Name | | Training | | Contact | Tel | |
Hospitalists ON SERVICE | Gro | Attending | | Hospitalists ON SERVICE | | |
Jiang, Ming | M | PA | | | | |
2124204230 | 21 | Attending | | | | |
:30 | :3 | Attending | | | | |
Abraham, Kristy | KAb | Attending | | 7343586823
| 13852 | |
Agrawal, Veevek | VA | Attending | | 5166989838
| 10301 | |
Ali, Farah | FA | PA | | 917-821-5050
| | |
Altstein, Samuel | SA | Administrator | | | | |
Amin, Shyam | SAm | Attending | | | | |
Ascher, Jonathan | JA | Attending | | 917 226-4413 | | |
Ashley, Philip | PA | PA | | 10781
| | |
Aslanova, Minira | MA | Resident | | | | |
Austin, Amanda | AA | PA | | 13255
| | |
Aybar, Luis | LA | Attending | | | | |
Babu, Benson | BB | Attending | | 5164913713
| | |
Bafuma, Patrick | PB | Locums | | | | |
Bajpayee, Gargi | GB | Attending | | | | |
Baker, Russell | RB | Attending | | 617 869-7292
| | |
Belmonte, Chari | CB | Attending | | 4804528869
| 10397 | |
Benhuri, Daniel | DB | Resident | | 13122
| | |
Boucher, Michael | MB | Locums | | | | |
Bradford, Melissa | MBr | PA | | | | |
Burger, Alfred | AB | Attending | | 9176589628
| 10762 | |
Care, Spiritual 347-899-5488 | SCa | Attending | | 347-899-5488
| | |
Carnavali, Fernando | FCa | Attending | | 917-319-7897
| | |
Chahil, Tina | TC | Attending | | 10641
| | |
Chang, Paul | PC | Attending | | 646-285-7076
| | |
Chaudhri, Fatima | FC | Attending | | | | |
Checo, Kiara | KCh | PA | | | | |
Chen, Flora | FCh | PA | | 201-247-5314
| | |
Chernyavsky, Svetlana | SC | Attending | | 9177760280
| 10232 | |
Chi, Hao | HC | Attending | | 6467258928
| 10227 | |
Chiu, Camay | Chi | Attending | | (917) 854-9529 | | |
Chong, Michelle | MC | Attending | | 626-536-0781
| | |
Choua, Clement | Cho | Attending | | 917-981-9109
| | |
Christophe, Kimberly | KC | Attending | | 203-253-8343
| 13684 | |
Chuang, Philip Ta- Huey | PCu | Attending | | | | |
Culliney, Bruce | BC | Attending | | | | |
Danilov, Tatyana | TD | Attending | | | | |
Day, Jeff | Day | NP | | (917) 406-5826 | | |
De La Hoz, Elaine | ED | Locums | | | | |
Dewar, Robert | RDe | Attending | | | | |
Dharapak, Patricia | PD | Attending | | 6468729307
| 11487 | |
Dordi, Rushad | RDo | Attending | | 716-400-3603
| | |
Duren, Andrew | AD | Attending | | 6123080608
| | |
Eidgah, Mahyar | ME | Attending | | 516-330-0827
| | |
Elias, Harold | HEl | Attending | | 4145300649
| | |
Elmariah, Hesham | HE | Resident | | 201-696-6693
| | |
Eng, Tsz Keung | ETK | Attending | | 5183643014
| 13283 | |
Ernst, Kristina | KE | Attending | | 9175141822
| 10148 | |
Esteves, Maria Lisa | MEs | PA | | 212-420-2840
| | |
Favila, Kristine | KF | Attending | | 3474919953
| 10904 | |
Felder, Benjamin | BF | Attending | | 5204403152
| 13863 | |
Field, Justin | JF | Fellow | | | | |
Fisher, Perry | PF | Attending | | (917) 254-0741 | | |
Fontana, Sefani | SF | Resident | | | | |
Fruchter, David | DF | Attending | | 9178875304
| 13285 | |
Gaikwad, Mrunalini | MG | Attending | | 2013342059
| | |
Gardner, Rachel | RGa | PA | | | | |
Gasper, Justin | JGa | Resident | | | | |
Goldberg, Andrew | AGo | Attending | | 914-582-0045
| | |
Goldberg, Jessica | JG | Attending | | 10136
| | |
Gowda, Ramesh | RG | Attending | | | | |
Grabscheid, Erica | EG | Attending | | 6469323561
| 14849 | |
Gupta, Anjuli | AG | Attending | | | | |
Guyton | Gu | Attending | | 646-770-7951
| | |
Hakim, Shakeeb | SHa | Attending | | 10129
| | |
Harrington, Matthew | MH | Attending | | 7037270249
| 10473 | |
Havrilla, Kristen | KHa | PA | | 13236
| | |
Hershman, Melissa | MHe | Attending | | | | |
Hirsch, Matt | MHi | Attending | | 484-431-0501
| | |
Hon, John | JHo | Attending | | 9175847856
| | |
Horesh, Elan | EH | Fellow | | 954-682-3012
| | |
Horn, Scott | SH | Attending | | 917 414-1620 | | |
Huang | Hua | Attending | | 347 668-2259
| | |
Hui, Jennifer | JH | Attending | | 6462629870
| 10135 | |
Hundert, Samuel | SHu | Attending | | 1462090013
| | |
Hurt | Hur | Attending | | (562) 394-7376 | | |
Ibbara, Grecia | GI | PA | | | | |
Inglesby, Dani | DI | Resident | | 864-704-9645
| | |
Ingram, Angela | AI | Attending | | 702 445-9440 | | |
Iwuaba, Chinazor | CI | Attending | | 205-249-4973
| | |
Jack, David | DJ | PA | | | | |
Jang, Joon | JJ | Attending | | 10152
| | |
Jani, Sonal | SJ | Attending | | | | |
Jeong, Hyeeun | HJ | PA | | 13272
| | |
Jiang, Emily | EJ | PA | | 9176559577
| | |
Jiang, Ming | MJ | PA | | | | |
Jordan, Kevin | KJ | Attending | | 6315138923
| 10733 | |
Kahlon, Balreet | BKa | Attending | | 2483304321
| | |
Kalola, Hena | HK | PA | | | | |
Kam, Lily | LK | Attending | | 917-864-8579
| | |
Kanei, Yumiko | YK | Attending | | | | |
Karingattil, Jerin | JK | Attending | | 9088782260
| 10718 | |
Khazak, Andre | AKh | Attending | | 6099023777
| | |
Klein, Jacquelyn | JKl | Attending | | 6099023777
| | |
Klein, Paula | PK | Attending | | | | |
Kluever, Amy Marie | AK | PA | | | | |
Kothari, Nikhil | NK | Attending | | | | |
Kraskow, Rebecca | RK | PA | | | | |
Krel | Kre | Attending | | 917-977-0343
| | |
Kreps, Alexandra | AKr | Attending | | | | |
Krishnamoorthi, Pooja | PKr | Attending | | 904-600-8699
| | |
La Battaglia, William | WLa | PA | | | | |
Laskova, Violetta | VL | Attending | | 9175454174
| 11641 | |
Leibrandt, Ryan | RL | PA | | 7703105480
| | |
Leiva, Daisy | DLe | Discharge Coordinator | | Cell: 929-637-3215
| | |
Leung, Jenny | JLe | Attending | | 9178681812
| 13850 | |
Li, James | JL | PA | | | | |
Liang, Sally | SL | Attending | | 13231
| | |
Liaw, Bobby | BL | Attending | | | | |
Lin, Meihuan | ML | Attending | | 10061
| 9172320108 | |
Ling, Yiwei | Lin | PA | | 1462013336
| | |
Liu | Liu | Attending | | 646-508-5670
| | |
Lloyd-Latif, Delenn | DL | PA | | | | |
Loney-Walsh, Kurtious | KLo | PA | | | | |
Lopez Gordillo, Katherine | KL | Attending | | | | |
Losty, Brianna | BL | Attending | | 203-768-6480
| | |
Lynn, Leslie | LL | PA | | | | |
Macchiavello, Guido | GM | Attending | | 917-749-9285
| | |
Mahmooth, Zayan | ZM | Attending | | 2405954017
| 14025 | |
Mailloux, Lynn | LM | Attending | | | | |
Mandlebaum, Max | MMa | Resident | | 610-547-1433
| | |
Marcuse, Lara | LMa | Attending | | | | |
Maung, Paul | PM | Attending | | 310-972-1723
| | |
Mayer, Alex | AM | Attending | | | | |
Mazique, Derek | DMa | Attending | | 202-603-4772
| | |
Mecca, Joanna | JM | Attending | | 5514274889
| 10252 | |
Merrill, Eve | Mer | Attending | | 9179934504
| 11887 | |
Mikolasko, Brian | BM | Attending | | (626) 319-5932 | | |
Milcevic, Martina | MMi | Attending | | | | |
Miller, Casey | CMi | PA | | 10098
| | |
Mimken, Charles | CM | Attending | | | | |
Monaghan, Michael | MMo | PA | | 3476687190
| | |
Mondelus, Fabienne | FM | PA | | | | |
Mori, Matt | MMr | Attending | | 646-946-7526
| | |
Movshis, Alexander | AMo | Attending | | | | |
Moyo, Leeroy | LMo | Attending | | 561-312-8478
| | |
Mulloy | Mu | PA | | (516) 317-6602 | | |
Mulloy, Kim | KM | PA | | | | |
Murashka, Katsiaryna | KMu | Attending | | 6464366205
| | |
Mustafa, Ali | AMu | Attending | | 1462094993
| 929-452-1653 | |
NYEE PA Pager | NPA | PA | | 1462013336
| | |
Naik, Roshni | RN | Attending | | | | |
Naoulou, Becky | BN | Attending | | | | |
Narag, Kevin | KN | Attending | | 11502
| | |
Nassar, Diana | DN | Attending | | | | |
Navarro, Pablo | PN | Attending | | | | |
Newman, Isabella | IN | Resident | | | | |
Nguyen, Nina | NN | Fellow | | (504) 352-2303 | | |
Nigalaye, Anjali | AN | Attending | | 7735692313
| 12672 | |
Niyazov, Linda | LN | PA | | 11692
| | |
Ofoche, Obinna | OO | Attending | | 13156
| | |
Oldfield, Justin | JO | Attending | | | | |
Olson, Heather | HO | PA | | | | |
Omar, Ali | AO | Resident | | 13369
| 2014508825 | |
Page, Cameron | CP | Attending | | | | |
Papapietro, Nicholas | NP | Attending | | | | |
Patel, Shamit | SP | Attending | | 9176873279
| 10753 | |
Pierre-Paul | Pie | Attending | | 646 245-6172 | | |
Pillay, Kamana | KP | Attending | | 8452163831
| 845 216 3831 | |
Pina, Christopher | CPi | Attending | | 916-709-9102
| | |
Quamina, Aaron | AQ | Attending | | 10610
| | |
Quentzel, Jeremy | JQ | Attending | | 2038581109
| 10096 | |
Quraishi, Faraz | Qur | Attending | | 2013211074
| | |
Radas, Darko | DRa | Attending | | 917-583-8259
| | |
Rana, Yesha | YR | PA | | 10036
| 980-213-5329 | |
Rastogi, Neelesh | NR | Attending | | | | |
Reddy, Vivek | VR | Attending | | 10124
| | |
Reich, Danya Ellen | DRe | Attending | | 9173040306
| | |
Reimer, Leah | LR | Attending | | 9172736021
| | |
Rempel, Anna | AR | Attending | | 917-531-7778
| | |
Rizk, Dahlia | DR | Attending | | 14020
| 332-259-8006 and 917-903-1863 | |
Rodriguez, Marinell | MR | Attending | | 7874491620
| | |
Rohs, Nicholas | NRo | Attending | | | | |
Rubin, Julietta | JRu | Attending | | | | |
Rubinov, Jason | JR | Attending | | | | |
Saeed, Yassir | YSa | PA | | 914-672-5339
| | |
Samuel, Ossama | OS | Attending | | | | |
Santiago, Ashley | ASa | Discharge Coordinator | | 929-458-4155
| | |
Saperstein, Yair | YS | Attending | | 10731
| | |
Sarmiento, Jessica | JSa | Attending | | 2019653622
| 10230 | |
Schwam, Zachary | ZS | Attending | | | | |
Schwartz, Alexandra | ASc | PA | | | | |
Schwartz, Alex | ASw | Locums | | | | |
Scott, Matthew | MSc | Attending | | 32967
| | |
Seijo, Leslie | LS | Fellow | | 786 942-2866 | | |
Seitaj, Arta | ASe | PA | | 10797
| | |
Shah, Anjan | AS | Attending | | +1 (201) 650-6059
| | |
Shah, Kanval | KS | PA | | 13394
| 3304614900 | |
Shah, Manan | MSa | Attending | | 908-627-3993
| | |
Shah, Ronak | RS | Attending | | 201-650-6062
| | |
Shao, Theresa | TSh | Attending | | | | |
Shapira, Illan | IS | Attending | | | | |
Sharaf, Jake | JSh | Resident | | 954-253-9924
| | |
Shenoy, Aarti | ASH | Attending | | 7164325718
| 13868 | |
Shin, Jason | JS | Attending | | 267-254-8770
| | |
Shin, Tai Ho | TS | Fellow | | | | |
Shinwa, Masih | MSh | Attending | | 1462098292
| 6464606609 | |
Shukla, Anand | Shu | Attending | | 9176697542 | 10048 | |
Shulman, Jonah | Shu | Attending | | (201) 693-3000
| | |
Siau, Evan | ES | Attending | | 9173783317
| 10141 | |
Sirota, Chana | CSi | PA | | | | |
Slackman, Jonas | JSl | PA | | 1462013336
| | |
Smith, Pinar | PS | Fellow | | | | |
Soman, Sandeep | SS | Attending | | | | |
Spina, Chris | CS | Administrator | | 917-880-9526
| | |
Steinberg, Daniel | DS | Attending | | 9173867955
| 10845 | |
Stewart, Sara | SSt | PA | | | | |
Strauss, Michael | Str | Attending | | 917-907-0647
| | |
Sydial, Marissa | MS | PA | | | | |
Taurani, Christopher | CT | Attending | | 11203
| | |
Tawil, Joseph | JT | Attending | | | | |
Tellier | Te | Attending | | 917-504-6128
| | |
Ting | Ti | Attending | | 917-886-5046
| | |
Tricarico, Christopher | CTr | Attending | | 10375
| | |
Truong, Tuyet-Trinh | TT | Attending | | 146209929
| | |
Tsai, James | JTs | Attending | | | | |
Tung, Lena | LT | PA | | 13246
| | |
Vacant | Va | Attending | | | | |
Vega, Roxana | RV | PA | | 11170
| | |
Velasquez, Julissa | JVe | PA | | 12905
| | |
Velazquez, Belinda | BV | Attending | | 10705
| | |
Verzosa, Freddie | FV | Attending | | | | |
Viola, Justine | JV | Attending | | 7186085980
| | |
Wai, James | JW | Attending | | 9178365010
| | |
Warner, Emily | EW | PA | | | | |
Xu, Tao | TX | Attending | | 1462092060
| 3478358422 | |
Yip, Larry | LY | PA | | 646-472-9094
| | |
Yu, Ian | IY | Attending | | 8456410768
| | |
Zakher, Meena | MZ | Attending | | 13360
| | |
Zoghbi, Yasmina | YZ | Resident | | 813-966-9596
| | |
ex, 212-420-2137 202137 or 204614 | 2e | Fellow | | 212-420-2137 ext 202137 or 204614
| | |
flp | fl | Attending | | | | |
lin, lee | ll | Attending | | | | |
lo | lo | Attending | | | | |
williams, natasha | nw | PA | | 12402
| | |
Staff in associated schedules: |
Hospital Medicine- MSBI, NYEEI | NYEEI Medicine Coverage (8a-6p) |
Hospitalization at Home | MSaH Clinician 2 admitting , MSaH Clinician 1 patient rounding |
Infectious Disease - MSBI | NYEEI Medicine-Infectious Disease Consult Days ... |
Medicine Inpatient Front Line Providers FLP - MSBI | Daytime FLP (Team 6,11,14), Daytime FLP (Team 6,11,14) ... |
Psychiatry - MSBI, NYEEI, BHC | NYEEI Medicine-Psychiatry Consult Days, NYEEI Medicine-Psychiatry Consult Nights |
Escalation Pathway - MSBI
1 - Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm: (212)844-1808
2 - After-hours and weekends: Page 18006 (Hospitalist on call)
3 - MSBI Hospital Director of Nursing: (212)420-3910
4 - MSBI Hospital Administrator on Duty: (212)420-3900
Escalation Pathway - NYEEI
1 - Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm: Dr. Sangyoon Shin (267)-254-8770
2 - After hours, weekday: Anesthesia MD on call
3 - Saturday/Sunday: Hospitalist on call
4 - NYEE Deputy CMO: Dr. Scott Horn (646)-629-6036
5 - NYEE Administrator on Duty
MSHS Hospital Transfer Escalation Protocol:
1 - Identify on-call Hospital Medicine Attending (Hospitalist)
2 - Contact covering hospital medicine attending via Epic chat (MSSN uses a pager system not Epic chat)
3 - If no response within 20 min x 2 attempts, contact Hospitalist via cell phone
4 - If no response within 20 min, escalate to either a designated second attending via Epic chat (or pager at MSSN) and start the process again
Contact if you have questions.
Schedule last updated Dec 19 7:43 2024.
2024 (23-25) CQuijano Jun 17 22
