Name | | Training | | Contact | |
1, Intern 408-275-4032 | In | Resident | | 408-275-4032
| |
2, Intern 408-236-0356 | Int | Resident | | 408-236-0356
| |
Abadilla, Natasha | NA | Resident | | | |
Adrees, Amna | AAd | Resident | | | |
Africk, Benjamin | BA | Resident | | | |
Agrawal, Puja | PA | Resident | | | |
Aguilar, Marisela | MA | Resident | | | |
Al-Hassan, Rah-Sha | RA | Resident | | | |
Alcon, Sasha | SAl | Resident | | | |
Alderette, Lauren | LA | Transitional | | | |
Aletty, Karan | KA | Transitional | | | |
Alosh, Humam | HA | Attending | | 408-275-4185
| |
Aluri, Kelly | KAl | Resident | | | |
Arakawa, Christopher | CA | Resident | | | |
Arellano, Eric | EAe | Transitional | | | |
Arruda, Jenna | JA | Resident | | | |
Badin, Dylan | DBa | Transitional | |
| |
Baier, Nicole | NB | Attending | | 408-314-1041
| |
Baisie, Kleshie A | KB | Resident | | | |
Ballinger, Elizabeth | EBa | Resident | | | |
Banerji, Sarah | SB | Resident | | | |
Barsanti, Nicole | NBa | Resident | | | |
Barsh, Gabrielle | GB | Resident | | | |
Bassell, Julia | JBs | Resident | | | |
Bedilu, Lielt | LB | Resident | | | |
Belogolovsky, Esther | EBe | Resident | | | |
Bhattacharya, Dipankan | DBh | Resident | | | |
Birgisson, Natalia | NBi | Resident | | | |
Boelman, Alina | ABe | Resident | | | |
Booth, Cameron | CBo | Transitional | | 142006
| |
Borquez, Alejandro | ABo | Resident | | | |
Boswell, Brittany | BB | Resident | | | |
Brandford, Elena | EB | Resident | | | |
Branley, Nicole | NBr | Resident | | | |
Brassfield, Elizabeth | EBr | Resident | | | |
Caffrey, Jason | JC | Transitional | | | |
Cahill, Chris | CCa | Attending | | 408-316-6181
| |
Campbell, Laura | LC | Resident | | 408-885-5260
| |
Castellanos, Maria | MCa | Resident | | | |
Catania, Russell | RC | Resident | | | |
Chahine, Antonio | ACh | Resident | | | |
Champoux, Katharine | KC | Resident | | | |
Chen, Lauren | LCh | Transitional | | | |
Chen, Rebecca | RCh | Resident | | | |
Cheronis, Chrisoula C | CCh | Resident | | | |
Chi, Kevin | KCh | Resident | | | |
Chi, Victoria | VC | Resident | | | |
Chiang, Alison | ACn | Resident | | | |
Chilakamarri, Lekha | LCi | Resident | | | |
Choudhury, Lamia | LCo | Transitional | | | |
Chow-Parmer, Christopher | CCo | Resident | | | |
Coker, Emily | ECo | Resident | | | |
Compton Deng, Taylor | TCo | Resident | | | |
Congdon, Jayme | JCo | Resident | | | |
Conley, Morgan | MC | Resident | | | |
Contijoch, Eduardo J | EC | Resident | | | |
Cortez, Xavier | XC | Transitional | | | |
Critchlow, Alaina | AC | Resident | | | |
Csortan, Alexandra | ACs | Resident | | | |
Damen, Frederick | FD | Resident | | | |
Dammeyer, Kristen | KD | Resident | | | |
Datta, Sumit | SD | Attending | | 408-236-0389
| |
DeCoste-Lopez, Jennifer | JDe | Resident | | | |
Decoste- Lopez, Jennifer | JD | Resident | | | |
Delgado, Adrian | ADe | Resident | | | |
Dhanani, Sofia | SDh | Resident | | | |
Dhauna, Janeet | JDh | Resident | | | |
Do, Jessica | JDo | Resident | | | |
Doebrich, Adrienne | AD | Resident | | | |
Dominque-Branley, Nicole | ND | Resident | | | |
Dong, Elizabeth | ED | Resident | | | |
Edwards, Ashley | AEd | Resident | | | |
Ekman, John Steven | JE | Resident | | | |
Ellison, Gabe | GE | Resident | | | |
Emeruwa, Ezinne | EEm | Resident | | | |
Evans, Teresa | TE | Resident | | | |
Fernandez, Zolia | ZF | Resident | | | |
Fernando, Amali | AFe | Resident | | | |
Floyd, Brendan | BF | Resident | | | |
Forero, Juan Pablo | JF | Resident | | | |
Frankel, Alexandra | AFr | Transitional | | | |
Fullerton, Clare | CFu | Resident | | | |
Furman, Kara | KF | Resident | |
| |
Garcia Galan, Daphne | DG | Resident | | | |
Garcia, Omar | OG | Transitional | | | |
Garigipati, Priya | PG | Transitional | | | |
Gates, Ryan | RG | Resident | | | |
Gilbert, Megan | MGi | Resident | | | |
Gilbert, Natalie | NG | Resident | | | |
Gollapudi, Anurekha | AGl | Resident | | | |
Goren, Nira | NGo | Resident | | | |
Green, Gabrielle | GG | Resident | | | |
Greenway, Tyler | TG | Resident | | | |
Gutmann, Desiree | DGu | Resident | | | |
Han, Brian | BHa | Resident | | | |
Hansen, Katherine | KHa | Resident | | | |
Harkins, Andrew | AH | Resident | | | |
Helmuth, Katherine | KHe | Resident | | | |
Hendrickson, Troy | TH | Resident | | | |
Hodapp, Joseph | JH | Resident | | | |
Hutchason, Alec | AHu | Transitional | | | |
Iqbal, Mehreen | MIq | Resident | | | |
Ishak Gabra, Magi | MI | Resident | | | |
Jagodinsky, Justin | JJa | Transitional | | | |
Janas, Anna | AJa | Resident | | | |
Jenkins, Teal | TJ | Transitional | | | |
Jenks, Jennifer | JJe | Resident | | | |
Jerman, Catherine | CJ | Transitional | | | |
Johnson, Alexandra N | AJ | Resident | | | |
Joshi, Mihir | MJs | Transitional | | | |
Joshi, Neha | NJ | Resident | | | |
Jr, 408-282-5351 | 4J | Resident | | 408-282-5351
| |
Juan, Aimee | AJu | Resident | | | |
Justin, Claire | CJu | Resident | | | |
Kamal Aldin, Muhtada | MK | Transitional | | | |
Karl, Luke | LKa | Transitional | | | |
Kasinathan, Sivakanthan | SK | Resident | | | |
Katz, Sophia Figueroa | SKa | Resident | | | |
Keehan, Laura | LKe | Resident | | | |
Keni, Prachi | PK | Resident | | | |
Kernie, Catherine | CKe | Resident | | | |
Khan, Abdullah | AK | Resident | | | |
Kim, Yoo Jung | YK | Transitional | | | |
King, Bradley | BKi | Transitional | | | |
Kirkey, Danielle | DK | Resident | | | |
Klein King, Nicole | NK | Resident | | | |
Knihtila, Hanna | HKn | Resident | | | |
Knox, Joseph | JKn | Transitional | | | |
Konvinse, Katherine C | KK | Resident | | | |
Kramer, Natasha | NKr | Resident | | | |
Krissberg, Jill | JKr | Resident | | | |
Kumar, Akash | AKu | Resident | | | |
Kumar, Karan | KKu | Resident | | | |
Lan, YT | YL | Attending | | 408-949-1247
| |
Lau, Calvin | CL | Resident | | | |
Le, Anna | ALe | Resident | | | |
Lee, Debora | DL | Transitional | | | |
Lee, Fu-Shiuan | FL | Resident | | | |
Lee, Ivan | ILe | Resident | | | |
Lee, Lori | LL | Resident | | | |
Lee, Mindy | MLe | Transitional | | | |
Lee, Ming Yeh | ML | Resident | | | |
Lee, Steven | SLe | Transitional | | | |
Lee, Tiffany | TL | Resident | | | |
Lee, Yvonne | YLe | Resident | | | |
Lester, Talia | TLe | Resident | | | |
Levitte, Steven | SL | Resident | | | |
Levy, Rebecca | RL | Resident | | | |
Lim, Tiffany | TLi | Resident | | | |
Lin, Andrew | AL | Transitional | | | |
Lin, Grant L | GL | Resident | | | |
Liu, Megan | MLu | Transitional | | | |
Lloyd, Whitney | WL | Resident | | | |
Lo, Tiffany | TLo | Resident | | | |
Loeffler, Jacob | JLo | Transitional | | | |
Lu, L | LLu | Transitional | | | |
MacDougall, Matthew | MM | Resident | | | |
Mackin, Kathleen | KM | Resident | | | |
Madubata, Chioma | CM | Resident | | | |
Maggi, Alec | AMa | Transitional | | | |
Mai, Daniel | DMi | Resident | | | |
Malamud, Emily | EMa | Resident | | | |
Malladi, Lakshmeeramya | LM | Resident | | | |
Matsumoto, Chika | CMa | Resident | | | |
Maurer, Mikey | MMa | Resident | | | |
McCullough Landsman, Ashley | AM | Resident | | | |
McKeen, Will | WM | Transitional | | | |
Mecozzi, Daniel | DM | Resident | | | |
Mediratta, Rishi | RM | Resident | | | |
Mendoza, Faye G | FM | Resident | | | |
Mendoza, Priscilla | PM | Resident | | | |
Meyer, Brittany | BMe | Resident | | | |
Meyers, Matthew | MMe | Resident | | | |
Michalko, Hanna | HM | Resident | | | |
Mieso, Bethel | BM | Resident | | | |
Miller, Jonathan | JMi | Resident | | | |
Miller, Sean | SMi | Resident | | | |
Mills, Marcos | MMi | Resident | | | |
Mohanty, Amrita | AMo | Transitional | | | |
Monasch, Erika | EMn | Resident | | | |
Montoya, Michael | MMo | Resident | | | |
Moriarty, Jessica | JM | Resident | | | |
Morris, Catherine | CMo | Resident | | | |
Mungal, Myrna | MMu | Resident | | | |
Neu, Matthew | MNe | Resident | | | |
Nguyen, Angela | ANg | Resident | | | |
Nguyen, Clarice | CN | Resident | | | |
Nguyen, Hanh | HN | Resident | | | |
Nguyen, Thuy | TN | Resident | | | |
Niehaus, Annie D | ANe | Resident | | | |
Nik-Ahd, Mahnoosh | MN | Resident | | | |
Nye, Allison | AN | Resident | | | |
O'Hara, Michael | MO | Resident | | | |
Oliphant, Haden | HO | Transitional | | | |
Olsen, Anna Michelle | AO | Resident | | | |
Onishi, Alex | AOn | Resident | | | |
Pal, Ria | RPa | Resident | | | |
Panesar, Paramjyot | PP | Transitional | | | |
Parikh, Aaroh | AP | Resident | | | |
Parvathaneni, Kaushik | KP | Resident | | | |
Paulsen, Kate | KPa | Resident | | | |
Pavitt, Sara | SPa | Resident | | | |
Peinado Fabregat, Maria | MP | Resident | | | |
Pena, Diana | DP | Resident | | | |
Peterson, Rosemary | RP | Resident | | | |
Potu, Chetan | CP | Transitional | | | |
Pu, Kevin | KPu | Resident | | | |
Puranam, Sravanthi | SP | Resident | | | |
Qin, Caroline | CQ | Resident | | | |
Radzinsky, Ethan | ER | Transitional | | | |
Ragheb, Mark | MR | Resident | | | |
Rajapuram, Nikhil | NRa | Resident | | | |
Rallapalli, Sumana | SRa | Resident | | | |
Ramos, Joshua | JRm | Transitional | | | |
Ramos, Juan P | JRa | Resident | | | |
Raney, Catherine | CR | Resident | | | |
Reddy, Adithi Y | ARe | Resident | | | |
Reed, David | DR | Transitional | | | |
Rice, Kerrilynn | KRi | Resident | | | |
Rietcheck, Hope | HR | Transitional | | | |
Rivkin, Lauren | LRi | Resident | | | |
Robbins, Ann | ARo | Resident | | | |
Robison, Alexandra | AR | Resident | | | |
Rodriguez-Gil, Jorge | JRo | Resident | | | |
Rubin, Allie | ARb | Resident | | | |
Sabharwal, Sabhyta | SSa | Transitional | | | |
Saenz, Rebecca | RSa | Resident | | | |
Salazar, Dakota | DSa | Resident | | | |
Salvi, Nicole | NSa | Resident | | | |
Sandoval, Amanda | ASa | Resident | | | |
Sanghavi, Pooja | PS | Resident | | | |
Sarhadi, Kamron | KSa | Transitional | | | |
Saucier, Laura | LS | Resident | | | |
Schildt, Alison | ASc | Resident | | | |
Schoen, Lucy | LSc | Resident | | | |
Schor, Jonathan | JSc | Resident | | | |
Schuler, Adrienne | ASh | Resident | | | |
Seeley, Kylie | KSe | Resident | | | |
Seffens, Angelina | ASe | Resident | | | |
Segal, J. Bradley | JSg | Resident | | | |
Selezneva, Julia | JSe | Resident | | | |
Selling, Sarah | SSe | Resident | | | |
Seminatore, Brandon | BS | Resident | | | |
Sequoia Jacobsen, Jennifer | JSq | Resident | | | |
Sganga, Danielle | DSg | Resident | | | |
Shah, Vrajesh | VSh | Transitional | | | |
Shakir, Mustafa | MSh | Resident | | | |
Sheehan, Jewel | JSh | Resident | | | |
Shen, Christine | CSh | Transitional | | | |
Shevzov-Zebrun, Nina | NS | Resident | | | |
Shin, Danielle | DSh | Resident | | | |
Shope, Margaret | MSo | Resident | | | |
Silverman, Andrew E | ASi | Resident | | | |
Smith, Cynthia | CSm | Resident | | | |
Solomon, Benjamin | BSo | Resident | | | |
Spencer, Dennis | DSp | Resident | | | |
Sr, 408-275-5605 | 4S | Resident | | 408-275-5605
| |
Srivastava, Isha | IS | Resident | | | |
Staudt, David | DS | Resident | | | |
Stewart, Sarah | SS | Resident | | | |
Stone, Juliana | JSt | Resident | | | |
Su, Lilly | LSu | Resident | | | |
Suarez, Cristal | CS | Resident | | | |
Suazo Gladwin, lucas | lS | Transitional | | | |
Tait, Aidan | AT | Resident | | | |
Takasaki, Kaoru | KT | Resident | | | |
Tatro, Grant | GT | Transitional | | | |
Taylor, Anne | ATy | Resident | | | |
Tetri, Laura | LTe | Resident | | | |
Thomas, Caroline | CT | Resident | | | |
Thomas, Portia | PT | Resident | | | |
Thomas, Tito | TT | Transitional | | | |
Toh, James | JTo | Resident | | | |
Toth, Jackson | JT | Resident | | | |
Tran, Stephanie | STr | Resident | | | |
Trans, Wk 408-275-4308 | WT | Resident | | 408-275-4308
| |
Trisno, Stephen L | ST | Resident | | | |
Trope, Lee | LT | Resident | | | |
Tu, Jonathan | JTu | Transitional | | | |
Tull, Christina | CTl | Resident | | | |
Uber, Amanda | AU | Resident | | | |
Umeh, Lisa | LU | Resident | | | |
Van Hentenryck, Maite | MV | Resident | | | |
Vasquez, Taylor | TV | Resident | | | |
Vaughn, Sarah | SVa | Resident | | | |
Vellanki, Sindhu | SV | Resident | | | |
Verscaj, Courtney | CVe | Resident | | | |
Voller, Lindsey | LVo | Transitional | | | |
Vu, James | JV | Transitional | | | |
Vuong, Cassidy | CV | Resident | | | |
Walsh, Rachel | RW | Resident | | | |
Walters, Kelsey M | KW | Resident | | | |
Wang, Abigail | AWa | Transitional | | | |
Was, Adam | AW | Resident | | | |
Weatherly, Jacob | JW | Resident | | | |
Wei, Helen | HW | Resident | | | |
Weissberg, Zoe | ZW | Resident | | | |
Weller, Robert | RWe | Transitional | | | |
Wesp, Brendan | BW | Resident | | | |
Williams, Jordon | JWi | Resident | | | |
Wolstencroft, Paige | PW | Resident | | | |
Wright, Cary | CW | Resident | | | |
Wu, David | DW | Transitional | | | |
Xiong, Katherine | KXi | Resident | | | |
Xu, Kali | KX | Resident | | | |
Yan, Elisabeth | EY | Resident | | | |
Yang, Shirley | SY | Transitional | | | |
Yao, Catherine | CY | Resident | | | |
Yellamilli, Amritha | AY | Resident | | | |
Yeung, Gerald | GY | Transitional | | | |
Yi, Dae Ik | DYi | Transitional | | | |
Yo, Daniel | DYo | Transitional | | | |
Yu, Jeffrey S | JYu | Resident | | | |
Yuh, Clara | CYu | Transitional | | | |
Zagunis, Daniel | DZ | Transitional | | | |
Zahedivash, Aydin | AZ | Resident | | | |
Zeidman, Anna | AZe | Resident | | | |
Zhang, Yoyo | YZ | Resident | | | |
lan, yt | yl | Attending | | | |
Staff in associated schedules: |
Pediatrics-Ward | Night Call Intern, Night Call Junior, Night Call Senior ... |
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Schedule last updated Oct 25 15:19 2024.
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