Who's on    in Mar, 2025           Urology - MSW and MSSL

Name     Training  Contact Tel  
Mantu GuptaMGuMSW/MSSL Attending 917-497-4590  
N. ColeburnNCMSW/MSSL Attending 551-206-3004  
Ketan BadaniKBMSW/MSSL Attending 646-918-0248  
Craig NobertCNMSW/MSSL Attending 917-518-7278  
Jay MotolaJMMSW/MSSL Attending 914-598-6962  
Gerald HokeGHMSW/MSSL Attending 917-885-5913  
R. ValenzuelaRVMSW/MSSL Attending 646-319-7947  
Simma- ChiangSCMSW/MSSL Attending 646-580-5405  
Peter SunaryoPSinactive Pager: 1462098143Pager: 1462098143 
David AhlbornDAinactive Pager: 1462098171Pager: 1462098171 
Avi TerryATMSSL,PA- Daytime Consult Pager-32965    
William AtallahWAMSW/MSSL Attending 917-882-1413  
Joel HillelsohnJHMSW/MSSL Attending 917-838-3047  
3469934MSW-MSSL Urology Service Pager    
Ted VellosTVinactive Pager:1462098182  
Eric BortnickEBinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 1531 
Gregory MullenGMinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 9044 
M. StapelkampMSPA - C Pager- 32966  
Daniel RosenDRinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 3070 
Andrew TamATainactive 34699212-241-1300 + 9567 
Marissa KentMKinactive Pager: 1462098144Pager: 1462098144 
Jared WinokerJWinactive Pager: 1462093057  
Julio ChongJCinactive Pager:1462097880  
Zeynep GulZGinactive Pager: 1462098161Pager: 1462098161 
Jason RothwaxJRinactive Pager: 1462098188Pager: 1462098188 
Milan ShahMShinactive Pager#- 9567Cell #-917-353-9053 
Andrew KatimsAKinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 3050 
Rolllin SayRSinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 3073 
Kyrollis AttallaKAMSW/MSSL Attending Pager: 1462094179Cell: 917-637-9673 
Conner BrownCBinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 3037 
Christine LiawCLPGY1 34699212-241-1300 + 3063 
M. GreensteinMGinactive Pager: 1462099569Cell: 617-680-9420 
R. ChandhokeRCMSW/MSSL Attending Cell: 720-427-4647  
M.SljivichM.inactive 34699212-241-1300 + 0473 
Harry AnastosHAinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 9569 
S.CumurasamyS.inactive 34699212-241-1300 + 7880 
Beth EdelbluteBEinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 8182 
Shirin RazdanSRFellow 34699212-241-1300 + 3057 
General setupGsPGY2    
Anna ZampiniAZinactive 508-439-0884  
Talia StarkTSinactive 212-241-1300 +0361212-241-1300 + 0361 
Joshua AltschulerJAinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 2300 
Rao MandalapuRMinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 8171 
Johnathan KhusidJKPA - C 6462108720  
Areeba SadiqASPA - C 6462108120  
Benjamin EilenderBEiinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 0632 
Joseph BaioccoJBinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 3030 
Ali ZahalkaAZainactive 34699212-241-1300 + 4179 
Ryan BlakeRBPGY5 34699212-241-1300 + 8161 
Shokhi GoelSGinactive 34699212-241-1300 + 8188 
Juan SernaJSPGY5 34699212-241-1300 + 8143 
Olamide OmideleOOPGY5 34699212-241-1300 + 3998 
Alexandra SiegalASiPGY5 34699212-241-1300 + 3999 
Dhruti PatelDPMSW/MSSL Attending 513-623-9298    
Gregory AmendGAMSW/MSSL Attending 516-297-6741    
Luther AppiahLAMSSL,PA- Daytime Consult Pager-34699  
Nir TomerNTPGY4 34699212-241-1300 + 8171 
Patrick HoPHPGY4    
Charles NguyenCNgPGY4    
Ezra ShoenESPGY4    
Hallie WurstHWPGY4 3469934699 
Matthew StapelkampMStPA - C 32966  
Raymond KhargiRKFellow 917-306-0455917-306-0455 
Reemaben PatelRPMSM, PA Daytime Consults Pager: 32965  
Khargi, RaymondRKhFellow    
Yaghoubian, AllanAYFellow    
Ucpinar, BurakBUFellow    
Linda RahmaniLRPGY3 1462099567  
Evan GardenEGPGY3 1462093050  
Kavita GuptaKGMSW/MSSL Attending 916-849-5707916-849-5707 
ralph grauerrgPGY3 34699212-241-1300 +9044 
raghav guptarguPGY3 1462090498  
Aubrey DibelloADPGY3 long range pager: 1462090700beeper: 0700 
Yuval ElkunYEPGY3 long range pager 1462090703 beeper: 0703 
rlerlMSW/MSSL Attending    
Rachel GardnerRGPA - C pager - 34699  
mattherw stamplekampmsPA - C 32966  
Kyra GrassmanKGrMSW/MSSL Attending    
Kenny ChinKCPGY2 34699212-241-1300+3057 
Kyra GassmannKGaPGY2 34699212-241-1300+0501 
Omar HarbOHPGY2 34699212-241-1300+7880 
Krishna RavivarapuKRPGY2 34699212-241-1300+9569 
Ari SpellmanASpPGY2 34699212-241-1300+0500 
Ziv SavinZSMSW/MSSL Attending    
AbdulMahmoodAbMSW/MSSL Attending    
Abdul MahmoodAMFellow 716-424-5130716-424-5130 
Ziv ZiFellow    
Cristobal RomanCRFellow 917-944-8928917-944-8928 
Camille TorresCTMSW/MSSL Attending 787-633-6589787-633-6589 
00MSW/MSSL Attending    
R. PurohitRPuMSW/MSSL Attending    

Dear Primary Teams/ER/Inpatient Teams, please complete 2 tasks if you would like to place a Urology Consult: (1) Go to EPIC and place an ORDER for "Consult to Urology" and (2) Page the GU team for all GU consults (please refer to Escalation Path below)

MSW- MSSL On Call Escalation Path- Weekdays

1st call - PA at site unless off day or on vacation

2nd call - Urology Service pager 34699 (becomes 1st call when PA off day or on vacation)

3rd call - Daytime Junior Resident

4th call - Daytime Chief Resident

5th call -- Attending

MSW-MSSL ON Call Escalation Path- Overnight/Weekends

1st call - Urology Service pager 34699-Note: from home-not in-house

2nd call -- Home Call Junior Resident

3rd call - Home Call Backup Senior Resident

4th call - Attending

Contact patricia.jones@mountsinai.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Mar 17 8:43 2025.   2025 (23-25) OnCloud  Feb 27 25
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