Who's on   Sun, Dec 1, 2024     (as of 8:00am )    

 Service     Name Training  Contact Tel  
Administration Chief Executive Officer12a-12a  Helen Arteaga LandaverdeCEO x4-1638917-670-0180 
 Chief Operating Officer12a-12a  Mike MilinicCOO x4-1100646-379-3768 
 Chief Medical Officer12a-12a  Laura Iavicoli, MDCMO/DEAN x4-3357332-215-7082 
 Chief Nursing Officer12a-12a  Joann GullCNO x4-1643917-288-6430 
 Chief Financial Officer12a-12a  Roger ZhuCFO x4-1693929-409-4667 
 Chief Patient Safety Officer12a-12a  Thaina Rousseau-Pierre, MDPSO & CHEO x4-5824929-594-0187 
 Chief Quality Officer12a-12a  Hadeel Alkhairw, MDCQO x4-5468332-271-0151 
 Chief Wellness Officer12a-12a  Suzanne Bentley, MDCWO x4-1239973-943-2610 
 Chief Medical Information Officer12a-12a  Philip Fairweather, MDCFMIO x4-6523917-533-2660 
 Associate Executive Director Clinical Ops12a-12a  Grace-Ann WeickAED x4-1002929-237-5283 
 Chief Implementation Officer12a-12a  Amy HarrisCIO x4-3672646-330-7637 
 Chief Experience Officer12a-12a  Pierre PhamChief Exp Officer x4-1148347-224-2569 
 HR Business Partner12a-12a  Donato CiprianoHR x4-4818646-901-8413 
 Dean of Mt.Sinai Services12a-12a  Jasmin Moshirpur, MDDEAN x4-2390347-645-6967 
Admitting  Bedboard Tour 2 7a-3p  Tarasov, VladAHCPPA 016-004-5245   
Airway - Surgical Surgical Airway AM7a-7p  Hasan, SyedPGY 2 016-001-5527  
Anesthesiology Airway Weekend Trauma Resident On-Call 8a-8a  Fenner, MaxinePGY 2 016-001-4864   
 1st Call - OR Attending & Trauma (Weekend) 8a-8a  Tran, PhatAttending x64995     
 2nd Call - OB Attending (Weekend) 8a-8a  Rangel, JefferyAttending x46834     
 4th Call Attending8a-8a  Dilos, BarbaraDirector 016-001-4918  917-579-0368 
 3A (weekend)8a-8a  Zargar, JavaidAttending 016-001-4572    
 3B (weekend only)8a-8a  Glass, RachelAttending 016-009-0658    
 OB Weekend Day7a-7:30p  Lillis, ThomasCRNA 49236    
 NYITCOM Student 17a-5p  Israel, FadyNYITCOM STUDENTS    
AOD AOD TOUR 2 WE (8a-4p)8a-4p  Pierre PhamAOD 718-334-4357  40482 
 Weekend - SR. ADMIN ON-CALL12a-12a  Joann GullAOD 718-334-43574-5555 
Biomed Weekend Tech (8-4)8a-4p  Carey SingletonTech 016-001-5531  6-6101 & 973-803-2943 
Cardiology - EHC Cardiology Fellow On Call 8a-8a  Rishi Neeranjun1st year 016-006-3702  
 CPORT Fellow On Call7a-7a  Aviv Alter2nd year 016-001-6511  
Chaplains Information Desk - T2 7a-3p  Goris-Diaz, OmayraInformation Desk 4-2350 tel4-2350 
ED Registration SUPERVISIOR - T28a-4p  R. JavierSupervisor  
Emergency Department0 filled shifts. Sun avg = 11. Publish date OK
ENT "Just Say Yes Consult Resident" (24 Hours)7a-7a  Hasan, SyedPGY 2 *718 396-4898 
 2nd Call Senior Resident (24 Hours)7a-7a  Choi, ChrisPGY 3 *718 396-4898 
 Call Attending (24 Hours)7a-7a  Guillermo MalaveAttending 312-721-8513 tel312-721-8513 
 Facial Trauma7a-7a  Hasan, SyedPGY 2 *718 396-4898 
 Facial Trauma Attending7a-7a  Guillermo MalaveAttending 312-721-8513 tel312-721-8513 
 Neck Trauma7a-7a  Hasan, SyedPGY 2 *718 396-4898 
 Regional Director of Service8a-6p  Janki ShahAttending 917-828-0642 tel917-828-0642 
Environmental Services T2- All Floors7a-3p  Jose VilorioSupervisor 917-846-6110 tel917-846-6110 
 Main Bldg. Floors 9 to 117a-3p  Jose VilorioSupervisor 917-846-6110 tel917-846-6110 
 Main Bldg. Floors 6 to 87:30a-3p  Jose VilorioSupervisor 917-846-6110 tel917-846-6110 
 Main Bldg. Floors 3 to 57:30a-3p  Angela SalcedoSupervisor 016-004-4916  929-215-3936 
 Main Bldg. Floor 2 OR, D2, H27a-3p  Angela SalcedoSupervisor 016-004-4916  929-215-3936 
 Main Lobby 1st floor and- H Lobby7a-3p  Ritchell ZumelSupervisor 016-004-012064838 
 HR, WP, HOPE PV, BSMT, SUB-BSMT7:30a-3p  Ritchell ZumelSupervisor 016-004-012064838 
Facial Trauma Primary Facial Trauma Resident ENT7a-7a  Hasan, SyedPGY 2 *718 396-4898 
Food and Nutrition B37:30a-3:30p  Michelle Yi
Full-Time 016-001-43244-5294 
 B3SD7:30a-3:30p  Michelle Yi
Full-Time 016-001-43244-5294 
 MICU8a-4p  Connie Leung
Full-Time 016-001-5177  4-1728 
 A2 Rehab8a-4p  Connie LeungFull-Time 016-001-5177  4-1728 
 SICU7:30a-3:30p  Michelle Yi
Full-Time 016-001-43244-5294 
 A48a-4p  Connie LeungFull-Time 016-001-5177  4-1728 
 B57:30a-3:30p  Michelle Yi
Full-Time 016-001-43244-5294 
 AS2 Surgery8a-4p  Connie Leung
Full-Time 016-001-5177  4-1728 
 E2 7:30a-3:30p  Michelle Yi
Full-Time 016-001-43244-5294 
GI "Just Say Yes" (transfers) (8a-4p)8a-4p  Kolli, Sree Sindhura1st year Fellow 016-002-4947(cell) 323-365-7911 
 ED-Inpt Consult-Weekend Call- OFF SITE8a-8a  Kolli, Sree Sindhura1st year Fellow 016-002-4947(cell) 323-365-7911 
 Attending Weekend Call- OFF SITE8a-8a  Novikov, AnastasiaAttending 016-002-4947(cell) 518-577-0824 
Hematology / Oncology Long Call Weekend-Holiday8a-8a  Chandrani, NirishaAttending 016-006-8953  (212) 685-8888
Linen0 filled shifts. Sun avg = 6. Publish date OK: 12-31-24
Med/Surg NPs A3 LONG DAY 7a-8p  Grant, PhileciaNP 016-001-4116  
 OBSERVATION DAY NP7a-7p  Lu, JudyNP 016-007-7098  
 RRT DAY7a-7p  Shyju, MayaNP 016-002-4213646-656-6064 
Medical Equipment Transport & Supplies Medical Equipment Delivery_Cleaning Wknd_Hol T2 8a-4p  Carlos SantosTechnician 347-906-4194pgr#  24703  
 Admin Wknd-Hol Oncall7a-12p  Anthony JarzembowskiMETS Admin  016-001-43554-6503/347-242-4288 
Medicine Sub-Specialty A3 NP TEAM 8a-4p  Lwin, MyaHospitalist 016-009-8893914-349-0345 
 A4 TEAM WEEKEND8a-4p  Lieber, Joseph (Director of Medicine)Attending 016-006-4258  cell phone 516-652-8614 
 A3-B4 TEAM WEEKEND8a-4p  Gill, ShanedeepHospitalist 016-002-4496  
 B5 TEAM WEEKEND8a-4p  Stern, AaronAttending 646-318-3152  <---Please click on the link to page attending 
 B6 TEAM WEEKEND8a-4p  Liu, GuangdongHospitalist 016-009-6309    
 Bell Weekends/Holidays 8a-4p  Gill, ShanedeepHospitalist 016-002-4496  
 ID Fellow Nights/Weekends/Holiday8a-8a  Psonis, JohnID FELLOWS 146-209-2971  
 ID Attending NIght8a-8a  Neogi, SushritaAttending 510-754-2896    
 AFTER HOURS MD ON CALL FOR ID CLINIC8a-8a  Neogi, SushritaAttending 510-754-2896    
 AFTER HOURS MD SECOND ON CALL FOR ID CLINIC8a-8a  Ashraf, AmarAttending 016-001-4336917-327-6529 
 Chief of ID8a-5p  Policar, MauriceAttending 016-001-4414  
 OBS AM8a-4p  Lwin, MyaHospitalist 016-009-8893914-349-0345 
Nephrology - Renal ON-CALL - Weekend Fellow8a-8a  Kanwal, FNUPGY 4 929-682-7333 tel929-682-7333 cell 
 ON-CALL WKND ATTENDING9a-9a  STERN, AARONATTENDING 646-318-3152    <--Please click on this link to page phone 
 HEMODIALYSIS NURSING7a-7a  Mipa, ImeeRN 718-404-5699  
Neurology "JUST SAY YES TRANSFERS ONLY Day" 8a-8p  Lee, AndrewAttending 248-376-4130 tel248-376-4130 
 Neuro (Medicine- non-ED) Long8a-8p  Osena Abigael KyraPsych INT 98575    
 Resident On Call Weekend & Holidays8a-5p  Gurley, KatelynPGY-3 016-002-4364 929-618-8983 
 Attending On Call5p-5p  TBA
 Pediatric Neurology Attending5p-9a  msneuro      
 EEG Technician8a-4p  McCray, TrevaEEG Tech    
OB/GYN JUST SAY YES 8a-4p 8a-4p  Roy-McMahon, ChristineAttending x4-6830 4-3300 
 L&D FLOOR RESIDENT DAY PGY-2 7a-7p  Viswanathan, Radhika2nd year 016-001-4563 4-3300 
 L&D Weekend Day Attending 8a-4p  Roy-McMahon, ChristineAttending 4-3300 tel4-3300 
 L&D Weekend Day 24 Call Attending 8a-8a  Roy-McMahon, ChristineAttending x4-6830 4-3300 
Operations Weekend - SENIOR ADMIN ON CALL12a-12a  Joann GullAOD 718-334-43574-5555 
 AOD Tour 28a-4p  Pierre PhamAOD 718-334-4357  40482 
 Biomed Weekend Tech (8-4)8a-4p  Carey SingletonTech 016-001-5531  6-6101 & 973-803-2943 
 Environmental T2 All Floors7a-3p  Jose VilorioSupervisor 917-846-6110 tel917-846-6110 
 Hospital - Police Sgt. 18a-4p  Sgt Shalanda NelsonHospital Police (MB C1-14) 718-579-5757  
 Safety Officer8a-4p  William FasbenderSAFETY (C1-13) 016-001-40424-6506 
 Telecom Tester Pager12a-12a  Telecom Tester Pager 1TELECOM 016-002-411924119_Pager 
 Telecom Tester Pager12a-12a  Telecom Tester Pager 2TELECOM 016-001-651016510_Pager 
 Telecom Tester Pager12a-12a  Karina PinillosTELECOM 016-001-417114171_Pager 
 Operator Consult Paging Line12a-12a  Consult PagerTELECOM 718-334-1111ext 4-1111 
 Operations Call Center12a-12a  OPS Call CenterTELECOM 718-334-1234ext 4-1234 
Ophthalmology ED Consult 1st call (Weekend)7a-7a  Patel, MarissaPGY 2 480-414-5650    
 Attending on call (Weekend) 8a-8a  Frempong, TamieshaAttending 203-645-9355 tel203-645-9355 
Oral Max Surgery Just Say Yes (7a-7p)7a-7p  Del Aguila, MariePGY - 1 909-557-0938 telTel: 909-557-0938 
 Ed Consult 1st & 2nd Call AM7a-7p  Del Aguila, MariePGY - 1 909-557-0938 telTel: 909-557-0938 
Orthopedics BACKUP ORTHO ATTENDING ON-CALL 6a-6a  Wu, YangguanAttending 016-009-6324 973-521-1030 
 CONSULT ONLY 7a-7p 7a-7p  Jauhal, TeghPGY-1 016-009-6324   
 "Just Say Yes" 7a-7p 7a-7p  Perake, VinayakAttending 016-009-6324 612-206-7405 
Palliative Care Weekend Off-site Consults 9a-9a  Linn, Kyaw ZawAttending 929-923-3792929-923-3792 
Pathology 5p-9a Weekday8a-6p  Huang, JieAttending 016-006-3733646-706-3679 
 Pathologist 9a-5p wkdy8a-6p  Liu, ShaojunAttending 016-001-5045516-849-9621 
 Pathologist 9a-5p wkdy8a-6p  Huang, RuoqingAttending 016-004-0598646-508-6172 
 Pathologist 9a-5p wkdy8a-6p  Huang, JieAttending 016-006-3733646-706-3679 
Pediatric Attending WARD ATTENDING 8a-8p8a-8p  Quitain, JoseAttendings 016-006-3737  347 603-6232/43380 
 NICU WARD ATTENDING 8a-4p8a-4p  Javier, CristinaAttendings NICU 929-528-1522 tel929-528-1522 
Pediatrics Pediatrics - B7 Intern phone6a-6a  B7 Intern PhoneService Phone 016-006-4538  
 B7 intern weekend 24H (8a-8a)8a-8a  Ohonba, ObosaPGY-1    
 B7 senior weekend 24H (8a-8a)8a-8a  Jule, JosePGY-3 016-009-8947  786-835-4986 
 WBN intern weekend 24H (8a-8a)8a-8a  Kaur, PushwinderPGY-1    
 NICU Resident weekend 24H (8a-8a)8a-8a  Toral GabrielaPGY-2 016-001-4198347-680-5545 
 Chief on call6a-6a  Ahmed, SharnamPGY-4    
Pharmacists Senior Pharmacist7:30a-4p  Kutwal-Sharma, RaniID Clinical R.Ph. 4-5887 4-3963 
 Chemo RPh8a-6p  Hau, DetiRotating Pharmacist R.Ph.    
 C4- ICU 7:30a-4p  Faylayev, ArsenRotating Pharmacist R.Ph.    
 C4 PEDS-E8N 7:30a-4p  Sharon JanakRotating Pharmacist R.Ph.    
 C4 PSYCH 7:30a-4p  Rosenthal, LeahPT- Rotating R.Ph.    
 C4 IV ADM 7a-3:30p  Georgostathis, NikolaosSteady R.Ph.    
 C4 ED-IV 7:30a-4p  Hau, DetiRotating Pharmacist R.Ph.    
 C4 A2-A3 A7M7:30a-4p  Kutwal-Sharma, RaniID Clinical R.Ph. 4-3963 tel4-3963 
 C4 B4 -B6 7:30a-4p  Patel, BelaOPD R.Ph.    
 C4 B5 -B3 7:30a-4p  Kaminetzky, AlanRotating Pharmacist R.ph.    
 C4 A4-A7C 7:30a-4p  Lalita IbragamovaPT- Rotating R.Ph.    
 IPD-ED7:30a-4p  Solomon, LyubaRotating Pharmacist R.ph.    
Pharmacy Technicians IPD TECH 17:30a-4p  Farooqi, Shariq FDNY Technician 016-004-7241   
 C4 UD TECH - IV7:30a-4p  Baker, Yvonne Rotating Technicians  016-004-2451   
 C4 UD TECH 17:30a-4p  Matatova, Yelena Rotating Technicians  016-004-5425   
 C4 UD TECH 27:30a-4p  Latt, Ko Rotating Technicians  016-004-5425   
 C4 UD TECH 3 PSY - SAT-SUN7a-6p  Daryai, FarhanaWeekend Technician 016-004-2451   
 W.OFF 3 Sam REQ7:30a-4p  Doten, Noam (Sam)Rotating Technicians     
Psychiatry - Adult Consult Weekend 8a-8p 8a-8p  Levinsohn, NikolaiResidents 016-001-5094   
 Back Up for 8a-8p8a-8p  Malyshev, DenisResidents 016-001-5094   
 Emergency Night8:30p-8:30a  Moore, CarmenResidents 718-334-3680   
 Inpatient Psychiatry Weekends 8a-8p8a-8p  Ramirez Marques, NataliaResidents 016-001-5060   
 Inpatient Back-up8a-8a  Francisco, LaurenResidents 016-001-5060   
Psychiatry - Child & Adolescent Consult Weekend8:30a-8:30a  MICALLEF, FRANCESCAResident  016-001-5094   
Psychiatry - CPEP OVERNIGHT ATTENDING 9P-9a 6p-9a  Nagorny, Andrei
Attending 4-3680 tel4-3680 
 CPEP DAY ATTENDING 8a-8p8a-8p  Rao, SrinivasAttending    
Pulmonary Pulmonary Consult Fellow8a-5p  Alla UtsPGY 4 016-001-4050    
 MICU Attending7a-7p  Rahul NairAttending 016-001-4135    
 MICU Fellow Day7a-7p  Alla UtsPGY 4 016-001-4050    
 Critical Care Consult Fellow8a-5p  Alla UtsPGY 4 016-001-4050    
 Critical Care Consult Attending9a-9a  Rahul NairAttending 016-001-4135    
 PEAT (Pleural Effusion Action Team)8a-5p  Alla UtsPGY 4 016-001-4050    
Radiology 8am-12p8a-12p  Danon, MarthaAttending 917-853-7308  4-1481 
 Diagnostic Radiologist On Call8a-8a  Diakoumakis, EvangelosAttending 016-003-1519  4-1204/4-2046 office 
 Interventional Radiologist On Call Weekend and Holi...8a-8a  Blue, RobertAttending 016-001-4381  917-439-3151 
 Radiology Helpline12a-12a  Radiology SupervisorHelpline 718-396-4361  
 Director of Service12a-12a  Masson, VivekAttending    
 Administration Radiology8a-8a  Weick, Grace-Ann AED 929-237-5283    
 OR Morning8a-4p  Fonkem, BlasiusTech 016-004-3717  
Rehab Resident W 8a-8a  Jumreornvong, OranichaPGY3 914-236-0974   
 Attending On Call W8:30a-8:30a  Thyagaraj, ArunaAttending 016-009-8521  
 Director8a-6p  Nori, SubhadraDirector 917-577-7751 tel917-577-7751  (cell) 
Respiratory Therapy ED (Respiratory) - 771057a-7p  Trayvilla, JosephEDED RT 016-007-7105  
 1-3 (7a_12hrs_5RT) Lunch coverage @ 1300 by LAMA 963407a-7p  Trayvilla, JosephDay RT 016-001-2140  
 2-5 (7a_12hrs_5RT) Lunch coverage @ 1200 by TRAYVILLA 121407a-7p  Lama, DorjeDay RT 016-009-6352  
 A4-E4 (7a_12hrs_5RT) Lunch coverage @ 1300 by CHERIAN 121547a-7p  Chaudry, MamoonaDay RT 016-001-4628    
 B4-6-B7-8 (7a_12hrs_5RT) Lunch coverage @ 1100 by CHAUDRY 146287a-7p  Antonio, ArnoldDay RT 016-003-1760    
 A7-MICU-9-10-11 (7a_12hrs_5RT) Lunch coverage @ 1200 by ANTONIO 317607a-7p  Cherian, LucyDay RT 016-001-2154  
 Day Manifolds_Gas Alarms7a-7p  Trayvilla, JosephDay RT 016-001-2140  
SICU/Step Down Attending In House8a-4p  Bhatti, SaadAttending 016-001-42934-3639 
 Day NP 1 (7a-7p)7a-7p  Magsuci, MichaelNP 016-007-6298  
 Chief Resident7a-7p  Khajoueinejad, NazaninChief Resident    
SICU/Surgery Attending In House8a-4p  Bhatti, SaadAttending 016-001-42934-3639 
 Fellow 7a-7p7a-7p  Davis, AdenFellow 016-001-4178  
 Intern 7a-5p7a-5p  Mandel, Asher LeeSICU Resident    
 Intern 7a-7a7a-7a  Martin, JosephSICU Resident 64255 tel64255 
 SICU Intern 1 Day Off8a-6p  Claypool, MeganSICU Resident    
Social Work MER Day8a-4p  Jennifer NicolaSenior SW 016-004-3231M# (917)439-0790 
 OB GYN Josh Kleinmuntz M# 6-47698a-4p  Weinstein, AmyOB/GYN SW 016-001-4309M: 6-6699    Ext.: 4-2694
Speech Pathology Clinics0 filled shifts. Sun avg = 1. Dec 1 is past publish date 11-30-24  
Urology Attending (8a-5p) Call Offsite8a-6p  Atallah, William Attending 917-882-1413  
Weekend On-Call Schedule Day Tour