Who's on    in Mar, 2025           ANW Leader

Name     Training  Contact Tel  
-, Skyway Vanna Muttin Nutrition917-334-4461917-334-4461 
ANS Admin Nurse SupvNA-use phone number in Amion612-863-4099 
ANW, USE PAGING Social Services   
Ali, Amal Mother Baby612-654-7961858-717-2827 
Alston, Dana Assess & Referral651-338-6015651-338-6015 
Anderson, Hanna CV - Tele612-654-6816612-231-4545 
Anderson, Louise HH 3rd Floor 612-654-0979763-438-6344 
Appleby, Kayla Social Services612-654-5721612-775-3760 
Aries, Kayleigh NOS - MedSurg651-352-5706612-654-1910 
Bakken, Adam Pharmacy612-654-5438715-222-9753 
Baumgardt, Wendy Emergency Dept612-654-7576763-286-2126 
Bekric, Adnan Supply Chain763-245-3510  
Berghoff, Elizabeth Surgical Services612-654-3749651-500-3846 
Berglund, Brian Physician612-654-6473  
Bohlman, Amanda Mother Baby612-654-7880218-207-8205 
Boll, Melody Critical Care - ICU612-654-3829651-252-5989 
Bond-Fey, Cheryl Lab651-308-6884651-308-6884 
Bonk, Ashley NOS - MedSurg612-654-5112763-355-4974 
Bradley, Smith Facilities612-654-5612612-369-3447 
Braulick, Steph Mental Health Services612-654-7269952-250-1026 
Breitbach, Kelly Risk Management612-654-8828612-309-2116 
Burmeister, Courtney Risk Management661-274-7085661-274-7085 
Burns, Louis Facilities952-212-8759952-212-8759 
Butler Murphy, Jacqueline Phlebotomy832-493-5176  
Bw'ombongi, Fred Administrator612-654-4266616-481-5441 
Caldwell, Jen Critical Care - ICU320-249-7545612-654-9747 
Carter, Ellie Infection Control612-654-8889  
Casali,Stephanie Access Center612-271-0617612-271-0617 
Center, Access Lead Access Center612 863-9258  
Charge, Lab Phone LabN/A - use phone to reach Lab Charge 24/7612-863-0543 
Christl, Katie HH 3rd Floor 612-654-1727612-730-3520 
Crocoll, Tracey Mental Health Services612-654-7432651-468-5398 
Custard, Sara NOS - MedSurg763-234-8079612-654-5112 
Datta, Milt Physician612-508-9631612-508-9631 
Dehner, Linda HH 3rd Floor 612-654-5025520-488-5677 
Delmonico, Megan Surgical Services612-654-4229651-303-7564 
Dickson, Steven Emergency Dept612-654-1266  
Dickson, Steven Patient Care Director612-654-1266  
Dispatch, Security SecurityN/A - Use phone to call Dispatch 24/7612-863-5416 
Drake, Kelly Patient Care Director612-654-3878952-210-1074 
Dschg, Medicare Case Mgmt612-863-5314612-863-5314 
EVS Stat Pager EVS612-654-9445612-863-5035 
Eller, Steph Patient Care Director612-654-2976612-432-9551 
Elmquist, Ellie CV - Tele612-654-5000651-336-5804 
Emergency, VAD VADN/A - Use phone to reach on-call 612-916-6638 
Executive, Allina (XOC) Allina Exec612-262-7764612-262-7764 
Ferguson, JoAnn Infection Control612-654-4586  
Furlong, Lucy NOS - MedSurg612-654-9119763-232-9978 
Genzler, Laura Patient Care Director612-654-6818651-356-9234 
Gichana, Geoff - Volun Volunteer/Guest Services612-654-5562651-243-9104 
Gichana, Geoffrey Equipment612-654-5562651-243-9104 
Gichana, Geoffrey Transport - Pt612-654-5562651-243-9104 
Ging, Sean Administrator612-654-6178412-656-6740 
Gjerdingen, Rosemary Supply Chain651-341-2527  
Gleason, Beth Mother Baby612-654-7371952-239-8215 
Gleason, Sean EVS507-338-1102507-338-1102 
Glick, Pam HH 2nd Floor - MHI612-654-2239612-247-3397 
Gray, Natalie Surgical Services612-202-2434  
Grunder, Kyle Administrator952-220-4423952-220-4423 
Gullickson, Kristi Pharmacy612-654-6823763-218-0624 
Hansen, Annette Access Center612-670-4205612-670-4205 
Hanson, Jennifer Mental Health Services612-654-4425  
Hanson, Mark Assess & Referral507-649-1971  
Hayes, Angus EVS763-291-1208763-291-1208 
Henderson, BriAnn Patient Care Director612-654-3174763-221-8169 
Hesse, Rebecca Infection Control612-275-1021612-275-1021 
Hill, Matt Risk Mgmt715-379-2120715-379-2120 
Hrs, After - Chad Snelson Nutrition612-206-4607612-206-4607 
Hume, Lindi Registration651-373-0028  
Huskamp, Randall Parking612-290-9879612-290-9879 
Janssen, Andrea CV - Tele612-654-2328708-743-9592 
Johnson, Tim Lab612-654-3261763-458-6439 
Joos, David Administrator612-654-2455616-540-3016 
Karr, Jeff Parking612-290-2995612-290-2995 
Karssen, Carrie Assess & Referral612-730-2015612-730-2015 
Kehneman, Melicia Assess & Referral612-709-4940612-709-4940 
Kelly, Jamie Surgical Services612-654-2177651-795-1688 
Kerola, Greg HH 3rd Floor 612-654-0740651-208-6003 
King, Allison Surgical Services612-654-4054651-447-1664 
Kirven, Justin Physician612-654-3693  
Klein, Rachel Critical Care - ICU612-654-8548651-387-0032 
Koeppel-Olsen, Carol Administrator612-654-2488612-810-7395 
Kozub, Liz Patient Care Director612-654-0952262-443-0787 
Kroll, Jake Phlebotomy612-810-9069  
Kutina, Kaylee Mental Health Services612-654-4375763-221-5603 
Larsen, Scott Supply Chain651-247-8040  
Larson, Mary Beth Risk Management612-654-2150612-310-5357 
Le Buhn, Michael Spiritual612-654-5034815-953-8365 
Le, Kelsi Mother Baby612-654-8074651-208-0841 
Lead, Equip EquipmentN/A - Use phone to reach Equip Lead 24/7612-863-5728 
Lead, Transport Transport - PtN/A - Use phone to reach Transport Lead 24/7612-863-4499 
Linde, Zach NOS - MedSurg612-654-1240612-251-7157 
Lundberg, Jamie NOS - MedSurg612-654-4846612-965-1585 
Lynch, Cassie NOS - MedSurg612-654-6802612-961-9740 
M-F, Path Days Pathology612-863-4670612-863-4670 
MOD, Nutrition NutritionN/A - Use phone to reach MOD 24/7612-863-9925 
Main, HIM HIMN/A - Use Phone to call - answered 24/7612-262-0500 
Mainu, Andrea NOS - MedSurg612-654-3610608-403-1275 
Martel, Leena Emergency Dept612-654-2821612-237-8559 
Masloski, Carrie Mother Baby612-654-6673651-303-3626 
Mazis, Holly Radiology651-468-1046651-468-1046 
McCoy, Ryan Pharmacy402-995-1932  
McMenimen-Wolfe, Hannah Surgical Services612-654-4054651-329-7099 
Menard, Heidi Patient Care Director612-654-6160952-240-7521 
Mendiola, John Lab612-654-7709952-925-4745 
Mgmt, Case On Call Case Mgmt612-863-1306612-863-1306 
Mgmt, Risk - System (after hours) Risk Management612-262-7580  
Mgr, Emergency On Call Emergency PrepN/A - Use phone to reach On-Duty Emerg Mgr612-262-7764 
Mgr, Materials 24x7 MaterialsN/A - Use phone to reach on call 24/7612-863-4107 
Mielke, Ryan Surgical Services612-801-6402  
Miller, Lindsay Emergency Dept612-654-8639763-238-6562 
Minks, Sara Radiation Oncology612-385-2728612-385-2728 
Mixdorf, Brian Security612-240-0621612-240-0621 
Moitui, Washington NOS - MedSurg551-998-8156612-654-9333 
Morris, Sara NOS - MedSurg612-654-8388763-355-4490 
Morris, Sarah Patient Care Director612-654-8388763-355-4490 
Moy, Jill HH 3rd Floor 763-350-5683763-350-5683 
Nelson, Jennifer Surgical Services612-654-3235612-990-0426 
Noreen, Alicia Risk Management763-286-9727763-286-9727 
O'Laughlin, Dan Administrator612-554-9719  
Office, VAD VADN/A - Use phone to reach VAD office612-863-5638 
On, CEC Call Supervisor CEC SupervisorN/A - Use phone to reach on call 24/7612-262-9846 
On-Call, Chaplain Spiritual612-262-3510  
On-Call, Pathologist PathologyN/A - Call phone number to reach Path On-Call952-939-6699 
OnCall, CES-Biomed CES- BiomedN/A - Use phone to reach on-call 24/7612-262-7500 
Patel, Toral Piper - VPCI612-458-7003  
Paulson, Breanne Surgical Services952-457-8257952-457-8257 
Pavlovec, Matt HH 3rd Floor 612-654-4689952-221-8826 
Peterka, Carrie Radiology612-242-2006  
Peterson, Chad Pharmacy612-654-3146612-865-7796 
Pharmacist, In-House-Lead Pharmacy-Excellian612-654-3990612-863-4266 
Phillips, Lauren CV - Tele612-654-2316651-353-1232 
Picard, Brittany Pharmacy612-654-1648612-280-7075 
Prebil, Sarah Physician612-654-8541  
Prev, Inf -System Infection Control612-510-7454  
Pryor, Rebecca Surgical Services763-442-3118  
Rachut, Heinz Radiology512-608-1230512-608-1230 
Rapheal, Maria Surgical Services612-654-8487651-226-2547 
Redmann, Liz Phlebotomy763-229-6381  
Ross, Monique Surgical Services952-406-2702  
Saathoff, Amanda Safety HAZMAT651-216-3039651-216-3039 
Sandstrom, Jill Radiology651-334-7499651-334-7499 
Schmoyer, Leah Administrator763-218-7797763-218-7797 
Schornstein, Merijo Emergency Dept920-737-3093  
Schultz, Chris Supply Chain612-743-3407  
Seipel, Stephanie Critical Care - ICU612-654-0754651-216-3431 
Senne, Nick Pharmacy612-654-1242507-779-1366 
Sheridan, Heather Administrator612-654-4376612-986-3236 
Sibell, Chris Facilities612-730-2835  
Sigfrinius, Sara Critical Care - ICU612-654-0754651-271-2975 
Sirek, Gregg Radiology952-457-9516612-654-3603 
Smyrski, John Administrator612-654-9631808-223-5826 
Snelson, Kitchen-Chad Nutrition612-206-4607612-206-4607 
Snyder, Michelle Assess & Referral952-855-3897952-855-3897 
Spratt, Kelly Administrator612-654-2569763-477-2545 
Staloch, Courtney Risk Mgmt715-225-9926  
Starkweather, Brandy CV - Tele612-654-1800612-245-9002 
Swearingen, Jessica Pharmacy612-654-7717763-232-1976 
Telecom  TelecomN/A - Call phone - answered 24/7612-262-1900 
Theisen, Maria Surgical Services651-246-7192612-654-3491 
Thoma, Megan Mental Health Services763-213-7634612-654-7432 
Thompson, Trent SecurityCall Security Dispatch 612-863-5416952-210-8513 
Tomfohrde, Roger Facilities651-353-3040651-353-3040 
Trefethren, Steve Facilities612-654-7923612-207-5603 
Tucker, Michael Registration218-940-7715  
Tuenge, KT Assess & Referral612-599-5245  
Tuenge, Kathy Assess & Referral612-899-1898612-599-5245 
Tyberg, Rob HH 3rd Floor 612-654-5090612-296-6639 
Tyberg, Rob Surgical Services612-654-5090612-296-6639 
Ubl, Tena NOS - MedSurg612-654-9934612-483-0406 
Waderich, Steve Facilities952-221-8245952-221-8245 
Wagner, Ray Facilities612-654-0882651-280-9999 
Wallace, Aaron Critical Care - ICU612-654-6289386-503-4910 
Walter, Brielle CV - Tele651-757-5599612-654-5400 
Warner, Eric Critical Care - ICU612-654-6433763-232-2556 
Watson, Jean Physician612-654-8430  
Weldesenbet, Meretu Phlebotomy763-245-6097  
Werner, Camille Lab612-654-6501612-599-6595 
Whynaucht, John Facilities612-654-7160612-581-8317 
Winkler, Merideth HH 3rd Floor 612-654-6433248-672-2786 
Woldemariam, Eyob CV - Tele612-654-7415651-500-7790 
Wolfe, Katie CV - Tele612-654-4018612-207-7754 
Worker, Social - DAYS Social ServicesN/A - Use phone to reach Social Worker on-call612-863-9192 
Worker, Social - Eve Social Services612-654-2616612-863-7796 
Worker, Social - NOC Social ServicesN/A - Use Phone to call for on-call instructions612-863-4392 
Wright, Cheryl NOS - MedSurg612-654-8025952-738-1742 
Yarphel, Yangzom Tenzin Supply Chain612-437-8755  
at, IS ANW IS612-262-1900  

Contact Savana.rhodes@allina.com if you have questions.   Schedule last updated Mar 17 13:31 2025.   2025 (23-25) OnCloud  Feb 27 25
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