Anesthesiology - NYEEI Schedule, 12/1 to 12/31, 2024 (as of 12:52pm Dec 19)
| 1 December | 2 Mo | 3 Tu | 4 We | 5 Th | 6 Fr | 7 Sa |
First call | Guozai Yan | Jonathan Ascher | Lilly Kam | Leah Reimer | Anna Rempel | Leah Reimer | Jonathan Ascher |
Second call | Leah Reimer | Anna Rempel | Scott Horn | Camay Chiu | Russell Baker | Lilly Kam | Guozai Yan |
| 8 Su | 9 Mo | 10 Tu | 11 We | 12 Th | 13 Fr | 14 Sa |
First call | Jonathan Ascher | Camay Chiu | Lilly Kam | Jonathan Ascher | Russell Baker | Scott Horn | Camay Chiu |
Second call | Guozai Yan | Russell Baker | Guozai Yan | Camay Chiu | Leah Reimer | Guozai Yan | Jonathan Ascher |
| 15 Su | 16 Mo | 17 Tu | 18 We | 19 Th  | 20 Fr | 21 Sa |
First call | Camay Chiu | Anna Rempel | Lilly Kam | Jonathan Ascher | Scott Horn | Camay Chiu | Guozai Yan |
Second call | Jonathan Ascher |   | Scott Horn | Camay Chiu | Leah Reimer | Guozai Yan | Russell Baker |
| 22 Su | 23 Mo | 24 Tu | 25 Christmas | 26 Th | 27 Fr | 28 Sa |
First call | Guozai Yan | Russell Baker | Anna Rempel | Anna Rempel | Lilly Kam | Russell Baker | Anna Rempel |
Second call | Russell Baker | Guozai Yan | Jonathan Ascher | Jonathan Ascher | Jonathan Ascher | Anna Rempel | Lilly Kam |
| 29 Su | 30 Mo | 31 Tu | | | | |
First call | Anna Rempel | Leah Reimer | Russell Baker | | | | |
Second call | Lilly Kam | Jonathan Ascher | Scott Horn | | | | |
Contact if you have questions.
Schedule last updated Nov 29 10:01 2024.
2024 (22-24) OnCloud Nov 11 24
Escalation Pathway for Anesthesiology NYEE:
1 - Contact First call Attending
2 - If First call Attending cannot be reached contact Second call Attending
3 - If Second call Attending cannot be reached contact Third call Attending