Name | | Training | | Contact | Tel |
Andrade, Allen | | Attending | | 146-209-1652 | |
Apoeso, Olusegun | | Attending | | 146-209-5209
| |
Baharlou, Shahla | | Attending | | 146-209-1666 | |
Biewald, Mollie | | Attending | | 146-209-3130 | |
Bhatia, Sonica | | Attending | | 2014503465
| |
Callahan, Eileen | | Attending | | 201-320-4419  | |
Chai, Emily | | Attending | | 347-978-5392
| |
Chang, Christine | | Attending | |
| |
Choi, Eugene | | Attending | | 146-209-2728 | |
Chow, Stephanie | | Attending | | 646-584-9823  | |
Chun, Audrey | | Attending | | 646-734-9878  | |
Decherrie, Linda | | Attending | | 917-583-3810
| |
Farber, Jeffrey | | Attending | | 146-209-1312 | |
Fernandez, Helen | | Attending | | 146-209-0801 | |
Gelfman, Laura | | Attending | | 917-806-8071
| |
Goldstein, Nathan | | Attending | | 146-209-2641 | |
Hernandez, Cameron | | Attending | | 646-942-1215  | |
Javier, Noelle Marie | | Attending | | 146-209-0840 | |
Karani, Reena | | Attending | | 146-209-1492 | |
Krishnasamy, Priya | | Attending | | 146-201-0309 | |
Leipzig, Rosanne | | Attending | | 646-642-8745  | |
Morrison, Sean | | Attending | | 917-204-7919  | |
Reckrey, Jennifer | | Attending | | 917-599-6979  | |
Rivera, Veronica | | Attending | |
| |
Rodriguez, Vanessa | | Attending | | 146-209-6264 | |
Rughwani, Nisha | | Attending | | 9174559801
| |
Ruttenberg, Margaret | | Attending | | 146-209-3121 | |
Sanon, Martine | | Attending | | 146-209-9167 | |
Sheinfeld, Joanna | | Attending | | 146-209-8414 | |
Smith, Cardinale | | Attending | | 917-806-0132  | |
Soriano, Rainier | | Attending | | 146-209-7098 | |
Tracy, Bridget | | Attending | | 146-209-6263 | |
Woodrell, Christopher | | Attending | | 146-209-4717 | |
LE, Stephanie | | Attending | | 146-209-0640
| |
Ankuda, Claire | | Attending | | 146-209-2406 | 212-241-0635 |
Bharani, Anup | | Attending | | 146-209-4040
| |
Mehta, Ankita | | Attending | | 973-634-4206  | |
Mulholland, Christie | | Attending | | 146-209-0716
| |
Pelleg, Ayla | | Attending | | 146-209-0650 | |
Devons, Cathryn | | Attending | | 914-325-2440
| |
Hung, William | | Attending | |
| |
KO, Fred | | Attending | | 146-209-7777 | |
Meier, Diane | | Attending | | 917-584-5699 | |
Soones, Tacara | | Attending | | 146-209-9082 | |
Ramaswamy, Ravishankar | | Attending | | 267-984-2822
| |
Cook-Mack, Jessica | | Attending | | 646-457-7269
| |
Escobar, Christian | | Attending | | 146-209-5021 | |
Levine-Tanco, Karen | | Attending | | 315-415-9575
| |
Zhang, Meng | | Attending | | 646-942-6458
| |
Wajnberg, Ania | | Attending | | 646-957-3530
| |
Gliatto, Peter | | Attending | | 917-623-3514
| |
Meah, Yasmin | | Attending | | 646-957-7043
| |
Ripp, Jonathan | | Attending | | | |
Heller, David | | Attending | | 203-804-8241  | |
Popp, Beth | | Attending | | 347-760-3456  | |
Davenport, Claire | | Attending | | 518-859-0357  | |
Koncicki, Holly | | Attending | | | |
Perez, Fiorella | | Attending | | 146-209-0637 | |
Afezolli, Debora | | Attending | | 146-209-2292 | |
Condo, Angela | | Attending | | 201-577-8456  | |
Rousseau, Carl-Phillipe | | Attending | | 146-209-4846 | 929-626-2978 |
Fogel, Joyce | | Attending | | 917-607-5249  | |
Aung, Su | | Attending | | 646-255-2037  | |
Kiszko, Kinga | | Attending | | 146-209-0241 | |
Weisberg, Daniel | | Attending | | 914-772-2555  | |
Richardson, Christopher | | Attending | | 146-203-9396 | |
Ehrlich, Martin | | Attending | | 146-209-6452 | |
Arabelo, Howard | | Attending | | 30929 | 30929 |
Fung, Jennifer | | Attending | | 146-203-5658 | 30929 |
Mark, Katherine | | Attending | | 31991
| |
Sreevalsan, Kayva | | Attending | | 146-209-0453 | |
Kuwata, Caitlyn | | Attending | | 310-697-6496
| |
Mather, Harriet | | Attending | | 146-209-0183 | |
LU, Emily | | Attending | | 146-209-9503 | |
Amir, Omar | | Attending | | | |
Hossain, Md Anwar | | Attending | | | |
Gazali, Radfan | | Attending | | | |
Savia, James | | Attending | | | |
Monga, Bharat | | Attending | | | |
Saxena, Ankita | | Attending | | | |
Ramos, Maria | | Attending | | | |
Yamada, Yuji | | Attending | | 146-209-0782 | |
Chen, Joanna | | Attending | | 146-209-8358 | |
Kelly, Lauren | | Attending | | 146-209-8761 | |
Beah, Salam | | Attending | | | |
Rodin, Rebecca | | Attending | | 146-209-7154 | |
Hansen, Laurel | | Attending | | 146-209-0675 | |
Samuels, Emily | | Attending | | | |
Kamal, Mikail | | Attending | | 146-209-0298 | |
Wey, Winston | | Attending | | 146-209-1792 | |
Mecca, Joanna | | Attending | | | |
Yoo, Elizabeth | | Attending | | | |
Agrawal, Veevek | | Attending | | | |
Rajda, Geetanjali | | Attending | | | |
Linker, Anne | | Attending | | | |
Holzer, Horatio | | Attending | | | |
Gandhi, Ayush | | Attending | | | |
Truong, Tuyet | | Attending | | | |
Reyna, Maria | | Attending | | | |
Kung, Alina | | Attending | | 626-297-0029 | |
Sheehan, Jacqueline | | Attending | | 146-209-0677 | |
Marshall, Janeen | | Attending | | 845-682-1449 | |
Belland, Laura | | Attending | | 146-209-2930 | |
Uemura, Takeshi | | Attending | | 646-630-0408 | |
Masutani, Rebecca | | Attending | | 146-209-0430
| |
Wagner, Lauren | | Attending | | 146-209-0674 | |
Ortiz Sarmiento, Erika | | Attending | | 646-618-9576 | |
Crooms, Caroline | | Attending | | 917-734-2412 | |
Arnold, Robert | | Attending | | 412-656-7431 | |
Lalani, Sheneen | | Attending | | | |
Gayton, Matthew | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 146-209-6645 | |
Deleon-Kraus, Yasmin | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 146-209-0489 | |
Kirpani, Sapina | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 146-209-6458 | |
Loving, Nicole | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 347-931-8123  | |
Leone, Linley | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 347-931-3168  | |
Sundel, Siobhan | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 917-592-6026  | |
Nurse Practitioner | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | | |
Rudden, Adrienne | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 347-835-8592  | |
Horton, Jay | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 917-873-5768
| |
Chiulli, Rachel | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 646-771-2779  | |
Lipson, Jana | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 332-999-4078  | |
Greeves, Jacqueline | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 917-890-5630  | |
Megson, Annie | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | | |
Reema, Karen ( NYU NP Student) | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | | |
AN, Janet | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 146-203-5611 | 30928 |
Bedward, Yvonne | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 30929 | |
Reidy, Marilyn | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 30929 | |
Dimaria, Vanessa | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 347-835-7113 | |
Fani, Shamsi | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | | |
Cubelli, Brianna | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 646-946-2961  | |
Collette, David | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 332-999-4078  | |
Kroll, Sara | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 30928 | |
Romanelli, Sarah | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | (212) 659-8552 | |
Giraldo, Gina | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | | |
Lasseigne, Joshua | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 347-931-8141  | |
Lewis, DaLU | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 30929 | |
Winogora, Victoria | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 646-895-1045  | |
Wolownik, Greg | | Nurse Practioner/Nurse | | 9176133388 | |
Meyerson, Edie | | Chaplain | | 917-919-5902 | |
Altilio, Terry | | Social Worker | | 146-201-6839 | |
Barton, Sheila | | Social Worker | | 646-734-5525  | |
Farquhar, Diane | | Social Worker | | 917-439-6120  | |
Kleinman, Anne | | Social Worker | | 917-837-6925
| |
Peare, Jackie | | Social Worker | | 917-439-1072  | |
Safyer, Simone | | Social Worker | | 917-218-7506 | |
Kahan, Fay | | Social Worker | | 646-761-0401  | |
Munoz, Lisette | | Social Worker | | 646-856-0766  | |
DI Biase, Jennifer | | Social Worker | | 146-201-0295 | |
Currey, Katie | | Social Worker | | 646-856-0633  | |
Ramirez, Jasmine | | Social Worker | | 646-856-0843  | |
Andrango, Lizette | | Social Worker | | 868-856-9766  | |
Wilson, Sophia | | Social Worker | | 646-899-5651 | |
Elder, JD | | Integrated Med Team | | 146-209-2944 | |
Matza, Deborah | | Integrated Med Team | | 1462090071 | |
Goldhirsch, Suzy | | Integrated Med Team | | | |
Requijo, Tatiana | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-0821 | |
Balboul, Yoni | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-1904 | |
Oyeyemi, Ayodele | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-4841 | |
Ruiz Mendoza, Eloy | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-1686 | |
Suchman, Kelly | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-7154 | |
Agum, Nneka | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-1904 | |
Arkadyev, Stanislav | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-4063 | |
Dhalla, Paramvijay | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-4843 | |
Guilliames, Conair | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-0298 | |
Kwon, Hyeyeon | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-0164 | |
Pahal, Parul | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-1686 | |
Harada, Ko | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-201-3539 | |
Krenzer, Martina | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-7781 | |
Matta, Jessika | | Geriatrics Fellow | | 146-209-0106 | |
Caplan, Koby | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-2753 | |
Chaudhry, Saad | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-4847 | |
Haider, Syed | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-3122 | |
Patel, Mansi | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-1686 | |
Carvalho, Paulo | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-0453 | |
Hortelano, Chiara | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-4843 | |
Pouching, Kristal | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-9334 | |
Sohn, Natalie | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-3509 | |
Ortiz, Ricardo | | Geri 2 Fellow | | 146-209-2485 | |
Fleischer-Black, Jessica | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 917-903-4112 | |
Cooperman, Julia | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0237 | |
Gutierrez, Bruce | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0024 | |
Hao, Ian | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0648 | |
Jiao, Jocelyn | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-3080 | |
Koren, Melanie | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-7781 | |
XU, Louise (luyi) | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-3975 | |
Raja, Priya | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0104 | |
Perez-Benzo, Grace | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-2743 | |
Abousaab, Carol | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-4847 | |
Archer, Christian | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0237 | |
Barley, Bo | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-4063 | |
Crowley, Fionnuala | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-2022 | |
Gordon, Chantel | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-3080 | |
Kofmehl, Emma | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0298 | |
Droz-Rosario, Roberto | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0648 | |
Schnitter, Joseph | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0569 | |
Costa, Bruno | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0029 | |
Esce, Antoinette | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0224 | |
LIU, Joy | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-4841 | |
Tam, Sophia | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0569 | |
YU, Linda | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-0203 | |
Brown, Kari | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-3975 | |
Gross, Calvin | | Palliative Care Fellow | | 146-209-7154 | |
Sullivan, Kayleigh | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | | |
Dalsanto, Laura | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-1904 | |
Lin, Ivy | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-3975 | |
Menon, Abhinav (abe) | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-2743 | |
Liang, Anna | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0290 | |
Shindo, Yu | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0293 | |
Tavares-Santos, Heitor | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0203 | |
Vakili, Vanessa | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0221 | |
Zalcgendler, Sara | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0029 | |
Zhitomirsky, Sophia | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-1845 | |
Haro, Christian Ramirez | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0106 | |
Cescon, James | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-2506 | |
Chen, Helen | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-3122 | |
Nguyen, Kristi | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-8905 | |
NG Taniguchi, Rodrigo | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0648 | |
Aggarwal, Rohin | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-4847 | |
Choi, Yoonyoung | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-2753 | |
Deemer, David | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-3080 | |
Loria, Samantha | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0104 | |
Tse, Stephanie | | Geri-Pall Integrated Fellow | | 146-209-0869 | |
Dovale, Jill | | SW Fellow | | 212-844-1519 | Pager # 16839 |
Nathan, Daniel | | VA Fellow | | | |
Handa, Shivani | | VA Fellow | | | |
Pail, Orrin | | VA Fellow | | | |
Carr, Caitlin | | VA Fellow | | | |
Waksal, Julian | | VA Fellow | | | |
Pan, Darren | | VA Fellow | | | |
Anker, Jonathan | | VA Fellow | | | |
Peleg, Ariel | | VA Fellow | | | |
Perez, Diana ( FM) | | IM/FM Resident | | | |
Thakur, Shaleen | | IM/FM Resident | | 352-870-5057  | 929-452-1773 |
Safian, Nicholas | | IM/FM Resident | | 917-538-4405  | 929-452-1773 |
Charles, Kemeberly | | IM/FM Resident | | 929-452-1583  | |
Milner, Gabrielle | | IM/FM Resident | | 763-843-7590 | |
Ross, Amelia | | IM/FM Resident | | 516-315-3041 | |
Barsky, Michael | | EM Resident | | | |
Johnson, Paul | | EM Resident | | | |
Moser, Joe-Ann | | EM Resident | | | |
Milgim, Fred | | EM Resident | | | |
Rodreiquez, Dom | | EM Resident | | | |
Huo, Jason | | EM Resident | | | |
Counts, Chris | | EM Resident | | | |
Weathers, Erena | | EM Resident | | | |
McConnell | | EM Resident | | | |
Tran, Alexander | | EM Resident | | | |
Rowe, Joel | | EM Resident | | | |
Friedman, Tim | | EM Resident | | | |
Votta, Kaitlyn | | EM Resident | | | |
Hong, Ben | | EM Resident | | | |
Gani, Tamani | | EM Resident | | | |
Juarez, Jose Miguel | | EM Resident | | | |
Mathern, Douglas | | EM Resident | | | |
Straight, Matt | | EM Resident | | | |
Ring, Sarah | | EM Resident | | | |
Raghavan, Ranjita | | EM Resident | | | |
Rahman, Shajoti | | EM Resident | | | |
Abia, Abia | | EM Resident | | | |
Spadafore, Sophia | | EM Resident | | | |
Karim, Yaseen | | Anesth/Pain Fellow | | | |
Singh, Harminder | | Anesth/Pain Fellow | | | |
Zhang, Wei Jei | | Anesth/Pain Fellow | | | |
Schwartz, Brandon | | Anesth/Pain Fellow | | | |
Askander, Teresa | | Anesth/Pain Fellow | | | |
Hadley, Graham | | Anesth/Pain Fellow | | | |
Shen, Stephanie | | Anesth/Pain Fellow | | | |
Ng, Mel ( Neurology Res | | Resident on Elective | | | |
Hawkins, Alice (neurology Res) | | Resident on Elective | | | |
Jain, Puja (neurology Res) | | Resident on Elective | | | |
Tobin-Schnittger, Patrick ( Im Res) | | Resident on Elective | | | |
Portner, Storm( Resident) | | Psych Fellow | | | |
Mell, Anthony (Elec) | | Medical Student | | | |
Doherty, Analisse | | Medical Student | | | |
Place Holder | | Place Holder | | | |
Out On Leave | | Place Holder | | | |
Bipc | | BIPC Gyn Onc Fellow Rotator | | | |
Duenas, Hillary | | Psych Resident | | | |
Smilowitz, Stephen | | Psych Resident | | | |
Perez, Diana | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Jacob, Brittany | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Javadi, Nooshen | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Shapiro, Lauren | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Coleman, Jordan | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Chen, Carmen | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Roddy, lauren | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Solis, Jessica | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Cole, Jesse | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Michael, Brianna | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Maddipudi, Swetha | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Li, Joe | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Isono, Michela | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Mack, Seshat | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
Afran, Aaron | | FamilyMedResident | | | |
MSH Geri Consults Pager | | Staff | | 146-209-6430 | if no response, 212-659-8552 |
MSH Mace Pager | | Staff | | 146-209-1676 | if no response, 212-659-8552 |
MSH Palliative Care Consults Pager | | Staff | | 146-209-9399 | if no response, 212-241-1446 |
Martha Stewart Center for Living (geri) | | Staff | | Contact 212-659-8552 | Contact 212-659-8552 |
Ruttenberg Supportive Oncology | | Staff | | Contact 212-241-6756 | Contact 212-241-6756 |
Martha Stewart Center for Living (pc) | | Staff | | Contact 212-241-1446, 212-659-8552 | Contact 212-241-1446, 212-659-8552 |
TBA | | Staff | | | |
No Coverage | | Staff | | | |
KP6 | | Staff | | Contact 212-241-5200 | Contact 212-241-5200 |
4 Karpas | | Staff | | Contact 212-420-4460 | Contact 212-420-4460 |
Downtown Palliative Care Clinic | | Staff | | Contact 212-844-1712 | Contact 212-844-1712 |
HaH | | Staff | | Contact 212-241-1101 | Contact 212-241-1101 |
Coffey Geri Triage RN Cell | | Staff | | 646-413-1348  | |
Temporary Coverage | | Staff | | | |
MS Morningside Palliative Care Pager | | Staff | | Contact Short Range Pager 30929 | Contact Short Range Pager 30929 |
MS West Palliative Care Pager | | Staff | | Contact Short Range Pager 30928 | Contact Short Range Pager 30928 |
BI Senior Health | | Staff | | Contact 212-463-0101 | Contact 212-463-0101 |
Msbi Inpatient | | Staff | | Contact 212-844-1712
| 212-844-1712 |
Epic Chat | | Staff | | | |
Geriatrics Escalation Pathways
MACE: Weekdays All Times
1 - Medicine Resident (listed in EPIC Treatment Team)
2 - MACE Fellow
3 - MACE Attending
MACE: Weekend: Friday 5pm-Monday 9am
1 - Medicine Resident (listed in EPIC Treatment Team)
2 - Fellow
3 - Attending On Call
Find Physician Phone Numbers
MSBI Escalation (if no answer AFTER following above pathways):
4 - MSBI Hospital Director of Nursing: 212-420-3910
5 - MSBI Hospital Administrator on Duty: 212-420-3900
Palliative Care Escalation Pathways
Palliative Care Consults and PCU:
Weekdays All Times, Weekends (Friday 4 PM-Monday 8 AM)
1 – Palliative Care Fellow (Pager 9399)
2 – Palliative Care Attending On Call
3 – Service Director (Palliative Care Consult Director or PCU Director)
Find Physician Phone Numbers
Contact if you have questions.
Schedule last updated Dec 19 12:22 2024.
2024 forbes02 Oct 22 20