INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY DOES NOT PERFORM LUMBAR PUNCTURES FOR MSH Lumbar punctures please page Neuroradiology at #3751, MSW - call 23-7058, MSSL - call 23-3799, MSBI please call 44-5740
FOR NEURO-INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY (Strokes, Hemorrhage etc.) For NEURO-IR (IE Stroke, Hemorrhage) please call the Endovascular Fellows listed under the Neurosurgery Amion
24/7 Interventional Radiology Emergency Escalation Path
1)Site Pagers:
MSH IR Pager: #7237
MSW IR Pager: #36481
MSM IR Pager: #31118
MSBI IR Pager: #13215
2)Chief Residents:
Ricki Gottlieb: 516-426-8121
Oluwatoyin Dada: 609-665-0160
3)Primary On-Call Attending listed above
4)Backup On-Call Attending listed above
5)Robert Lookstein (MSHS Interventional Radiology Chair): 917-439-5837
If a patient will be discharged from MSH with a drain in place, please contact IR at 212-241-7409 Monday-Friday 9 AM - 4 PM to arrange outpatient follow-up.