Who's on    in Dec, 2024           SICU/Step Down

Name     Training  Contact Tel  
Vanek, CarolynResident    
Zakhary, B.SICU Resident 4291542915 
-, Phalakornkul BhattiPhAttending 016-002-473714293 
1438414Line Service 016-001-4384  
4-29124-2Line Service    
4-6020, CallCaSICU Resident    
Abdelsalem, HazemHAbFellow 016-006-471814584 
Abeshouse, MarnieMAbChief Resident    
Abia, AbiaAAbSICU Resident    
Agathis, AlexandraAAResident    
Alcindor, GilberthGANP 016-006-6160  
Alibo, EziwomaEAResident    
Allen, CatherineCAFellow 6417864178 
Alleyne, JewelJAAttending 4291542915 
Amor, MartinMAmFellow 016-006-471814384 
Arcand, ChristinaCArSICU Resident    
Arruda, IsleyIASICU Resident    
Asriel, BenjaminBASICU Resident    
Bally, KerriKBAttending    
Banerjee, CamelliaCBaFellow    
Beckerman, MarcMBcSICU Resident    
Belden, OrrinOBeSICU Resident    
Bell, YamiraYBChief Resident    
Benzar, RuthRBNight Fellow    
Bhatia, NavinNBAttending 917-494-8662  
Bhatt, OmprakashOBAttending 91755369749175536974 
Bhatti, MariamMBSICU Resident    
Bhatti, SaadSBhAttending 016-001-42934-3639 
Biggs, CarinaCBAttending 016-001-1603  
Billah, TausifTBiSICU Resident    
Boaz, EladEBResident    
Bokova, ValeriyaVBLine Service 016-001-438446031 
Bonilla, AlexABSICU Resident    
Brody, Jason JBResident    
Char, SteveSCResident    
Cheing, MelissaMCeFellow    
Chen, DanDCSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Cheng He, RossanaRCChief Resident    
Choi, DaisiDCoFellow .4-6529 
Choi, Jee-HeeJCChief Resident    
Chopra, AparnaACNight Fellow    
Chou, HsiaopingHChNP 016-001-4687  
Chuquin, KathrynKCChief Resident    
Colquhoun, MacAlistairMCoResident    
Coritsidis, GeorgeGCAttending 016-001-5528 42918 
Corkill, HollyHCSICU Resident 016-004-3040  
Cornwall, JamesJCoFellow 016-004-291242915 
Coste, MarineMCChief Resident    
Cruz, C.CCSICU Resident    
Cuva, DylanDCuChief Resident    
D'Andrea, AnthonyAD'Chief Resident    
D'Annunzio, SamanthaSD'Fellow 016-004-6529  
Davis, AdenADaFellow 016-001-4178  
Davis, Aden ADsFellow    
Davis, AishaADvFellow    
DeLaCruz, JulissaJDSICU Resident    
DeMaio, AndrewADeFellow 016-001-458464718 
DeVivo, AnthonyADFellow    
Dhawan, V.VDFellow 4652946529 
Dhindsa, YasmeenYDResident    
Dijanic, AmandaADiFellow 6471864718 
Dillon, JacquelynJDiResident    
Dixon, MakedaMDiNP 016-007-6298  
Doan, TinaTDResident    
Domanski, AlexanderADoSICU Resident    
Dongol, MerinaMDoFellow    
Doo, KathleenKDFellow 4652946529 
Douglas, ZacharyZDSICU Resident    
Drabkin, MichaelMDSICU Resident 4291542915 
Dryland, ElizabethEDFellow 016-006-4718  
Duarte, AndrewADuSICU Resident    
Dzedzik, SiarheiSDSICU Resident    
E, Perez.PESICU Resident    
Elipulikattu,LiaLESICU Resident    
Elipulikattu,Lia XXLESICU Resident    
Ellis, ScottSEAttending 016-006-377041372 
Emengo, PamelaPEmResident    
Ensor, Caroline LiangCEResident    
Epelbaum, OlegOEAttending    
Eshak, DavidDEAttending    
Fellow, NoNFFellow    
Feng, ChenchenCFSICU Resident    
Fennell, EmilyEFSICU Resident    
Fennern, ErinEFeChief Resident    
Ferdosian, BehrouzBFFellow    
Ferents, BarBFeSICU Resident    
Fisher, JasonJFiSICU Resident    
Francis, JeffreyJFrSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Friedmann, TimothyTFSICU Resident    
Galaydick, J.JGFellow 4652946529 
Ghaffari, HelyaHGSICU Resident    
Ghani, TamanaTGhSICU Resident    
Ghosh, SreepanaSGhFellow    
Gibbons, GirardGGSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Gipe, JordanJGiResident    
Glass, RachelRGlSICU Resident    
Gliozzo, ThomasTGSICU Resident    
Goel, ShokhiSGSICU Resident    
Gorvitovskaia, AnastassiaAGoSICU Resident    
Gragossian, AlinAGrFellow    
Grant, RobertRGChief Resident    
Greenstein, MirianMGSICU Resident    
Gross, BenjaminBGResident    
Gupta, RohitRGuFellow    
Gupte, NikhilNGSICU Resident    
Haberlein, MeganMHaFellow    
Habtegebriel, YordanosYHFellow 6471864718 
Henao-Ramirez, NataliaNHSICU Resident 016-001-4384  
Higgins, MadeleineMHChief Resident    
Hill, B.BHiSICU Resident 4291542915 
Hock, DuncanDHSICU Resident    
Hoffen, JessicaJHfResident    
Hong, BenjaminBHoSICU Resident    
Hooley, GwenGHSICU Resident    
Horn, CallieCHChief Resident    
Horowitz, JamesJHoAttending 016-001-458464718 
Horwitz, JulianJHChief Resident    
Hossain, TanzibTHFellow 6471864718 
Howlader, StephenSHSICU Resident    
Huang, AlexAHResident    
Huang, Alex AHuResident    
Huber, HansHHResident    
Huber, HansHHuSICU Resident    
Iliev, IliaIISICU Resident    
Inamasu, KenKISICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Iuorio, RichardRIFellow 016-004-6529  
Jan, ThomasTJnFellow .46718 
Jasuja, D.DJFellow 4652946529 
Jawaid, YasirYJFellow    
Jeffery, IainIJSICU Resident .4-2915 
Jeremy, F.FJSICU Resident 42915/4291242915/42912 
Jiang, WinstonWJResident    
Johnson, AlanAJSICU Resident 42915 4291242915 42912 
Johnson, ColeCJResident    
Johnson, SeanSJoChief Resident    
Johnston, PaulPJSICU Resident    
Jon, NNJFellow    
Joseph, T.TJSICU Resident 4291542915 
Juarez, JoseJJuSICU Resident    
Judkins, DestinyDJuSICU Resident 4291242912 
Julian, JeffreyJJSICU Resident    
Jung, StefanSJSICU Resident    
K., Patel.PK.Attending    
Kadakia, RishiRKaSICU Resident 016-004-6529  
Kahan, AnastasiaAKhResident    
Kandarian, BrandonBKSICU Resident    
Kapadia, PankajPKFellow 4652946529 
Karani, N.NKSICU Resident    
Karwowska, NinaNKrSICU Resident    
Katdare, VarunVKSICU Resident 4291242912 
Katims, AndrewAKaSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Katz, OliviaOKaResident    
Katzman, DanielDKaFellow 4-65294-6529 
Kaul, Vivian ZhuVKaSICU Resident    
Kavi, NidhiNKaFellow 016-001-458446718 
Keenan, J.JKSICU Resident    
Khachaturova, I.IKFellow    
Khajoueinejad, NazaninNKhChief Resident    
Khakhkhar, RishiRKhSICU Resident    
Khan, IrumIKhFellow 016-006-471814584 
Khan, JehanzebJKhFellow 6471864718 
Khan, R.RKFellow    
Khan, SharafSKhSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Khan, TahsinTKChief Resident    
Kidwai, SarahSKdSICU Resident 016-004-291542912 
Kim, D.DKSICU Resident 4291542915 
Kim, E.EKiSICU Resident 4291242912 
Kim, JeremyJKiSICU Resident 4291542915 
Kim, JunJKmSICU Resident    
Kim, MaryMKResident    
Kim, Mary MKiResident    
Kim, SamuelSKiFellow    
Kim-Kiselak, CarolineCKResident    
Kim-Kiselak, Caroline CKiResident    
Kiselak, E.EKSICU Resident    
Kitz, MichaelMKtFellow 016-004-6529  
Kline, TaylorTKlResident    
Kong, DerekDKoSICU Resident 4291242912 
Kopatsis, AnthonyAKoAttending 646-988-430742918 
Korayem, AdamAKSICU Resident 42915 4291242915 42912 
Kornmehl, AdamAKrSICU Resident    
Kothari, RishiRKoSICU Resident 42912 / 4291542912 / 42915 
Krasnica, S.SKrFellow 4652946529 
Krasnica, S.SKaFellow    
Kumar, ShawnSKSICU Resident 42912 / 4291542912 / 42915 
Kumar, ShivaniSKuSICU Resident 4291242912 
Kunaprayoon, SaranSKnChief Resident    
Kuschner, ZacharyZKuAttending 917-902-1268917-902-1268 
L., Comisky.CLFellow 4652946529 
LaChapelle, ChristopherCLaChief Resident    
LaChapelle, ChristopherCLCResident    
Lam, JasonJLaFellow 6471864718 
Laraway, BenjaminBLSICU Resident    
Lau, IgnatiusILSICU Resident .4-2912 
Laurie, D.DLFellow    
Lawrence, L.LLSICU Resident 4291242912 
Lazar, DamienDLaChief Resident    
Lee, AmyAL,SICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Lee, EricELSICU Resident    
Lee, JenniferJLeSICU Resident    
Lefkowitz, AaronALfSICU Resident    
Leikin, ScottSLeFellow 6471864718 
Leou, KonstantinosKLeFellow 016-006-471814584 
Lesko, MelissaMLeFellow 016-004-6529  
Leung, KingKLuPhysician Assistant 016-003-117466160 
Lewis, A.ALeSICU Resident    
Li, KathleenKLSICU Resident 016-004-2915  
Licht, BrianBLiSICU Resident    
Lifrieri, AndreaALrResident    
Lifrieri, Andrea AL Resident    
Lim, MichelleMLiSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Lin, Zheng (Jason)ZLSICU Resident    
Litt, J.JLSICU Resident    
Liu, CharlesCLiFellow 6471864718 
Liu, HongdauHLChief Resident    
Liu, PeterPLResident    
Lockwood, AllisonALoSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
London, DanielDLoSICU Resident 4-29124-2912 
Lovy, A.ALSICU Resident    
Lum, TonyTLResident    
Luncheon-Hillman, AndreaALnAttending 016-007-6377  Ext 46051 
Ma, ZheZMaSICU Resident 4291242912 
Madisi, NagendraNMFellow 4652946529 
Maffucci, PatrickPMSICU Resident    
Magda, GabriellaGMgFellow 016-001-458464718 
Magsuci, MichaelMMgNP 016-007-6298  
Mahabir, TriciaTMFellow    
Mahmoudi, MandanaMMaFellow    
Makino, JunJMaFellow    
Malik, NazishNMlSICU Resident    
Mandel, AsherAMnResident    
Mandel, JacobJMdSICU Resident    
Manis, G.GMaAttending    
Manis, G.GMnAttending    
Maniya, OmarOMSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Manoocheheri, OmidOMaSICU Resident    
Maracheril, RijoRMSICU Resident    
Marcott, MatthewMMoSICU Resident    
Marks, CliffordCMaSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Martillo, MiguelMMrFellow .64718 
Martin, GlennGMrResident    
Martin, JosephJMChief Resident 4291242912 
Martinez, IlseIMaNight Fellow    
Martinez, IlseIMrAttending    
Mashriqi, NaziaNMaFellow    
Mayrsohn, BrianBMaSICU Resident    
Mc Vane, B.BMcFellow 4291542915 
McConnell, DanielDMSICU Resident    
McGill, MackieMMGChief Resident    
McRae, MarceeMMSICU Resident    
McRae, Marcee and Garneau, JonathanMMcSICU Resident    
McRae, Marcee and Whisnant, AshleyMMRSICU Resident    
Mcgill, MaureenMMiResident    
Mcneill, I.IMSICU Resident    
Meier, KristinKMeSICU Resident 429-124-2915  
Mendelson, JonathanJMeFellow    
Mendelson, JonathonJMnFellow    
Mendoza, ErickEMeSICU Resident    
Meyer, AnnikaAMSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Meyers, ChadCMAttending 6617366173 
Mickman, CarlCMiSICU Resident    
Milgrim, FrederickFMSICU Resident    
Milliner, B.BMSICU Resident 4291542915 
Mirabadi, NinaNMiChief Resident    
Mishoe, JonathanJMiSICU Resident 4291242912 
Misir, PriyaPMiSICU Resident    
Mohamed, AliciaAMaChief Resident 016-007-6298  
Mohamed, AmiraAMhFellow    
Moon, JamesJM,Chief Resident    
Mora, FranciscoFMoFellow    
Moran-Gates, TaylorTMoFellow    
Morin, NicholasNMoAttending 016-006-471814584 
Morrison, J.JMoSICU Resident 42912 / 4291542912 / 42915 
Morton, KathrynKMSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Moscovici, AvihaiAMsResident    
Moser, Joe-AnnJMsSICU Resident    
Moser, Joe-Ann XXJMsSICU Resident    
Mossop, EdwardEMSICU Resident 4652946529 
Movshis, AlexAMoSICU Resident    
Mudan, G.GMSICU Resident    
Mukherjee, V.VMFellow 4652946529 
Mullen, GregoryGMuSICU Resident    
Munoz, SergioSMuSICU Resident    
Murthy, VivekVMuFellow    
Myers, BryanBMyChief Resident    
Myers, ChadCMyAttending 917-749-1004  
Naing, Tun WinTNFellow 016-002-4491  
Nair, SunilSNFellow 016-001-458464718 
Narimasu, J.JNaFellow 4652946529 
Narimasu, JonJNrSICU Resident    
Natarajan, PadmaPNaFellow 016-006-471814584 
Naughton, HannahHNaChief Resident    
Naughton, Zaveri, FennernZNResident    
Neher, HayleyHNFellow 429-124-2915  
Nekola, DanielDNSICU Resident 4291542915 
Nelson, C.CNSICU Resident 4291542915 
Neri, AlainANPhysician Assistant 016-002-4121  
Newman, GregoryGNSICU Resident    
Ng, JosephJNgAttending 64633853506463385350 
Ng, Joseph.JNAttending 64633853506463385350 
Nguyen, CeciliaCNgFellow 016-006-371241354 
Nickerson, JillianJNiSICU Resident 016-004-291542912 
Ninh, AllenANiSICU Resident    
Niroumandpour, MehrdadMNSICU Resident    
Nobel, TamarTNoChief Resident    
Novshis, AlexANoSICU Resident    
Nusbaum, JeffreyJNuSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
O'Halloran, RyanROSICU Resident .42912 
Oermann, E.EOSICU Resident 4291542915 
Ofshteyn, AsyaAOfChief Resident    
Ohebsion, MichaelMOhSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Olayode, AdewaleAOlFellow    
Olivo, MariaMOSICU Resident    
Oskuei, AssadAOFellow 016-001-45846-4718 
Osmani, FerozFOSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Ostendorf, KatelynKOSICU Resident    
Overley, S.SOSICU Resident 4291542915 
Pai, JayamJPiSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Pain, M.MPSICU Resident 4291542915 
Palaia, TTPSICU Resident    
Palaniappa, N.NPSICU Resident 4291542915 
Pan, MarcMPaSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Pandian, VikrantVPaFellow 016-006-471814584 
Parasher, A.APaSICU Resident    
Park, So YounSPrChief Resident    
Parmer, MeganMPrResident    
Patel, ArchitaAPtSICU Resident    
Patel, DhruvDPaFellow 4652946529 
Patel, K.KPtFellow    
Patel, PritualPPFellow 4652946529 
Patel, PujaPPaSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Patel, R.RPFellow 4652946529 
Patel, R.RPaFellow    
Pathan, Furquan FPFellow    
Patterson, D.DPSICU Resident 4291542915 
Paulis, JaquelineJPaSICU Resident    
Pavuluri, SureshSPvSICU Resident    
Pawar, ChandniCPaSICU Resident    
Pawloski, KateKPaChief Resident    
Peacock, MatthewMPcSICU Resident    
Peacock, MatthewMPkChief Resident    
Peacock, Matthew MPeChief Resident    
Pehar, AndjelaAP,SICU Resident    
Pehar, Andjela XXAP,SICU Resident    
Pellerano, EdwardEPSICU Resident    
Pendery, LeslieLPSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Peng, PaulPPeSICU Resident 429-124-2915  
Peredo, A.APeSICU Resident    
Pesyna, ColinCPSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Phalakornkul, SugandaSPAttending 016-002-4737917-572-1482 
Phalakornkul, SugandaSPhFellow 016-002-47374-6023 
Pham, HienHPSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Pianelli, AbigailAPiSICU Resident    
Pillai, RayRPiFellow 4652946529 
Pinero, JJPSICU Resident 42915/4291242915/42912 
Piper, CrystalCPiSICU Resident 42912 4291542912 42915 
Plata-Martinez, CarlosCPlSICU Resident .42912 
Plietz, MichaelMPlChief Resident    
Polland, A. APSICU Resident    
Postelnicu, RaduRPoSICU Resident 6471864718 
Potter, MorganMPoSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Prabhu, ArjunAPbSICU Resident    
Prachanronarong, KristinaKPSICU Resident    
Pradhan, A.APrFellow 4652946529 
Prager, GabrielGPSICU Resident .4-2912 
Prakash, VivekVPSICU Resident .4-2912 
Prhar, AndjelaAPhSICU Resident    
Pritchard, BrianBPSICU Resident    
Qian, Lucia YangLQSICU Resident    
Rager, ChristinaCRAttending    
Raghavan, RanjitaRRaSICU Resident    
Rahman, AmreenARaSICU Resident 4291242912 
Rahman, ShajotiSRhSICU Resident    
Rahmanian, M.MRaFellow    
Rajpal, MeghaMRjSICU Resident 4291242912 
Rakowski, EwaERFellow    
Rancy, SchneiderSRcChief Resident    
Rao, AjitARSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Rasouli, J.JRSICU Resident    
Rathmell, KristinaKRFellow 6471864718 
Raval, HemantkumarHRFellow 016-004-6529  
Ravin, R.RRSICU Resident 4291242912 
Ray, KevalKRaChief Resident    
Razdan, ShirinSRaSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Reagan, AaronAReSICU Resident    
Reddy, HarithaHReResident    
Reddy, HarithaHRdResident    
Redhead, BiancaBReAttending 202-415-8724202-415-8724 
Reid, OswaldORSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Reinhart, BrittneyBRSICU Resident 4291242912 
Renz, ChristianCReChief Resident    
Reppucci, MarinaMReChief Resident    
Riat, YatinYRSICU Resident    
Richards, K.KRiSICU Resident 42912 / 4291542912 / 42915 
Richman, J.JRiSICU Resident 4291542915 
Riggs, JessicaJRgFellow .46718 
Ring, SarahSRiSICU Resident    
Rios, M.MRiSICU Resident    
Rivera, JosueJRvFellow 016-004-6529  
Rodriguez, DominickDRoSICU Resident    
Ronquillo, MariaMRoFellow    
Roof, ScottSRSICU Resident 42915 4291242915 42912 
Rosen, DanielDRSICU Resident 4291242912 
Rothrock, RobertRRoSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Rothwax, JasonJRoSICU Resident 016-004-291542912 
Rowe, JoelJRwSICU Resident    
Rubin, JacobJRuSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Rubinstein, DavidDRuAttending 91740569269174056926 
Russell, CortessaCRuFellow    
Ryemon, Nicole ShannonNRSICU Resident    
Sabharwal, M.MSaSICU Resident 42915/4291242915/42912 
Safir, ScottSSaSICU Resident 4291242912 
Sagalovich, DDSSICU Resident 42915/4291242915/42912 
Saini, A.ASaSICU Resident    
Salgueiro, FranciscoFSaFellow 6471864718 
Sani, F.FSSICU Resident 42915/4291242915/42912 
Sarao, A.ASrFellow    
Sawaya, AnthonyASwSICU Resident    
Say, RollinRSaSICU Resident 4-29124-2912 
Scarpelli, EnricoESSICU Resident 016-004-3040  
Scheduler, OnCallOScFellow    
Schell, CarsonCScSICU Resident    
Schiffman, MichaelMScSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Schmidt, LeeLSResident    
Schnapp, B.BSSICU Resident    
Schuberg, SamSScSICU Resident 4291542915 
Schwab, AlfredAScFellow 016-004-671814384 
Schwam, ZacharyZSSICU Resident 4-29124-2912 
Scofi, J.JScSICU Resident    
Scott, D.DScSICU Resident 4291542915 
Seaman, NichaelNSeFellow    
Seba-Robles, AllenASeSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Sengupta, DebashreeDSeSICU Resident    
Seni, JonathanJSnResident    
Serna, Juan SebastianJSeSICU Resident    
Sexton, T.TSSICU Resident    
Shabandi, NaudareNSSICU Resident    
Shah, AAShSICU Resident    
Shapiro, BorisBShSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Shapiro, D.DShSICU Resident    
Shariff, RayhanRShFellow 016-006-425543040 
Sheehan, ColinCShFellow    
Shehata, MarkMShSICU Resident 4291242912 
Shively, RachelRSSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Siddula, AlankritaASiResident    
Silverstein, BenjaminBSiSICU Resident    
Simmonds, ImanISiSICU Resident 4291242912 
Simmons, CaileyCSiSICU Resident    
Simon, StephenSSmSICU Resident 016-004-3040  
Singer, DanielDSiFellow    
Singh, P.PSSICU Resident    
Singh, RajaRSiSICU Resident 016-004-6529  
Singh, S.SSFellow    
Singh, ShivaniSSnFellow    
Singh, SuzetteSSiSICU Resident    
Sinokrot, OdaiOSFellow .6-4718 
Sivaramakrishnan, CharanyaCSFellow    
Sivasankaran, M.MSNight Call  42915/4291242915/42912 
Snow, TimothyTSnPhysician Assistant 429-124-2915  
So, AlyciaASChief Resident    
Soghier, I.ISChief Resident 4652946529 
Sorge, RandyRSoSICU Resident 016-004-291242915 
Sp[itz, KristinKS[SICU Resident    
Spacil, MonikaMSpSICU Resident    
Spadafore, SophiaSSpSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Spitz, KristinKSpSICU Resident    
Sreeramoju, DivyaDSrFellow    
St. Jules, RobertRStSICU Resident 016-001-2912  
Stark, TaliaTStSICU Resident    
Straight, MatthewMStSICU Resident    
Strickler, SamanthaSStSICU Resident 6471864718 
Sueker, JudahJSuSICU Resident 4291242912 
Sullivan, JosephJSiResident    
Sun, JeanJSSICU Resident    
Sun, KevinKSFellow 6-47186-4718 
Sunaryo, PeterPSuSICU Resident 42912 4291542912 42915 
Swerdloff, MichaelMSwSICU Resident    
Swerdloff, Michael XXMSwSICU Resident    
Tabibova, J.JTPhysician Assistant 016-001-4428  
Tam, AndrewATaSICU Resident .4-2912 
Tang, JohnJTaSICU Resident 4291242912 
Taub, EmilyETNF (C) 016-004-291242915 
Tebano, FrancescaFTeSICU Resident    
Teran, F.FTSICU Resident 4291542915 
Terrin, WilliamWTSICU Resident 016-004-6529  
Thakker, RahulRTSICU Resident    
Thandi, PardeepPTSICU Resident    
Thandi, Pradeep and McRae, MarceePThSICU Resident    
Thomas, SheejaSTFellow 016-006-471814584 
Tibbetts, A.ATFellow 4652946529 
Titano, J.JTiSICU Resident    
To, JonathanJToSICU Resident    
Tomey, MatthewMTSICU Resident 4652946529 
Tong, C.CTSICU Resident 4291542915 
Torabi, JuliaJTrChief Resident    
Tran, AlexATrSICU Resident    
Tran, Alex XXATrSICU Resident    
Trenard, NatoushkaNTFellow 4652946529 
Trinidad, StephenSTrChief Resident    
Tsutsui, ShawnSTsChief Resident    
Tufts, LaurenLTuChief Resident    
Tukici, LeilaLTPhysician Assistant    
Tulman, G.GTNF (C)    
Tupper, TylerTTSICU Resident    
Twelker, KateKTAttending 016-004-053642021 
Udevbulu, EhizodeEUFellow 016-004-6529  
Uduma, JaniceJUSICU Resident    
Uzor, NicoleNUChief Resident    
Valdez, LuisLVlSICU Resident 4291242912 
Vanek, CarolynCVResident    
Vanghese, SubinSVSICU Resident 4291242912 
Vanyo, L.LVaSICU Resident    
Vanyo, LaraLVnSICU Resident    
Varghese, JonathanJVSICU Resident    
Vascak, MichaelMVaSICU Resident    
Villars, MelissaMVSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Viswanath, AvinashAViSICU Resident 4291542915 
Vitale, AndrewAVSICU Resident 4291242912 
Vlakancic, L.LVPhysician Assistant 016-001-1076  
Vohra, AbdulAVoSICU Resident 4291242912 
Volz, NicoNVSICU Resident    
Votta, KaitlynKVSICU Resident    
Wang, ChenCWChief Resident    
Wang, JenniferJWaFellow 016-004-6529  
Wang, RyanRWSICU Resident 4291242912 
Wang, YunYWResident    
Wang, Yun Hwa WalterYWaChief Resident    
Weathers, ErenaEWSICU Resident 016-004-3040  
Webb, TarynTWSICU Resident 4291242912 
Weinkauf, JuliaJWAttending 4652946529 
Wengerter, S.SWSICU Resident 4291542915 
Whittington, JenniferJWhAttending    
Wild, AngelaAWiSICU Resident    
Willams, HannahHWChief Resident    
Wilson, ZacharyZWSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Winoker, JaredJWiSICU Resident    
Woart, NyemaNWSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Wood, S.SWoSICU Resident 42912 / 4291542912 / 42915 
Worrall, DouglasDWSICU Resident 016-004-2915  
Wu, BenBWFellow    
Yaeger, KurtKYSICU Resident  42912 42912 
Yang Qian, LuciaLYSICU Resident    
Yang, A.AYSICU Resident 42915/4291242915/42912 
Yang, StephenSYAttending    
Yang, Stephen.SYaAttending 46529 - wireless46529 - wireless 
Yeganeh, ZhobinZYFellow    
Yeh, JamesJYSICU Resident 429-124-2915  
Yemul, SwetaSYeFellow 016-006-471814584 
Yip, CatherineCYiResident    
Youssef, GeorgeGYResident    
Yu, AllenAY,Resident    
Zahalka, AliAZaSICU Resident    
Zak, ArthurAZSICU Resident .4-2912 
Zakhary, B.BZFellow 4652946529 
Zakhary, BishoyBZaAttending    
Zang, DavidDZSICU Resident    
Zang, JohnJZSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Zarrin, SarahSZrChief Resident    
Zaurova, MilanaMZSICU Resident 4291542915 
Zaveri, Fennern, HigginsFZChief Resident    
Zaveri, ShrutiSZaChief Resident    
Zaveri,Fennern,HigginsFZaChief Resident    
Zhao, ShanSZhSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Zheng, XiaoXZSICU Resident 016-004-2912  
Zhong, AllenAZhChief Resident    
Zhu, ElizabethEZSICU Resident 4291242912 
Zirky, HashemHZSICU Resident    
doc, docddFellow 016-001-1111917-000-0000 
setup, GeneralGsNP    

Contact gurungk@nychhc.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Nov 27 15:07 2024.   2024 (22-24) fabiane1  Jan 5 23