Name | | Training | | Contact | Tel | |
1st, Consult Yr- PGY2 | Con | Resident | | page 12020 | | |
2nd, Consult Yr - PGY3 | Co | Resident | | Page 12020 | | |
Abdelhady, Ahmed | AA | Fellow | | (609) 529-3635 | | |
Agemy, Steven | SAg | Attending | | 2482277332 | | |
Ahmad, Sumayya | SA | Attending | | 3014733930 | | |
Aljian, John | JA | Attending | | 201-925-3417 | | |
Andrade, Jorge | JAn | Fellow | | (646) 468-6292 | Pager 12020 | |
Arevalo, Aileen | AAr | Resident | | (818) 667-6914 | | |
Banik, Rudrani | RB | Attending | | 917-698-6186 | | |
Barash, Alex | ABa | Attending | | 917-648-5464 | | |
Barna, Laura | LB | Resident | | (570) 417-5407 | Pager 12020 | |
Barzideh, Nazanin | NB | Attending | | 516-729-8515 | | |
Bian, Yanna (Yandong) | YB | Attending | | 757-754-0673 | | |
Bielory, Brett | BB | Attending | | (973) 634-4149
| | |
Brown, Aaron | ABr | Resident | | (210) 788-6120 | Pager 12020 | |
Buxton, Douglas | DB | Attending | | 212-203-1231 | | |
CLINIC, NO COVERAGE | NCL | Attending | | | | |
Cai, Xiaoyu | XC | Resident | | (240) 535-1126 | | |
Call Pager First | CP | Resident | | | | |
Carniciu, Anais | ACa | Attending | | 914-220-2143 | | |
Castanos, Maria | MCa | Fellow | | (917)521-9044 | Pager 12020 | |
Castillo, Raphael | RCa | Attending | | 917-684-8796 | | |
Chandra, Gaurav | GC | Attending | | 516-695-8274 | | |
Chang, Chih-Chiun | CC | Resident | | (559) 288-9707 | Pager 12020 | |
Chen, Masako | MCh | Attending | | 203-815-6799 | | |
Chopra, Nitin | NC | Resident | | (206) 234-4864 | Pager 12020 | |
Chua, Michael | MCu | Resident | | (732) 715-2200 | | |
Cohen, Devin | DC | Fellow | | (717) 681-8255 | | |
Costa, Allen | ACo | Resident | | (617) 875-5294 | Pager 12020 | |
Craven, Abbe | AC | Attending | | 614-805-6913
| | |
Dayan, Alan | ADa | Attending | | 917-847-6842 | 212-677-2000 office | |
Della Rocca, David | DD | Attending | | 917-686-3929 | | |
Deobhakta, Avnish | ADe | Attending | | 650-387-1268 | | |
Dhawlikar, Nisha | ND | Attending | | 908-601-6187 | | |
Distefano, Alberto | ADi | Attending | | 203-915-4461 | | |
Djenderedjian, Levon | LD | Fellow | | (310) 940-3292 | | |
Dowell, Christina | CD | Resident | | (305) 389-7409 | Pager 12020 | |
Drechsler, Jennifer | JDr | Resident | | (410) 971-7710 | Pager 12020 | |
Du, Jeanette | JD | Resident | | (571) 420-2028 | Pager 12020 | |
Duffner, Emily | ED | Resident | | (267) 885-9600 | | |
Ellant, Jonathan | JE | Attending | | 917-921-2497 | | |
Elmalem, Valerie | VE | Attending | | 917-533-7796 | | |
Fallon, Julia | JFa | Fellow | | (201) 704-5447 | | |
Fam, Anthony | AFa | Resident | | (973) 462-5811 | Pager 12020 | |
Fang, Elizabeth | EF | Attending | | 917-406-4653 | | |
Fayad,Mona | MF | Resident | | (313) 850-2599
| Pager 12020 | |
Filipowicz, Artur | AF | Fellow | | 224-522-5408 | | |
Flanagan, John | JF | Attending | | 718-822-6343 | | |
Fox, Donald | DF | Attending | | 9174397865
| | |
Garcia, Jose Omar | JGa | Resident | | (915) 731- 5174 | Pager 12020 | |
Garzon Vargas, Catalina | CG | Resident | | (954) 213- 4856
| Pager 12020 | |
Giovinazzo, Jerome | JG | Fellow | | 917-202-6246 | | |
Gorgani, Farzan | FG | Attending | | (516)639-1080 | | |
Gupta, Anita | AG | Attending | | 415-517-7874 | | |
Gupta, Meenakashi | MG | Attending | | 518-495-6205 | | |
Gupta, Neha | NG | Fellow | | (734) 658-0751 | | |
Han, Elaine | EH | Resident | | (561) 870-7759 | Pager 12020 | |
Harris, David | DH | Attending | | 423-767-8457 | | |
Hirabayashi, Kyle | KHi | Resident | | (562) 607-9277 | Pager 12020 | |
Hong, Alice | AHo | Attending | | 917-716-3215 | | |
Hopping, Grant | GH | Resident | | (713) 816-7618 | Pager 12020 | |
Hsu, Jerry | JH | Resident | | (2050 222-3589 | Pager 12020 | |
Hu, Karen | KH | Resident | | (402) 802-0947 | | |
Huang, Andy | AH | Resident | | (678) 314- 0208 | Pager 12020 | |
Huang, Jeff | JHu | Resident | | 646-897-7539 | | |
Jacobson, Lawrence | LJ | Attending | | 917-488-0080 | | |
Jeanniton, Chaneve | CJ | Attending | | 917-805-3795 | | |
Jin, Andrew | AJ | Fellow | | 407-808-0092 | | |
Kashyap, Yogita | YK | Attending | | 516-697-0628 | | |
Keyhani, Keyvan | KK | Attending | | 914-245-3303 | | |
Khan, Hirah | HKh | Fellow | | (813) 504-1521 | | |
Kim, Angela | AK | Resident | | (516) 650-9028 | | |
Kim, Claire | CK | Resident | | (973) 303-0278 | Pager 12020 | |
Kim, Eliott | EK | Resident | | (201) 403-5828 | | |
Kim, Ha Min | HK | Resident | | (925) 786-0687 | Pager 12020 | |
Kim, Yonwook Justin | YKi | Fellow | | (703) 309-3747 | | |
Kupersmith, Mark | MK | Attending | | 917-747-8489 | | |
Lai, Kevin | KLa | Attending | | (917) 907-1798 | | |
Lai, Michael | ML | Resident | | (201) 925- 0920 | Pager 12020 | |
Lam, Sophia | SL | Resident | | (312) 929-5614 | | |
Landa, Gennady | GL | Attending | | 646-717-0517 | | |
Lanza, Nicole | NL | Fellow | | (407) 619-4059 | | |
Lee, Jessica | JLe | Attending | | 917-974-7413 | | |
Lee, Rachel | RL | Attending | | 301-801-9734 | | |
Lee,Roxanne | RLe | Resident | | (214) 636-4946 | Pager 12020 | |
Lema, Gareth | GLe | Attending | | 716-912-9191 | | |
Li, Yafeng | YL | Fellow | | (610) 299-0895 | | |
Lo, Jonathan | JL | Resident | | 808-753-6884 | | |
Lynch,Giselle | GLy | Resident | | (917) 405-9568 | Pager 12020 | |
Manusis, Kira | KMa | Attending | | 646-232-9319 | | |
Marcelin, Kerline | KMr | Attending | | 917 626 9133 | | |
McCabe, Katherine | KM | Resident | | 571-344-1640 | | |
McCord, Sarah | SM | Resident | | (203) 940-3864 | Pager 12020 | |
Mehta, Amy | AM | Attending | | 9787602174 | | |
Mendoza, Kristen Ann | KMe | Fellow | | (440) 610-0285 | | |
Merriott, David | DMe | Resident | | (408) 504-3067 | Pager 12020 | |
Okumu, Rita | RO | Attending | | (929) 687-1508 | | |
Otero, Oscar | OO | Resident | | (646) 623- 4328 | Pager 12020 | |
Parikh, Deep | DP | Attending | | 917-224-9632 | | |
Parikh, Devayu | DPa | Resident | | (415) 994-9161
| Pager 12020 | |
Park, Michael M. | MPa | Fellow | | (201) 562-5269 | | |
Patel, Marissa | MP | Resident | | (480) 414-5650 | | |
Patel, Neal | NP | Fellow | | 845-480-0022 | | |
Paulose, Sefy | SP | Resident | | (215) 847-9260 | Pager 12020 | |
Pawar, Varun | VP | Attending | | 419-543-0114 | | |
Pinhas, Alexander | APi | Attending | | 917-710-8830 | | |
Pollack, Aryeh | AP | Attending | | 917-797-9903 | | |
Quehl, Thomas | TQ | Fellow | | 210-872-3460 | | |
Quiroz, Jose | JQ | Resident | | (520) 465-8440 | | |
Rabinovich, Alexander | ARa | Attending | | 917-815-9094 | | |
Rappucci, Vincent | VR | Attending | | 203-792-6291 | | |
Raval, Nilesh | NR | Fellow | | 989-574-5085 | | |
Reddy, Harsha | HR | Attending | | 646-751-9133 | | |
Rios-Gonzalez, Radames | RRi | Fellow | | 787-438-9839 | | |
Rosen, Richard | RR | Attending | | 917-853-2923 | | |
Rosenblum, Harvey | HRo | Attending | | 718-809-3998 | | |
Savant,Shravan | SS | Resident | | (732) 513-4525 | Pager 12020 | |
Scharf, Jackson | JSc | Resident | | (310) 804-7430 | Pager 12020 | |
Schatz, Michael | MSc | Resident | | (607) 237-9628 | Pager 12020 | |
Schottenstein, Edwin | ESc | Attending | | 917-288-6456 | | |
Semenova, Ekaterina | ES | Attending | | 917-251-4848 | | |
Seol, Young | YS | Resident | | (408) 256-2488 | Pager 12020 | |
Shah, Khushali | KS | Resident | | (248) 763-0536 | Pager 12020 | |
Shah, Yash | YSh | Resident | | (732) 609- 6638 | Pager 12020 | |
Shaik, Neha | NS | Attending | | 9178591443 | | |
Shakarov, Gabriel | GS | Resident | | (917) 449-0039 | Pager 12020 | |
Sharfi, Duaa | DS | Resident | | 773-653-4790 | | |
Sheikh, Ahmed | ASh | Attending | | Cell number (201) 281-9313 | | |
Sheyman, Alan | AS | Attending | | 646-630-3525 | | |
Sidoti, Paul | PS | Attending | | Please call Glaucoma Fellow Jane Song first | | |
Silva, Luis | LS | Attending | | 929-225-7713 | | |
Steren, Benjamin | BS | Resident | | (301) 233- 8806 | Pager 12020 | |
Sun, Vincent | VS | Fellow | | 514-927-3187 | | |
Tai, Tania | TT | Attending | | 215-817-5075 | | |
Tannenbaum, Mark | MT | Attending | | 732-558-8812 | | |
Tung, Cynthia | CT | Fellow | | 716-807-5308 | | |
Vagaggini, Tommaso | TV | Resident | | (917) 302-0871 | Pager 12020 | |
Vail, Daniel | DV | Resident | | (973) 945-0706 | Pager 12020 | |
Vinod, Kate | KV | Attending | | 973-641-5927 | | |
Wang, Daniel | DWa | Resident | | (309) 224-8563 | | |
Weise, Eugene | EW | Attending | | 917-952-4348 | | |
Wen, Angie | AW | Attending | | 212-748-9549 | | |
Wieder, Matthew | MW | Fellow | | (914)-844-8474 | | |
Wilkins, Carl | CWi | Attending | | (850)-225-0549 | | |
Williams, Dominic | DWi | Resident | | (310) 985-5934 | | |
Witzel, David | DW | Attending | | 646-327-0732 | | |
Wolf, Bella | BW | Resident | | (516) 776-3959 | Pager 12020 | |
Wong, Amanda | AWo | Resident | | (516) 965- 3726 | Pager 12020 | |
Wong, Sze | SW | Attending | | 808-230-6007 | | |
Xu, Luna | LX | Attending | | 917 369 0908 | | |
Zakher, Meena | MZ | Resident | | (914) 434-0206 | Pager 12020 | |
Zhou, Davis | DZh | Resident | | (860) 245-8080 | Pager 12020 | |
Zhou, Di | DZ | Fellow | | 301-395-9886 | | |
setup, General | Gs | Fellow | | | | |
NYEEI and MSBI Escalation Pathway - Daytime (7:30AM-7PM):
1 - Page 12020
2 - Daytime Consult
3 - PGY2 On Call
4 - PGY3 On Call
5 - PGY4 On Call
6 - Chief Residents: Devayu Parikh, MD Jackson Scharf, MD and Khushali Shah, MD
7 - Program Director: Harsha Reddy, MD: 646-751-9133
8 - MSBI Hospital Director of Nursing: 212-420-3910
9 - MSBI Hospital Administrator on Duty: 212-420-3900 Beth Israel Pager
NYEEI and MSBI Escalation Pathway - Overnight (7PM-7:30AM):
1 - Page 12020
2 - PGY2 On Call
3 - PGY3 On Call
4 - PGY4 On Call
5 - Chief Residents: Devayu Parikh, MD Jackson Scharf, MD and Khushali Shah, MD
6 - Program Director: Harsha Reddy, MD: 646-751-9133
7 - MSBI Hospital Director of Nursing: 212-420-3910
8 - MSBI Hospital Administrator on Duty: 212-420-3900 Beth Israel Pager
Contact if you have questions.
Schedule last updated Feb 13 10:36 2025.
2025 (23-25) alejak02 Jun 6 22
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