Block  Call  Clinic                   

Who's on    Fri, Dec 27, 2024       (as of 1:40pm )        

Service    Name     Training  Contact  
MSH: Leukemia - Attending8a-5p  Mascarenhas, John Attending 347-714-1695      
MSH: Leukemia - Fellow8a-5p  Uppal, Manik 1 YR Fellow 646-596-3276  
MSH: Multiple Myeloma - Attending8a-5p  Rossi, Adriana Attending 347-306-8905   
MSH: Lymphoma - Attending8a-5p  Kittai, Adam Attending 347-835-9741 
MSH: Lymphoma- Fellow8a-5p  Siegel, Ariel 2 YR Fellow 332-268-4144    
MSH: Lymphoma - PA8a-4p  Ludy, Alexis Physician Assistant 929-259-1570  
MSH: BMT - Attending8a-5p  Ibrahim, Uroosa Attending 347-835-9073    
MSH: BMT - Fellow8a-5p  Avigan, Zachary 2 YR Fellow 929-536-3796    
MSH: Myeloma CART CRS - Attending8a-8a  Rossi, Adriana Attending 347-306-8905   
MSH: Hematology Consults - Attending8a-5p  Troy, Kevin Attending (917) 209-4766 Cell 
MSH: Hematology Consults - Fellow8a-5p  Wehmeyer, Graham 1 YR Fellow 929-246-3725  
MSH: Hematology Consults - PA8a-5p  Mcmenemy, Karen Physician Assistant 347-880-2118   
MSH: Sickle Cell Service - NP7a-4:30p  Brainard, Katherine Physician Assistant 332-895-9218   
MSH: Solid Onc Consult - Attending8a-5p  Friedlander, Philip Attending 917-494-4283      
MSH: Solid Onc Consult - Fellow8a-5p  Rudshteyn, Michelle 1 YR Fellow 646-584-0831  
Hospitalist Sevice - * see Hospitalists/ADS Medicine NP-MSH schedule for after 5pm Hem Onc via EPIC
MSH: Heme Malignancy Hospitalist Service8a-5p  Lin, David Hospitalist 0457   
MSH: Solid Tumor Hospitalist Service8a-5p  Bradford, Christopher Hospitalist 0527   
MSH: Neuro-Oncology - Attending8a-5p  Elmore, Kevin Attending 919-612-1093   
MSH: Neuro-Oncology - NP8a-6:30p  Fonseca, Libia NeuroOncology NP 786-380-0816     
MSH - On call Holidays, On call after 5pm, weekends
MSH: Multiple Myeloma, BMT & HemConsult Fellow, Weekend5p-8a  Sastow, Dahniel 1 YR Fellow 917-890-1771  
MSH: Leuk, Lymph&Solid Onc Consults-Fellow, Weekend5p-8a  Siegel, Ariel 2 YR Fellow 332-268-4144    
MSH: Solid Onc Consults - Attending, Weekend5p-8a  Tiersten, Amy Attending (917) 816-7974     
MSH: Multiple Myeloma & BMT - Attending, Weekend5p-8a  Richter, Joshua Attending 917-280-3054   
MSH: Leuk, Lymph and HemeConsults - Attending, Weekend5p-8a  Pollock, Galia Attending 929-715-2097   
MSH: Myeloma CART CRS - Attending, Weekend5p-8a  Rossi, Adriana Attending 347-306-8905   
MSW: Hematology and Oncology Inpatient Fellow8a-5p  Ojo, Ademola 1 YR Fellow 646-984-2120  
MSW: Hematology Consults - Inpatient Attending8a-5p  Rappaport, Fred Attending 914-299-8404   
MSW: Inpatient Oncology Teaching - Attending8a-5p  Kessler, Alaina Attending 347-802-7664   
MSW: Oncology Non-Teaching8a-5p  Kessler, Alaina Attending 347-802-7664   
MSW: Fellow - Weekend5p-8a  Dougherty, Max 2 YR Fellow 929-496-1409    
MSW: Attending - Weekend5p-8a  Kessler, Alaina Attending 347-802-7664   
MSBI: Hematology Consult - Weekday8a-5p  Rappaport, Fred Attending 914-299-8404   
MSBI: Hematology Consult - Weekends5p-8a  Rappaport, Fred Attending 914-299-8404   
MSBI Oncology Emergencies/ Possible Transfers5p-8a  Dougherty, Max 2 YR Fellow 929-496-1409    

***WEEKDAY DIRECT ADMISSIONS*** In addition to contacting the admitting office and the MCR/MAR, please contact:

Team 1-4 (Leukemia/Myeloma/Lymphoma/BMT)

1 - Fellow (if assigned) or Attending


Please contact the fellow on call for the Heme/Onc services

***Inpatient Escalation Path for Teams 1-3 (Leukemia/Myeloma/Lymphoma)***

1 - Intern

2 - Resident

3 - Fellow (if there is a fellow assigned to the service)

4 - Attending

***Inpatient Escalation Path for Team 4 (BMT)***

1 - NP

2 - Fellow (if there is a fellow assigned to the service)

3 - Attending

***Inpatient Escalation Path for Solid Oncology NP Service***

1 - NP

2 - Attending

***Inpatient Escalation Path for Neuro Oncology NP***

1 - NP (M-F, 7-3)

2 - Neuro Oncology Attending

***Inpatient Escalation Path for Sickle Cell Service***

1 - NP (M-F, 7-4:30)

2 - Hematology Consult Fellow

3 - Hematology Consult Attending


1) Return to the main screen and select the 'Internal Medicine Residents - MSSM' schedule

2) Scroll down to 'Specialty Medicine: Oncology Team' to find Oncology Intern & Resident Coverage

Oncology Escalation Pathway Day Shift

***NP Onc***

1. FLP

2. PA (please see above for specified PA assignment)

3. Fellow(please see above for heme malignancy services)

4. Attending

***Heme Onc A/B***

1. FLP

2. PA (please see above for specified PA assignment)

3. Fellow (please see above for heme malignancy services)

4. Attending on Service

5. MCR

***Onc escalation at night after 7pm***

NP Onc Desai

1. FLP

2. Onc Hospitalist (x 4531)


4. Medicine Hospitalist (x 3989)

5. MCR

***Heme/Onc A/B***

1. FLP

2. Fellow on-call

3. Attending on Service

4. MCR

For Hem O - easiest way to get there is by:

Hem Onc via EPIC

Contact if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Dec 27 12:12 2024.   2024 OnCloud  Dec 15 24