Who's on    in Mar, 2025           Ultrasound Radiology

Name     Training  Contact Tel  
Call US Department CUTech 212-523-2413212-523-2799 
MSB Call Oncall Tech MCTech Pager TBD  
MSB Tech Onsite MTTech 718-951-2982 Internal ext 2982   
MSBI Tech OnsiteMTeTech 212-420-2411Epic Chat: MSBI Ultrasound Department  
MSH No Tech- ED to Triage, call Rad Res cMSRadiology Resident  212-420-2819Internal Ext 202819 
MSW Tech Onsite MTcTech 212-636-5295 212-523-7088 
MSM Tech Onsite MThTech 212-523-2413212-636-1909 
MSQ Tech Onsite MT Tech 718-267-4253  
MSH Tech Onsite MTOTech 212-241-7431   212-241-7412 
General setupGsTech    
MSB No Tech Onsite - Call Transfer Center MNTech 1800-867-4624  
MSM No Tech- ED to Triage, call Rad Res MN Radiology Resident  212-523-3799 212-523-4219 
MSBI No Tech- ED to Triage, call Rad Res cMRadiology Resident  212-636-3479 or ext 363479  
MSW Tech OnsiteMTnTech 212-523-8013 (US ED)  
MSW Tech Onsite MTsTech 212-523-8013 (US ED)  
MSH Tech Onsite or Rad Res to Triage MTtTech 212-241-7431 or ext 41861 btwn 8p-11p 212-241-7412 
MSH Tech Onsite Night or Rad Res to Triage MTiTech 212-241-7431 or ext 47928 btwn 11p-8a    212-241-7412 
MSQ No Tech Onsite - ED to TriageMNTTech 718-267-4286  
MSW No Tech Onsite- Call Rad Res to TriageMNoRadiology Resident  212-523-3799212-523-4219 

MSH/MSBI/MSM/MSW Ultrasound Escalation Protocol:

1. Contact covering Ultrasound technologist via the contact number provided in the schedule

2. If no response, utilize the site-specific Ultrasound Department Epic Group Chat

3. If no response or N/A, contact the Radiology Resident by site.

4. If no response, escalate to the Site Manager or Lead Tech

Site Contact Numbers:

MSH: Led Tech 347-882-0892; Rad Resident 212-241-1861 (wk) or 212-241-7928

MSBI: Rad Resident: 212-636-3479 or ext: 363479; Graham Stanwicks 347-501-1883; Tyery Mercier 917-751-7824 (if wkend)

MSM: Rad resident: 212-523-3799 or Pager; Carlos Rodriguez Jr. 646-523-7959

MSW: Rad Resident 212-523-7058 or Pager; Serafin Ayllon 646-295-6680

MSQ Ultrasound Escalation Protocol:

1. Contact covering US tech via the contact number provided in the schedule

2. If no response within 1/hr escalate to the Operations Manager Antoine Jones 347-752-1751

MSB Ultrasound Escalation Protocol: 1. Contact covering Ultrasound Technologist via the contact number provided in the schedule

2. If no response, contact Nursing Administrator on duty at 718-951-2700

3. If no response, escalate to the Radiology Administrator Belinda Baril 646-901-3422 or Nuclear Medicine Supervisor Maia Katamidze 917-680-6886

Contact Faith.Mena@mssm.org if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Mar 14 13:59 2025.   2025 (23-25) OnCloud  Feb 27 25
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