September2 Mo3 Tu4 We5 Th6 Fr7 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM  DragoDragoDragoDrago 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM  Lewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM  RatnerRatnerRatnerRatner 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM  Carney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, M 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team  GreenGreenGreenGreen 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team  Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsJeong, HSilverman, R    Mohan, P
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights  Dalldorf, KLaserna, CKim, SCarney, M 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightDragoTiozzoWeintraubGuttmannBernardSt. John SuttonMeskhati
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call DragoTiozzo    Meskhati
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallTiozzoGreen    Guttmann
Day APP1 Guinta, MMaccariello, GGoldberg, SAustin, KFinnerty, PMTapia, V
Day APP2Sandt, HJason, MBolz, JMaccariello, GMaccariello, GSandt, HSandt, H
Day APP3  Kim, CBolz, JKim, CGoldberg, S 
Night APP1Austin, KBoyd, NGuinta, MGuinta, MBolz, JAustin, KGuinta, M
Night APP2Boyd, NSandt, HJason, MJason, MDomingo, MBoyd, NGoldberg, S
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW  MassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelli 
East Faculty On call at MSW Bernard     
WBN Day APPBegun, EJagmohan, R Begun, EGriffin, TLanausse, JLanausse, J
8 Su9 Mo10 Tu11 We12 Th13 Fr14 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM DragoDragoDragoDragoDrago 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Lewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM RatnerRatnerRatnerRatnerRatner 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Carney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, M 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team HolmesHolmesHolmesHolmesHolmes 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsKim, S     Dalldorf, K
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Laserna, CMohan, PDalldorf, KJeong, HLewis, C 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightGuttmannWeintraubSt. John SuttonMeskhatiSt. John SuttonTiozzoMennella
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Guttmann     Mennella
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Weintraub
Day APP1Tapia, VFinnerty, PMAustin, KGuinta, MGuinta, MEccleston, STapia, V
Day APP2Delorenzo, EAustin, KBoyd, NAustin, KKim, CHanna, RJason, M
Day APP3 Boyd, NKim, CEccleston, S Kim, C 
Night APP1Guinta, MMaccariello, GJason, MGoldberg, SMaccariello, GDomingo, MBolz, J
Night APP2Goldberg, SSandt, HMaccariello, GBolz, JGoldberg, SFrancois, MEccleston, S
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW MassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelliMassarelli 
East Faculty On call at MSWHolmes TiozzoBernard   
WBN Day APPJagmohan, RBegun, ELanausse, JGriffin, TGriffin, TJagmohan, RGriffin, T
15 Su16 Mo17 Tu18 We19 Th20 Fr21 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM JulianoJulianoJulianoJulianoJuliano 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Lewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, CLewis, C 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM MeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhati 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Carney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, MCarney, M 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team GuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmannGuttmann 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Willard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, CWillard, C 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsLaserna, C     Carney, M
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Jeong, HWillard, CMohan, PLaserna, CKim, S 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightWeintraubMassarelliDragoMennellaJ. LinDragoSt. John Sutton
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Weintraub     St. John Sutton
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallDrago     Juliano
Day APP1Tapia, VGoldberg, SEccleston, SMaccariello, GGoldberg, SJason, MDelorenzo, E
Day APP2Jason, MMaccariello, GMaccariello, GHanna, RMaccariello, GBolz, JTapia, V
Day APP3 Sandt, HSandt, H Bolz, JSandt, H 
Night APP1Guinta, MGuinta, MGuinta, MSandt, HKim, CGoldberg, SBolz, J
Night APP2Bolz, JJason, MKim, CKim, CEccleston, SEccleston, SBoyd, N
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW TiozzoTiozzoTiozzoTiozzoTiozzo 
East Faculty On call at MSWBernard    Holmes 
WBN Day APPBegun, EBegun, EBegun, EBegun, EJagmohan, RLanausse, JLanausse, J
22 Su23 Mo24 Tu25 We26 Th27 Fr28 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM JulianoJulianoJulianoJulianoJuliano 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Jeong, HJeong, HJeong, HJeong, HJeong, H 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM MeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhatiMeskhati 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Laserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, C 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team WeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraubWeintraub 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Kim, SKim, SKim, SKim, SKim, S 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsLewis, C     Silverman, R
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Kim, SSilverman, RLewis, CWillard, CMohan, P 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightJulianoJ. LinPicozzi-AkkeHolmesBernardMeskhatiPicozzi-Akke
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Juliano     Picozzi-Akke
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallGreen     Ratner
Day APP1Cohen-Verga, RMaccariello, GMaccariello, GBolz, JGoldberg, SEccleston, SJason, M
Day APP2Tapia, VJason, MBolz, JGoldberg, SJason, MBolz, JTapia, V
Day APP3 Sandt, HSandt, HGuinta, MKim, CHanna, R 
Night APP1Goldberg, SCohen-Verga, REccleston, SSandt, HMaccariello, GBoyd, NGuinta, M
Night APP2Eccleston, SKim, CBoyd, NDomingo, MBoyd, NKim, CDelorenzo, E
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW TiozzoTiozzoTiozzoTiozzoTiozzo 
East Faculty On call at MSWMassarelli      
WBN Day APP       
29 Su30 Mo1 October2 We3 Th4 Fr5 Sa
NICU Attending PINK TEAM J. LinJ. LinJ. LinJ. LinJ. Lin 
NICU Fellow PINK TEAM Jeong, HJeong, HJeong, HJeong, HJeong, H 
NICU Attending BLUE TEAM Picozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-AkkePicozzi-Akke 
NICU Fellow BLUE TEAM Laserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, CLaserna, C 
NICU Attending Short Stay Team BernardBernardBernardBernardBernard 
NICU Fellow Short Stay Team Kim, SKim, SKim, SKim, SKim, S 
NICU Fellow On Call - WeekendsWillard, C     Jeong, H
NICU Fellow On Call Weeknights Mohan, PDalldorf, KSilverman, RCarney, MKim, S 
NICU Attending On Call - OvernightRatnerDragoWeintraubMeskhatiMennellaPicozzi-AkkeJ. Lin
NICU Attending - Weekend Long Call Ratner     J. Lin
NICU Attending - Weekend Short CallPicozzi-Akke     Tiozzo
Day APP1Cohen-Verga, RGoldberg, SEccleston, SGuinta, MGuinta, MAustin, KTapia, V
Day APP2Tapia, VEccleston, SGoldberg, SSandt, HSandt, HGoldberg, SEccleston, S
Day APP3 Sandt, HBoyd, NHanna, RFrancois, M  
Night APP1Guinta, MCohen-Verga, RAustin, KBoyd, NBoyd, NJason, MAustin, K
Night APP2Jason, MJason, MDomingo, MBolz, JBolz, JCohen-Verga, RBolz, J
East Faculty Service Attending at MSW       
East Faculty On call at MSW Massarelli   Massarelli 
WBN Day APP       

Contact andrea.weintraub@mssm.edu if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Nov 26 9:55 2024.   2024 (23-25) weinta01  Jun 4 23