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Who's on    Tue, Mar 18, 2025       (as of 12:43pm )     for all Mar...

Name     Training  Contact Tel 
Bander, Jeffrey NP in-house: 8520in-house: 8520
Bart, Cellandria NP 9172055126in-house: 1323
Bauml, Joshua NP 9175371537 
Bautro, Ester NP In-House: 6448 
Berns, Steven NP 9172184497in-house: 3123
Boxer, Andrew NP 9176418431in-house:
Broukhim, M NP 917-457-0902in-house: 7342
Brown, Lenora NP 9175370150 in-house: 3910
Camilon, Lydia NP In-House: 6449 
Cham, Naomi NP In-House: 9522Long Range: 917-641-0824
Clarke, Sophia NP 9345 
Cohen, David NP 9174570207in-house:
Dunn, Mona NP In-House: 3248 
Ehrlich, Adam NP 9174010652in-house: 3834
Ginsberg, E NP 9176412983in-house: 8402
Han, Hyosun NP   
Jocson, Jessica NP In-House: 0961 
Kramer, E NP 917-218-9222in-house: 7106
Lim-Sulit, N NP   
Louisias, M NP   
Luz, Lynette NP In-House: 7455 
Maglione, P NP 9172195551 
Mann, Micah NP 9172520507In-House: 4549
Marseille, B NP In-House: 3428 
Matloff, J NP 9176411039 in-house: 0097
Mazurkiewicz, B NP 917-641-0158in house: 4183
Miller, Marc NP in-house: 3883in-house: 3883
Mukete, Bertrand NP 9172520425in-house: 0990
Naymagon, Steven NP 9176491712in-house: 6646
Protano, M NP 9176491635in-house: 6630
Pungoti, C NP 9176411841in house: 3786
Raghunathan, N NP 9175373007in-house: 2707
Rana, Huma NP 9172520499in-house:
Riley, Samantha NP 9176491833 in-house: 5933
Rose, Keith NP 9173275389in-house:
Schaefer, S NP 9174241714 
Sechler, A NP 9174014133  
Sellers, C NP 9176491702in-house: 8401
Sethi, S NP 9176491679in-house: 6365
Shah, K NP 9174010834in-house: 1159
Susaya, Ronald NP 347-439 -7237347-439 -7237
Swartz, Talia NP 9172520032 in-house: 3982
Tesher, H NP 9172054796in-house: 6637
Trindade, Arvind NP 917-219-5011 In-House: 5016
Van Der Zee, S NP in-house: 6600in-house: 6600
Ward, S NP 9176491716 in-house: 8569
de la Hoz, Elaine NP In-House: 4516 
A Uglialoro PA  
Alles, Meghan PAIn-House: 0462 
Allison Montenes PA516-233-6018 
Amanda Barysh PA  
Andrew Zhu PA(m) 201-844-7389 
Archana Babu PA718-873-7704 
Arlene Donnatin PA(m) 646-761-6186 
Armas, Andreina PAin house: 9518 
Aycart, S PAIn-House: 8823 
Aziz. S PAIn-house: 6734 
Baker, D PAIn-house: 3603 
Baskowitz, Rayni PAIn House: x1782 
Bill LaBattaglia PA(m) 917-880-7978 
Bogdan, Valerie PAIn House x0089 
Brandt, Jillian PAIn-House: 3035 
Chilukuri, Santhi PAIn-House: 0933 
Cindy Medrano PA  
Danielle Scribani PA  
Delva, Ludma PAin house: 3504 
Dina Mendicino PA(m) 516-857-7808 
Dou, J PAIn-House: 3079 
Emma Ungureanu PA(m) 845-596-9180 
Fathi, Yasmine PAInhouse x0933 
Fenster, Jamie PAIn-House: 8276 
Fili, Mariela PACell phone: 646-761-3998 
Gal, M PAIn-House: 5296 
George Donohue PA(m) 610-764-6853 
Goldenberg PA  
Higginson, Trevor PAPager Inhouse x3064 
Huang, Yuan PAin house: 0754 
J Mbabuike PA  
Jenna Strauss PA908-578-0830 
Josh Alge PA(m) 617-939-4858 
Khan, Wajiha PAIn-House: 9159   
Leung, Jennifer PAIn-House: 1874 
Liz Levy PA(m) 845-598-2481 
Lyndsey Cwikla PA  
M Koromo  PA  
Maddy Staiano PA(m) 203-918-0588 
Megan Vilcek PA(m) 724-388-6227 
Michael Montanti  PA  
Moller, Christina PA4619 
Montone, Jennifer PAIn-House: 3847 
Najjar, Marc  PA  
Palomi Patel PA  
Panos, A PA  
Pollak, Jessica PAIn-House: 4619 
Qian, Meng PAIn-House: 9007  
Raffai, Natasha PAin house x8783146-209-8783
Robin Rodney PA(m) 727-916-1140 
Roden, Michael PAin-house:1530 
Rubin, J PAIn-House: 0754 
Sanchez, Yohana PAin house: 0180 
Santiago, Ashley PAin house: 5296 
Schloth, J PAIn-House: 9884 
Shirley Hewlett PA19031 
Simonyan, Yuliya PAin house: 4292 
Schloth, J  PAIn-House: 9884 
Shirley Hewlett  PA19031 
Simonyan, Yuliya  PAIn-House: 4292 
Singh, M PAIn-House: 9909 
Stefanie Karangelen PA(m) 757-705-0482 
Steven Mazzeo PA631-804-2433 
Taryn Newkirk PA(m) 719-650-3824 
Weiss, Julie PAIn-House: 4619 
Yeung, June PAx0039 
Yiwei Ling PA646-660-0537 
Zuo, Connie PAin-house:8751 
O'Connor, Megan PA  
Coyne, Nicole PA  
Barysh, Amanda  PA  
Joseph, Tamar  PAin house: 9884 
Terzian, Beata  PAin house: 3603 
John Mulligan PAin house: 0332 
Fuessler, Brianna  PAin house: 0039 
Allison Markiewicz PA  
Whalen, Matt PAin house: 1782 
Nitz, Andrew PAin house: 1530 
Patel, Dhara PAin house: 0015 
Jean-Mary, Julliana  PAin house: 9159 
Persaud, Adiena  PAin house: 3079 
Barone, Peter  PAin house: 9884 
Bahl, Priyanka PAin-house: 0180 
Chan, Dana  PAin house: 0015 
Werner, Madison PA3504 
Schwartz, Olivia PAin house: 3064 
Patton, Michaela PAin house: 0510 
George, Kristen PA630-484-6304630-484-6304
Anastasio, Alexa PAin house: 8751 
Thomas, Lauren PA  
Chen, Christine  PAin house: 3276 
Pigon, Jericho PAin house: 0180 
Apanah, Stephanie  PA  
Davis, Joseph  PAin house: 3079 
Adamptey, Emmanuel  PAin house: 0303 
Ye, Nancy  PA9518 
Katz, Avery  PA0542 
Luciano, Arlene  PAin house: 8751 
Song, Faith PAin house: 8276 
Fisher, Alexis  PAin house: 4341 
Foster, Donnielle  PAin house: 3276 
Mori, Tiffany  PAin house: 4311 
Jackson, Reesha PAin house: 4348 
Osorio, Dahlia PAin house: 6033 
Foster, Donneille  PAin-house: 3276 
Zapata, Alexandra PAin house: 9518 
Shim, Yoonha  PAin house: 4384 
Adler, Ava  PGY1in house: 3907 
Barthold, Laura  PGY1in house: 0236 
Callif, Charles PGY1in house: 3601 
Colon Iban, Yhan  PGY1in house: 0260 
Howland, Julian PGY1in house: 0266 
Logan, Rashid PGY1in house: 0915 
Papes, Molly PGY1in house: 0280 
Record, Sydney PGY1in house: 3651 
Sullivan, Aurora PGY1in house: 0925 
Taylor, Delaney  PGY1in house: 3642 
Fefferman, Ann PGY1in house: 0958 
Steinberg, Lindsey PGY1in house: 0356 
Espiritu, Marvee Gay PGY1in house: 2149 
Goyal, Piyush PGY1in house: 3633 
Gross, Benjamin PGY1in house: 2583 
Iyer, Deepak  PGY1in house: 2529 
Chinnusamy, Sadhana  PGY1in house: 0676 
Martin, Ryan PGY1in house: 0680 
Surprise, Myrlandy PGY1in house: 0591 
Rahaman, Karina PGY1in house: 3602 
Chaluts, Danielle PGY1in house: 3697 
Cheung, Jennifer  PGY1in house: 3654 
Dhole, Yashoda PGY1in house: 3971 
Flen, Alexis PGY1in house: 3647 
Kosobucki, Gabrielle  PGY1in house: 3645 
Nuguri, Shreya PGY1in house: 3619 
Rogers, James Speed PGY1in house: 3657 
Trevino, Danielle PGY1in house: 0277 
Wong, Wilson PGY1in house: 0662 
Zhang, Eva  PGY1in house: 9683 
Cheng, Yu (Owen) PGY1in house: 13776 
Kaye, Gabriel  PGY1in house: 13777 
Komrower, Samuel PGY1in house: 13778 
Roistacher, Daniel PGY1in house: 13779 
Kiehm, Spencer PGY1  
Conti, Joseph  PGY1  
Aden, Aisha  PGY1(602) 930 - 6647(602) 930 - 6647
Ding, Samuel  PGY1(617) 323 - 6394(617) 323 - 6394
Kim, Sul Gi  PGY1(812) 361 - 0094(812) 361 - 0094
Scaria, Sonia  PGY1(508) 904-5198(508) 904-5198
Sutton, Sarah  PGY1(775) 453 - 5544(775) 453 - 5544
Yun, Do Hyun  PGY1(240) 543-3916(240) 543-3916
Gibstein, Alexander PGY1in house: 1374 
Nanda, Arjun PGY1in house: 3621 
Wilson, Jasmin PGY1in house: 2596 
Vingan, Perri  PGY1in house: 3517 
Hijazi, Nour PGY1in house: 3641 
Han, John PGY1in house: 0054 
Borenstein, Jacob PGY1in house: 3685 
Bhuyan, Arijit  PGY1in house: 6405 
Gaglani, Simita PGY1146-209-0019 
Geduldig, Jack Emil PGY1146-209-0786 
Levy, Micah PGY1146-209-0899 
Mandel, Asher Lee PGY1146-209-0086 
Yang, Katie PGY1146-209-7847 
D'Souza, Erica  PGY1  
Shoemaker, Rachel  PGY1  
Shams, Rebecca  PGY1  
Urquhart, Danielle  PGY1  
Cooper, Zachary  PGY1  
Brasch, Carl  PGY1  
Chakrani, Zakaria  PGY1  
Hernandez, Fabio  PGY1  
Loke, Rohini  PGY1  
Jankulov, Alexandra  PGY1  
Buckley, Kyle  PGY1  
Hosseini, Shayan  PGY1  
Patel, Bhakti  PGY1  
Capotosto, Salvatore  PGY1  
Issa, Tariq  PGY1  
Maayan, Omri  PGY1  
Richardson, Mary  PGY1  
Tanghe, Kira  PGY1 
Tully, Nicholas  PGY1  
White, Christopher  PGY1  
Simon, Natalie  PGY1in house: 4175 
Majumdar, Rahul  PGY1in house: 4168 
Kramer, Elliot  PGY1in house: 4163 
Kouassi-Brou, Marilyn  PGY1in house: 4162 
Venner, Emily  PGY1in house: 4177 
Eger, Annalise  PGY1in house: 4153 
Friedman, Adam  PGY1in house: 4156 
Liu Kot, Kevin  PGY1in house: 4167 
Hao, Yvonne  PGY1in house: 4158 
Micallef, Courtney  PGY1in house: 4169 
Kumar, Sumanya  PGY1in house: 4164 
Durrani, Mohammad Manan  PGY1in house: 4152 
Rome, Eric  PGY1in house: 4170 
Sidhu, Jasleen  PGY1in house: 4174 
Gottiparthi, Shouri  PGY1in house: 4157 
Wise, Jordan  PGY1in house: 4180 
Win, Alyson  PGY1in house: 4178 
Cai, Huchong (Michael)  PGY1in house: 4150 
Ensor, Caroline Liang PGY1in house: 4154 
Sanders, Benjamin  PGY1in house: 4171 
Herrera, Michael  PGY1in house: 4159 
Tawil, Michael  PGY1in house: 4176 
Leung, Christy  PGY1in house: 4166 
Allely, David  PGY1in house: 4126 
Belovsky, Mia  PGY1in house:4130 
Coomer, Wade  PGY1in house: 4151 
Kim, Un Bi (Diana) PGY1in house: 4160 
Benton, Jake  PGY1in house: 4147 
Lasowski, Patrick  PGY1in house: 4165 
Farshadmand, Jonathan  PGY1in house: 4155 
lee PGY1  
Cao, Can (Lulu) PGY2in house: 1927 
Cao, Sarah PGY2in house: 3712 
Char, Steve PGY2in house: 2576 
Doan, Tina  PGY2in house: 0642 
Hoffen, Jessica PGY2in house: 4023 
Hoover, Anna PGY2in house: 3690 
Jiang, Winston PGY2in house: 0243 
Pitcher, Clark PGY2in house: 3611 
Shu, Michelle PGY2in house: 3607 
Vanek, Carolyn PGY2in house: 5935 
Youssef, George PGY2in house: 3676 
Spatz, Jordan PGY2in house: 0908 
Nasasra, Ahmad  PGY2in house: 0049 
Patel, Parth PGY2146-203-0182 
Zheng, Allen PGY2  
Barrow, Brooke  PGY2in house: 3606 
Hazkour, Nissim  PGY2in house: 3614 
Shih, Sabrina PGY2in house: 0038 
Suydam, Rebecca  PGY2in house: 4028 
Chandrashekar, Anirudh  PGY2in house: 3596 
Kim, Kate PGY2in house: 3631 
Leoce, Brian  PGY2in house: 1865 
Obayi, Ikpechukwu PGY2in house: 4029 
Alibo, Eziwoma  PGY3in house: 3441 
Colquhoun, MacAlistair  PGY3in house: 8192 
Dhindsa, Yasmeen  PGY3in house: 3636 
Dillon, Jacquelyn PGY3in house: 3587 
Gipe, Jordan PGY3in house: 6447  
Katz, Olivia PGY3in house: 3592 
Kline, Taylor  PGY3in house: 5942 
Lifrieri, Andrea  PGY3in house: 0118 
Schmidt, Lee PGY3in house: 5210 
Kim-Kiselak, Caroline PGY3in house: 3667 
Yip, Catherine  PGY3in house: 0256 
Abu El Hawa, Areeg PGY3in house: 3643 
Mellia, Joseph PGY3in house: 3649914-844-5580
Tirrell, Abigail  PGY3in house: 4018 
Faries, Christopher  PGY3in house: 3663 
Heib, Adele PGY3in house: 4015 
Pai, Akila PGY3in house: 0117 
Cheng He, Rossana PGY4In House: 3610 
Coste, Marine  PGY4In House: 3597 
Huber, Hans (Max)  PGY4in house: 3669 
Kunaprayoon, Saran PGY4In House: 3605 
Rancy, Schneider PGY4In House: 8189 
Reddy, Haritha PGY4In House: 0255 
Sullivan, Joseph PGY4In House: 0254 
Tsutsui, Shawn PGY4in house: 3646 
Williams, Hannah  PGY4in house: 3618 
Yu, Allen PGY4In House: 0257 
Greer, Madison PGY4In House: 1749 
Russell, Jeffrey PGY4In House: 3662  
Sarosi, Alex PGY4In House: 3659 
Titomihelakis,George PGY4In House: 3588 
Soto, Cassandra PGY4In House: 6414 
Rushing, Amanda PGY4In House: 0035 
Dillard, Nate PGY4In House: 1884 
Abeshouse, Marnie PGY5In House: 0263 
Bell, Yamira PGY5In House: 3670 
Cuva, Dylan PGY5in house: 3848 
Horn, Callie  PGY5in house: 0261 
Khajoueinejad, Nazanin  PGY5in house: 0259 
McGill, Mackie PGY5In House: 0262 
Myers, Bryan PGY5In House: 3644 
Naughton, Hannah PGY5In House: 3660 
Renz, Christian PGY5In House: 3652 
Torabi, Julia PGY5In House: 0176 
Trinidad, Stephen PGY5in house: 0268 
Wang, Yun Hwa Walter  PGY5In House: 0198 
Barnett, Joshua  PGY5In House: 3612P: 484-333-0534
Inglesby, Dani PGY5In House: 3683 
Patete, Carissa  PGY5In House: 0172 
Choinski, Krystina  PGY5In House: 9681 
Hatzis, Christopher PGY5In House: 3620 
Stafford, Nicholas PGY5In House: 0317 
Mandelbaum, Max  PlasticsIn House: 3681 
Rizzo, Amanda PlasticsIn House: 3628P: 631-457-2697
Sharaf, Jake PlasticsIn House: 3709P: 954-253-9924
Carmichael, Heather Colorectal Fellow  
Yelorda, Kirbi Colorectal Fellow  
Suliman, Toufeeq  Colorectal Fellow  
Lengel, Harry (Ben) Vasc Fellowin house: 0199 
Palvannan, Prashanth  Vasc Fellowin house: 1851 
Zhang, Jenny LAPin house: 4013347-399-5178
Oland, Gabriel LAPin house: 3328605-359-8660
Buie, Vanessa LAP  
Stefanova, Dessie LAP  
Pahlkotter, Maranda  Surg Onc Fellowin house 3675 
Waller, Giacomo Surg Onc Fellowin house: 3692 
Srouji, Rami Surg Onc Fellowin house: 3675929-284-6397
Shanja-Grabarz, Xhesika Endocrinein house: 3634 
Chu, Isabelle Endocrinein house: 3634425-241-7878
Bajakian, Danielle Vasc Attdg  
Baldwin, Melissa Vasc Attdg813-293-1523 
Brahmanandam, Soma Vasc Attdg  
Chander, R Vasc Attdg(m) 732-221-0287 
Faries, Peter Vasc Attdg  
Finlay, David Vasc Attdg  
Han, Daniel Vasc Attdg  
Harrington, Elizabeth Vasc Attdg  
Harrington, Martin Vasc Attdg  
Kim, S Vasc AttdgIn-house: 3596 
Lajos, Paul Vasc Attdg  
Morrissey, Nicholas Vasc Attdg  
Phair, John Vasc Attdg516-672-2213  
Rao, Ajit  Vasc Attdg607-341-1424 
Ravin, Reid  Vasc Attdg  
Schanzer, Harry Vasc Attdg  
Soundararajar Vasc Attdg 
Stein, Jeffrey Vasc Attdg  
Tadros, R Vasc Attdg  
Teodorescu, Victoria Vasc Attdg  
Ting, Windsor Vasc Attdg  
Vouyouka, Angela Vasc Attdg  
Cornwall, J Vasc Attdg  
George, Justin  Vasc Attdg201-314-8053 201-314-8053
Smolock, Christopher Vasc AttdgCell: (267) 271-4206Work: (718) 808-7865
Berger, Kelsey  Vasc Attdg440-313-5753440-313-5753
Aldoroty, Robert Attdg917-754-9293 
Balakumar, Mala Attdg  
Beaton, Howard Attdg  
Bock, George Attdg  
Bub, David Attdg  
Chessin, David Attdg646-866-4098 
Chin, Edward Attdg917-861-8005 
Divino, Celia Attdg  
Dolgopolov, S Attdg917-576-9836 
Dong, Matthew Attdg917-654-7265 
Drew, Michael Attdg  
Edwards, Eric Attdg  
Eiref, S Attdg  
Fernandez-Ranvier Attdg  
Friedman, R. Attdg369-222215118 pager
Goodman, E. Attdg(m) 718-213-3407 
Gorfine, Stephen Attdg  
Greenberg, Marc Attdg  
Greenstein, Alexander Attdg917-699-6557 
Grossi, R. Attdg973-865-3668 
Guo, Yujin Attdg917-439-6758 
Han, D. Attdg(m) 201-741-5993 
Harris, Frederic Attdg  
Herron, Dan Attdg646-300-4237 
Inabnet, William Attdg  
Iskander, M Attdg  
Jacob, Brian Attdg917-478-2376 
Katz, L.B. Attdg  
Kempner, Robbi Attdg  
Khaitov, Sergey Attdg646-841-2129 
Kim, Alex Attdg  
Kini, Subhash Attdg914-960-1474 
Ky, Alex Attdg917-576-2323 
Lee, Dan Attdg  
Lo, A. Attdg(m) 646-660-4615 
Manolas, Panagiotis Attdg  
Nguyen, Scott Attdg212-241-1483347-633-3500
Popowich, Daniel Attdg  
Ravin R. Attdg(m) 615-491-1240 
Steele, J Attdg  
Steinhagen, Randolph Attdg  
Suh, H. Attdg(m) 347-835-7790 
Swain, G Attdg  
Sylla, Patricia Attdg917-519-7872 
Taylor, J. Attdg212-920-1869 
Tenembaum, Moises Attdg  
Thodiyil, P. Attdg(m) 917-434-4737 
Tomasula, John Attdg  
Tsioulias, George Attdg  
Vine, Anthony Attdg  
Wayne, M. Attdg(m) 212-734-8874 
Zhang, Linda Attdg646-382-8025 
Zinberg, Joel Attdg  
Zisman, Sharon Attdg917-270-7787 
Owen, Randall Attdg646-831-5950  
Lu, Tianyi  Attdg347-573-3137 
Reiner, Mark Attdg  
Hahn, Sue Attdg917-446-8880917-446-8880
Taye, Aida Attdg703-597-4545 
Dickler, Carl  Attdg  
Moore, Eric  Attdg646-761-4647 
Belsley, Scott  Attdg917-673-3993 
Gandhi, Nipa  Attdg617-803-6805 
Fong Attdg  
Lee, Denise  Attdg617-596-1977617-596-1977
Choi, Michael Attdg929-418-2526 
Dolan, Patrick  Attdg332-257-4080332-257-4080
Bulanov, Alexander AttdgCall MSBI PACall MSBI PA
Plietz, Michael Attdg908-907-0522908-907-0522
Tsai, Catherine Attdg  
Lazar, Damien  Attdg 
Bodenstein, Lawrence Peds Attdg(m) 917-502-0753 
Coakley, Brian Peds Attdg646-823-4789917-576-2612
Midulla, Peter Peds Attdg917 664-3020 
Shlasko, Edward Peds Attdg  
Tackett, John  Peds Attdg608-279-7491  
Li, Linda Peds Attdg929-638-1466929-638-1466
Okochi, Shunpei  Peds Attdg929-687-1549929-687-1549
Holiday Peds Attdg  
Avanessian, Bella  Plastics Attdg  
Birnbaum, Jay Plastics Attdg  
Broumand, Stafford Plastics Attdg  
Copeland, Michelle Plastics Attdg  
Fang, Frank Plastics Attdg(617) 270-3258 
Fischman, Jeffrey Plastics Attdg  
Harmaty, Marco Plastics Attdg  
Henderson, Peter Plastics Attdg(m) 646-939-5426 
Jacobs, Jordan Plastics Attdg  
Keegan, Leo Plastics Attdg  
Ko, John Plastics Attdg  
Kolker, Adam Plastics Attdg  
Kressel, Aron Plastics Attdg  
Levine, Elie Plastics Attdg  
Maman, D Plastics Attdg  
Meisner, Jay Plastics Attdg  
Monasebian, Douglas Plastics Attdg  
Pang, John  Plastics Attdg  
Rose, Elliot Plastics Attdg  
Salzberg, Andrew Plastics Attdg  
Schulman, Matt Plastics Attdg  
Shah, Nilay Plastics Attdg914-341-2702 
Singer, E Plastics Attdg  
Skolnik, Richard Plastics Attdg  
Sterry, Thomas Plastics Attdg  
Taub, Peter Plastics Attdg  
Ting, Jess Plastics Attdg  
Torina, Phillip Plastics Attdg  
Weinberg, Hubert Plastics Attdg  
Yao, Alice Plastics Attdg  
III  Team  
IV  Team  
Surg Onc  Team  
V  Team  
VAST  Teamx41208 
Cohen, Noah  Surg Onc Attdg347-859-5793 
Hiotis, Spiros Surg Onc Attdg(m) 347-344-7669 
Labow, Daniel Surg Onc Attdg  
Lee, David Surg Onc Attdg3681201-694-3749
Sarpel, Umut Surg Onc Attdg917-282-9491 
Schwartz, Myron Surg Onc Attdg  
Golas, Ben Surg Onc Attdg917-843-6627 
Night PA Surg Onc Attdg6734 
Gunasekaran, Ganesh Surg Onc Attdg  
Correa, Camilo  Surg Onc Attdg857-719-5876857-719-5876
Park, James  Surg Onc Attdg  
Leinwand, Joshua Surg Onc Attdg  
Emengo, Pamela Research  
Lum, Tony Research  
Mirabadi, Nina Research  
Agathis, Alexandra ResearchIn House: 9096 
Huang, Alex ResearchIn House: 3669 
Kahan, Anastasia  ResearchIn House: 3618 
Kim, Mary  ResearchIn House: 4251 
Webster, Linzi Research352-346-5779352-346-5779
Watchmaker, Jennifer Research(262) 365-3058(262) 365-3058
Nguyen, Charles  Research3063 
Gupta, Raghav Research  
Wurst, Hallie  Research(253) 651-5315(253) 651-5315
Ho, Patrick Researchin house: 3070 
Elkun, Yuval Researchin house: 0703 
Feizi, Alborz Research917-667-5575917-667-5575
Garden, Evan Researchin house: 3050 
Laarakker, Avra Transgender Fellow  
Flis, Ehud Transgender Fellow  

Please use the in-house paging system at extension 41300 to contact clinicians in the Department of Surgery.

For Trauma consults:

7AM - 7PM - contact Day Floor & ER Consult Resident

7PM - 7AM - contact Overnight In-House Snr Consult

Surgery (III, IV, V) Escalation Path for Inpatient AM (7am-8pm)

1 - PGY1/PA (PA 7am-3pm)

2 - PGY3/PGY4

3 - PGY5 (Chief Resident)

4 - Attending Provider (listed in EPIC Treatment Team)

Surgery (III, IV, V) Escalation Path for InPatient PM (8pm-7am)

1 - PGY1/NP

2 - PGY3/PGY4

3 - Attending Provider (listed in EPIC Treatment Team)

Pediatric Surgery (24/7)

1 - PGY2/PGY3/PGY4

2 - Attending Provider (listed in EPIC Treatment Team)

Plastic Surgery(24/7)

1 - Resident

2 - Chief Resident

3 - Attending Provider (listed in EPIC Treatment Team)

Surg Oncology (24/7)


2 - Chief Resident

3 - Attending Provider (listed in EPIC Treatment Team)

Vascular Surgery (24/7)

1 - PGY1/PGY2/PA

2 - Chief Resident/Fellow

3 - Attending Provider (listed in EPIC Treatment Team)

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Contact if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Mar 14 10:43 2025.   2024 gonzac12  Feb 16 23
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