Who's on    Sat, Mar 15, 2025       (as of 1:52am )        

Service    Name Training  Contact Tel 
Labor and Delivery Daytime Attending Coverage
Attending LD AOD Laborist7a-7p  Taylor-Shih, AnnaAttending 917 562-9077917 562-9077
Attending LD AOD7a-7p  Yoo, NinaAttending 404 790-7784404 790-7784
Labor and Delivery Evening Coverage
Attending LD AON Laborist7p-7a  Abraham, CynthiaAttending 917 330-1470917 330-1470
Attending LD AON7p-7a  Robles, AntonioAttending 818 536-4783818 536-4783
Family Medicine Labor and Delivery Coverage
Family Medicine Attending LD Day7a-7p  Evans, MelissaFamily Medicine 973 306-5130973 306-5130
Family Medicine Attending LD Night7p-7a  Glass, SamanthaFamily Medicine 312 888-6299312 888-6299
Family Medicine Post Partum Coverage7a-7a  Evans, Melissa
Family Medicine 973 306-5130973 306-5130
FPA and Private Practices Labor and Delivery Coverage
FPA East 98th Street LD Day7a-7p  Owen, Jane
Attending 646 831-5952646 831-5952
FPA East 98th Street LD Night5p-7a  Owen, JaneAttending 646 831-5952646 831-5952
FPA East 85th Street LD Day7a-8p  Brailovschi, Yaniv
Attending 917 415-7032917 415-7032
FPA East 85th Street LD Night7p-7a  Brailovschi, YanivAttending 917 415-7032917 415-7032
FPA East 72nd Street  LD Day7a-8p  Yoo, Nina
Attending 404 790-7784404 790-7784
FPA East 72nd Street LD Night5p-7a  Yoo, NinaAttending 404 790-7784404 790-7784
Ob-Gyn Westside LD Day7a-8p  Kim, Justine
Attending 718 551-2274718 551-2274
Ob-GYn Westside LD Night7p-7a  Kim, JustineAttending 718 551-2274718 551-2274
Brasner Blumberg Amaru LD Day7a-5p  Blumberg, IsabelAttending 212 427-2778212 427-2778
Brasner Blumberg Amaru LD Night5p-7a  Blumberg, IsabelAttending 212 427-2778212 427-2778
East Side Associates LD Day7a-7p  Silverstein, MicheleAttending 917 301-4612917 301-4612
East Side Associates LD Night7p-7a  Silverstein, MicheleAttending 917 301-4612917 301-4612
Carnegie Hill ObGyn LD Day8a-5p  Goodstein, CatherineAttending 347 461-0043347 461-0043
Carnegie Hill ObGyn LD Night5p-8a  Goodstein, CatherineAttending 347 461-0043347 461-0043
Refuah Obgyn LD Day8a-8p  Li, Stephen
Attending 832 597-7298832 597-7298
Refuah Obgyn LD Night7p-8a  Li, StephenAttending 832 597-7298832 597-7298
Village Obstetrics LD Day7a-7p  Musalli, GeorgeAttending 917 709-7042917 709-7042
Village Obstetrics LD Night7p-7a  Musalli, GeorgeAttending 917 709-7042917 709-7042
Park Avenue ObGyn LD Day7a-7p  Moss, DouglasAttending   
Park Avenue Obgyn LD Night7p-7a  Moss, DouglasAttending   
Uptown Obgyn LD Day7a-7p  Jackson, Lisa
Attending 312-213-6402312-213-6402
Uptown Obgyn LD Night5p-8a  Jackson, LisaAttending 312-213-6402312-213-6402
LD Hemorrhage Coverage
Attending LD Hemorrhage AM 8a-5p  Kolev, ValentinAttending 646 415-2455646 415-2455
Attending LD Hemorrhage PM5p-8a  Kolev, ValentinAttending 646 415-2455646 415-2455
Fellow LD Hemorrhage AM8a-5p  Craig, EricFellow 706 851-5108706 851-5108
Fellow LD Hemorrhage PM5p-8a  Craig, EricFellow 706 851-5108706 851-5108
Urogyn MIGS Service
Urogyn MIGS fellow on call7a-7a  Chibber, ShaniFellow 224 848-2799224 848-2799
Complex Family Planning Emergency Coverage
Fellow Family Planning Emergency Call7a-7a  Baker, MeishaFellow Call Fellow phone  646 960-1876  646 960-1876
Attending Family Planning Emergency Call7p-7a  Goldman, AriellaAttending 617 835-9744617 835-9744
ED coverage
Attending GYN consult  6p-8A 6p-8a  Barr, RachelFellow 248 345-5911248 345-5911
Attending GYN Weekend Consult 8a-8a 8a-8a  Barr, RachelFellow 248 345-5911248 345-5911
Attending - GYN service AOW 8a-8a  Shah, AnuAttending 917 692-8780917 692-8780
MIDWIVES - Labor & Delivery
Midwife LD Day7a-7p  Zarghami, ShalaMidwife   
Midwife LD Night7p-7a  lorenzo, IronellyMidwife 646 239-3753646 239-3753
Physician Assistants and Nurse Practioners
PA - GYN night 6:30p-6:30a  Needhidass, AshleyPhys. Ass't 6199 302 562-7807
PA- L&D Night7p-7a  Lin, EmilyPhys. Ass't 609 651-3267609 651-3267
NP-postpartum6:30a-7p  Pregiato, LaurenAdvanced Practice Practioner 646 864-6098347 978-6769
NP Postpartum6:30a-7p  Calabrese, MariaPhys. Ass't 646 864-6098347 978-6769

Midwife Escalation Paths

1 - Midwife

2 - If Service is "OPEN", page 6199 for OB Resident

3 - If unable to reach Midwife, contact Attending

Find Physician Phone Numbers

Contact adam.jacobs@mssm.edu if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Mar 14 12:56 2025.   2025 (23-25) callif01  Jun 17 22
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