Name | | Training | | Contact | |
"1st Call, OG-GYN Consult, 24hr"-Resident | O" | Resident |  | 408-275-5030 | |
Aalami, Ingrid | IA | Attending |  | | |
Bascom Urgent RN Pager 8am-4:30pm | BU | Nurse |  | 408-889-1172 | |
Berletti, Monica | MB | Resident |  | 408-236-8565
| |
Biller, Jenny | JB | Attending |  | | |
Bossen, Ingrid | IB | Attending |  | | |
Brown, Joy | JBr | Attending |  | | |
Bury, Jessica | JBu | Resident |  | 408-236-1910
| |
Cruz, Carolyn | CC | Attending |  | | |
Domingo, Jennifer | JD | Attending |  | | |
Duggal, Neena | ND | Attending |  | | |
Fong, Victoria | VF | Attending |  | | |
Fujino, Kathleen | KF | Attending |  | | |
GYN Consult Pager | GC | Resident |  | 408-275-5030
| |
Grace, Lindsey | LG | Resident |  | 408-236-8566
| |
Hamlett, Lilliana | LH | Attending |  | | |
Hoang, Hanh | HH | Resident |  | 408-236-0965
| |
Hugin, Michele | MH | Attending |  | | |
Kanter, Gregory | GK | Resident |  | 408-236-0987
| |
Kolderup, Lindsay | LK | Attending |  | | |
Laiprasert, Joann | JL | Attending |  | | |
Luong, Khoalinh | KL | Chief Resident |  | 408-237-0032
| |
MICC OB Service Pager | MOB | Resident |  | 408-485-1001
| |
Mannan, Jana | JMa | Attending |  | | |
McClellan, Laura | LM | Attending |  | | |
McGullam, Jennifer | JM | Attending |  | | |
Nguyen, Lily | LN | Attending |  | | |
Nguyen, Phuong | PN | Attending |  | | |
Oglebay, Kjerstin | KO | Resident |  | 408-236-1911
| |
Ohno, Mika | MO | Resident |  | 408-236-8567
| |
Packard, Lisa | LP | Resident |  | 408-237-0227
| |
Pan, Cheryl | CP | Attending |  | | |
Pham, Quyhn | QP | Attending |  | | |
Pountney, Marlene | MP | Attending |  | | |
Radu, Ruxandra | RR | Resident |  | 408-236-1912
| |
Setliff, Kristen | KS | Fellow |  | 408-236-0641
| |
Shah, Melisa | MSh | Resident |  | 408-236-8568
| |
Siddik, Iram | IS | Resident |  | 408-236-1913
| |
Siegler, Dennis | DS | Attending |  | | |
Sit, Anita | AS | Attending |  | | |
Sklar | Sk | Attending |  | | |
Sklar, Avi | ASk | Attending |  | | |
Stapleton, Lucy | LS | Attending |  | | |
Tabaraee, Sultana | ST | Resident |  | 408-237-0415
| |
Takase-Sanchez | Ta | Attending |  | | |
Torres, Elise | ET | Fellow |  | 408-236-8032
| |
Truong, Yen | YT | Chief Resident |  | 408-237-0586
| |
Vallejo | Va | Attending |  | | |
Wong, Christina | CW | Fellow |  | 408-236-0129
| |
Wong, Luchin | LW | Chief Resident |  | 408-237-0441
| |
Yan, Sabrina | SY | Chief Resident |  | 408-237-0256
| |
Young, Corey | CY | Attending |  | 408-231-7792 | |
Staff in associated schedules: |
OB-GYN Department | Consult AM- #3, Consult PM- #3, Inpatient Consult Day ... |
scvh ladt | Inpatient Consult Day, Inpatient Consult Night ... |
Contact if you have questions.
Schedule last updated Sep 5 14:44 2024.
2024 (23-25) sally.bondi Feb 21 24
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