Transfer center protocol WEEKDAYS AND WEEKENDS:
1. The transfer center will page the GI fellow (COMMON PAGER 8730)via the Amion paging system, including:
a. Patient’s acuity/transfer level
b. Name of operator following case
c. Callback number to transfer center
2. If no response is received within 25 minutes (15 minutes for life rescue), the transfer center will send a second page to theGI fellow (8730).
3. If there is still no response after two pages, call the GI fellow on their personal number which can be found in the protocol tool. Please be aware that new fellows will join on July 1st, 2025.
4. If the fellow remains unreachable after paging x2 and calling x1, the transfer center will escalate the call to the on-call attending (See below for details).*
5. If the fellow responds, stating they are currently busy and will call back as soon as possible, the transfer center will follow up with a phone call one hour later. If no response, the transfer center will call the GI FELLOW back after 30 minutes, if no respond after a second call the call will be escalated to the on-call attending
6. OK to contact ON CALL GI FELLOW via Epic Chat for non-urgent updates about a patient pending transfer
*ON CALL ATTENDING (as listed in Amion):
Weekdays = Service attending
Weeknights = Bleed Team Attending
Weekends = FPA Service Attending (days & nights)